Out of Soul Chat

Ariettie said:
I believe I may be forced to drop this RP. It is far too complex for me, I get no notifications, and real life is being a b!tch to me.
Noooooo! King Arthur is dropping out? There's no need to participate in the event if you're busy. Even if you don't post for a while, you'll just be switch to inactive, so people will know you're too busy to post. That at least means you can jump back in when you're not busy. Dropping out seems more permanent =(

As for the alerts, you won't get any unless you watch all the threads or you've posted at least once in all of them, cause things happen at different places. HP isn't really complicated. It allows for more freedom. Post when you have the time and whenever you want. Events are optional. If you feel like interacting, just find a person who's already posted and post there.

The only thing that's slightly confusing is the time...which I'm treating as very open ended... @DaughterofAthena Is this allowed?

For example, one of Kalin's posts had him walking into the dorm and crying in his room. Even if the concert is going on, is still possible for me to post Jack checking his dorm (if I want to) so long as I make it clear that everything that happened in that scene happened before the concert? This would allow people to jump their characters into scenes and interactions that interest them rather than going at a linear pace.

[QUOTE="o 7 o]so, uh, im not really sure what to say intro-wise other than wow. the amount of work that's been put into this rp is really impressive and i can't wait to get started on making a character, if that's okay!
so, uh, here's an awkward hello from me, and i'm not sure what else to say.. i'm really not used to the format of forums..

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QuirkyAngel said:
Noooooo! King Arthur is dropping out? There's no need to participate in the event if you're busy. Even if you don't post for a while, you'll just be switch to inactive, so people will know you're too busy to post. That at least means you can jump back in when you're not busy. Dropping out seems more permanent =(
As for the alerts, you won't get any unless you watch all the threads or you've posted at least once in all of them, cause things happen at different places. HP isn't really complicated. It allows for more freedom. Post when you have the time and whenever you want. Events are optional. If you feel like interacting, just find a person who's already posted and post there.

The only thing that's slightly confusing is the time...which I'm treating as very open ended... @DaughterofAthena Is this allowed?

For example, one of Kalin's posts had him walking into the dorm and crying in his room. Even if the concert is going on, is still possible for me to post Jack checking his dorm (if I want to) so long as I make it clear that everything that happened in that scene happened before the concert? This would allow people to jump their characters into scenes and interactions that interest them rather than going at a linear pace.

You are correct technically. That is how it is supposed to work. However, to minimize confusion, right now we are STRONGLY encouraging rping at the same time in which everyone else is rping. It would get very messy if Jack and Kalin - when Kalin was crying - made their way to the DWMA Stairway for whatever reason and forgot that the whole scene with Xander and Hiro was happening in the future.
DaughterofAthena said:
You are correct technically. That is how it is supposed to work. However, to minimize confusion, right now we are STRONGLY encouraging rping at the same time in which everyone else is rping. It would get very messy if Jack and Kalin - when Kalin was crying - made their way to the DWMA Stairway for whatever reason and forgot that the whole scene with Xander and Hiro was happening in the future.
*sigh* That's a good point. It would be kind of messy if everyone went back and forth between times. Might be a good idea to start dating posts later. It'll make things less confusing for people coming in, as they might not know what's going on when.

...But, I suppose, that's what the ooc chat's for:)
QuirkyAngel said:
Noooooo! King Arthur is dropping out? There's no need to participate in the event if you're busy. Even if you don't post for a while, you'll just be switch to inactive, so people will know you're too busy to post. That at least means you can jump back in when you're not busy. Dropping out seems more permanent =(
As for the alerts, you won't get any unless you watch all the threads or you've posted at least once in all of them, cause things happen at different places. HP isn't really complicated. It allows for more freedom. Post when you have the time and whenever you want. Events are optional. If you feel like interacting, just find a person who's already posted and post there.

The only thing that's slightly confusing is the time...which I'm treating as very open ended... @DaughterofAthena Is this allowed?

For example, one of Kalin's posts had him walking into the dorm and crying in his room. Even if the concert is going on, is still possible for me to post Jack checking his dorm (if I want to) so long as I make it clear that everything that happened in that scene happened before the concert? This would allow people to jump their characters into scenes and interactions that interest them rather than going at a linear pace.

I've never done a RP like this, and I don't think I like it. There are too many threads, things are happening all over the place, and I can only do so many group RPs at a time, due to lack of updates. Considering my issues with this style of RP, and my inability to follow it, I have no choice but to ether drop it, or have my character run away and live in the woods by the school, as to be of use to my partner when needed.... I could do the second one if you want, but that probably won't blow over well with others... A delusional psychopath, living in the forest, that only shows up when needed, like a disturbing combination of Harley Quin, and Robin.
Ariettie said:
I've never done a RP like this, and I don't think I like it. There are too many threads, things are happening all over the place, and I can only do so many group RPs at a time, due to lack of updates. Considering my issues with this style of RP, and my inability to follow it, I have no choice but to ether drop it, or have my character run away and live in the woods by the school, as to be of use to my partner when needed.... I could do the second one if you want, but that probably won't blow over well with others... A delusional psychopath, living in the forest, that only shows up when needed, like a disturbing combination of Harley Quin, and Robin.
Do what you can. There's no need to follow everything. Right now the main thing everyone's participating is the event. You can have your character go to the concert where the action is. Or not attend and do your own thing, or find some else who's not attending and interact with them =P Ooc chat is available if you're confused.

But if life's got you busy and your rps are piling up, it's understandable. And if you really don't like the style, dropping out is a reasonable option. It's up to you. Forgive me if I sounded too forceful =(

As for having Arthur living in the forest as a delusional psychopath...lol. No comment. I've got no problems with it, since every magical-ish school needs its resident ghost, but I have no idea how the others would feel about that either (^.^)
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this is just my input, but really the only thing you need to pay attention to is what your character is doing. Anything else is meta and not really important. As for the thread hoping its mostly so you dont have 20 players posting in a single thread. it may seem disorganized but actually it helps it A LOT. Its a shame to see you go but you have to do what you feel is good. if you dont like it, you dont like it. Its a shame, but no one will feel bad and neither should you. Hope you enjoyed your time and we will support you as you want us to <3.
OH and i forgot to put, the idea of a date would be epic. Athena could post a date and everyone RPing needs to put that date so we know what time it is. Doesnt need to be fancy, just to keep track of what posts are old and whats happening when like in the case of field training and the concert. Obviously not all the time would we have double posting, but for plot purposes lets people know what pertains to plot and what doesnt.
DaughterofAthena said:
Feel free to ask any questions here in the Out of Soul Chat
so i have two hopefully quick questions to ask:

i know that on the student application thread page, it says that i need to post my application there, but can i post it unfinished and then go back and edit it? also is the final product of that application going to be what's moved to the accepted applicants thread if/when it's accepted?
[QUOTE="o 7 o]so i have two hopefully quick questions to ask:
i know that on the student application thread page, it says that i need to post my application there, but can i post it unfinished and then go back and edit it? also is the final product of that application going to be what's moved to the accepted applicants thread if/when it's accepted?

Yes, you can post a WIP application and then go back and edit it. If you chose to do this, though, it is your job to contact Arkytior when it is finished so that she knows it is finished and can be looked over for approval.

Also, yes. Whatever your post in the application thread looks like will be exactly how it appears in the character thread when accepted.
DaughterofAthena said:
Yes, you can post a WIP application and then go back and edit it. If you chose to do this, though, it is your job to contact Arkytior when it is finished so that she knows it is finished and can be looked over for approval.
Also, yes. Whatever your post in the application thread looks like will be exactly how it appears in the character thread when accepted.
alright, thanks for clearing that up!
Kaine said:
this is just my input, but really the only thing you need to pay attention to is what your character is doing. Anything else is meta and not really important. As for the thread hoping its mostly so you dont have 20 players posting in a single thread. it may seem disorganized but actually it helps it A LOT. Its a shame to see you go but you have to do what you feel is good. if you dont like it, you dont like it. Its a shame, but no one will feel bad and neither should you. Hope you enjoyed your time and we will support you as you want us to <3.
Thank you @Kaine! I appreciate your support.
@Stormborn Targaryen


[QUOTE="Stormborn Targaryen]After making a brief moment of eye contact with Jayce, Malacai immediately dropped Jayce back to the ground. “Hmph. You deserve to be down on the ground.” Malacai spit at the ground next to Jayce, and walked in to join the crowd of people gathered here, with one last look of disgust at Jayce.
“Hmph…” was the sound that came out of Jayce’s mouth as his face once again hit the ground, filling with dirt and grime and all sorts of undesirable things. He pushed himself up off the ground and stood there for a moment, completely having forgotten what he was going to do in the first place. He shrugged and turned, waiting to see if Alessa would show.

Welp. Fair warning. Kalin is about to get uncharacteristically confrontational.
Deadeyelee said:
Figures. Doesn't mean Kalin's not going to do anything about it.
Malacai is the only active 3 Star Meister who's not a teacher... so, yeah.

Also, Jayce will probably claim he deserved it. But it'll be fun regardless. Go for it!
Deadeyelee said:
@Stormborn Targaryen

Welp. Fair warning. Kalin is about to get uncharacteristically confrontational.
I expect nothing less. Jack will be there to help/possibly carry Kalin to the hospital in the event that a physical fight breaks out. I hope it doesn't but, you never know in Death City...
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Deadeyelee said:
Yeah. That's what I'm anticipating. >.>
If an argument breaks out Jack will try to be a peacemaker cause he hates tension. Not sure how well that will turn out. Ella will...hmm...I'm not sure what Ella would do. Depends on what happens I guess. She did say she liked Kalin so that's something...

Deadeyelee said:
I should wait atleast one post. It'd be rude for me to post until the others involved in my post get a chance.
I think @Cephalo is next since both our character's are interacting with Hotaru. Otherwise, If I post Jack, we'll move straight to the concession stand skipping Hotaru's response =(
Violet Obsidian]I am trying to work with [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11919-annodomini/ said:
@AnnoDomini[/URL] on a collab and we are struggling to find a time where we are both online. If we aren't able to figure anything out today, I'll post solo for Jessyka I think... just to get something up there.
Sounds good!

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