Out of Soul Chat

Because I love Game grumps and you seemed like a game grumps fan, but then I realized you probably wouldn't like their type of comedy.

I don't spend much time on Youtube, but when I do it's with Leafy, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, or music. Why wouldn't I like their type of comedy?

Lemme just list down a few then

What's 12 inches long and makes women scream at night?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

What's the difference between an Afghan primary school and a terrorist hide out?

How should I know? I just pilot the drone!

What's the difference between Paul Walker and my computer?

I actually give a fuck when my computer crashes.

How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None. They just sit in front of their computers and bitch about the word 'screw in' because it's triggering them and it's perpetuating rape culture.

I don't understand why Obama has to give his speeches behind bullet proof glass. 

I mean,I know he's black and all, but I doubt he'll shoot anyone.

Some of those are pretty funny.
*makes owo face at being poked*

Hello other person! I'm here because I saw soul eater and I am a major SE fangirl so whyyyyy notttt? 

And because use the group seemed awesome 
*makes owo face at being poked*

Hello other person! I'm here because I saw soul eater and I am a major SE fangirl so whyyyyy notttt? 

And because use the group seemed awesome 

I like you already! 

Let me know if you have any questions and I'm happy to help. I'm probably going to be heading to bed soon, though. 

I may be wrong in this, and if I am I apologize for assuming. However, if your character's name is trying to imply a relationship with Professor Stein from canon, it will not work. The only canon character who exists in this roleplay is Lord Death himself. Everyone else is completely original including teaching staff and villains. 

I may be wrong in this, and if I am I apologize for assuming. However, if your character's name is trying to imply a relationship with Professor Stein from canon, it will not work. The only canon character who exists in this roleplay is Lord Death himself. Everyone else is completely original including teaching staff and villains. 

Really? I thought I had Mac in this earlier, didn't I?
You did. 

We changed it after because having canon characters made it too complicated. And Mac was the only one who had any tie ins to canon characters in the first place. 

Alright. Just wanted to make sure.


Oh nothing. Check Leafy's newer vids. Something might be there. He's lost a bunch of subs the past few days because of some bald guy.


Heyo! Welcome to DWMA! We're in need of more Meisters, if i'm not wrong.

is that in his newest video? Because I may not have seen that yet. Otherwise I've watched every video for the past couple of months.
Ooooooooooooh. #nochin. I definitely didn't read that as 'no chin'. I read that as nochin and immediately read it from my infinite vocabulary of random foreign words. Now I get it.
But that's when you do homework.

Kind of random question for any of you people...

Im trying to think of something to do with this sketch for art stuffs. I have no idea what to do. Suggestions?

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