Out of Tower Chat

Alright! I am none to happy to say this but recently my computer charger broke so I have no access to my computer for awhile. That awhile can be anywhere from two days to a week. So I will not be able to post till I can get a new charger (or I borrow my mom's computer).
Azure Sky] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10693-rantos/ said:
@Rantos[/URL] I see you're back. Did you solve your problem?
Well yes and no.

I can go on RpN though IPod, however that's the only medium I have and I can't make an acceptable post using that.

If y'all want to move on a little without me then please, do, I will not get the chance to post till this weekend at the earliest.
But I would hate to keep y'all waiting. I'm sure if you do like one or two posts, passing the Shinsoo barrier, I will be able to catch up.
Yea I'll just put it in a spoiler in case people don't care if don't want to be confused.

I'll get to steppin
I am really looking forward to getting my computer back and finishing up this character. Now that I have so many ideas with the relationship between her and Gallon kukukukukukuku.
Rantos said:
I am really looking forward to getting my computer back and finishing up this character. Now that I have so many ideas with the relationship between her and Gallon kukukukukukuku.
...*fears for Galleon's life*
Just a heads up, Daz won't be exploding inside the tower because it's a different environment than outside of the tower. That's something for later hopefully.

Anywho, how was my first post? Is that how irregulars enter the gates? Just like, opening them? Heh. Sorry I'm kinda hyper right now because finals start tomorrow. Yay me.
Chayliel said:
Just a heads up, Daz won't be exploding inside the tower because it's a different environment than outside of the tower. That's something for later hopefully.
Anywho, how was my first post? Is that how irregulars enter the gates? Just like, opening them? Heh. Sorry I'm kinda hyper right now because finals start tomorrow. Yay me.
Yeah it's good.
Sorry my last post wasnt too good. Long day of finals. Last one tomorrow though, won't take too long.

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