Out of Soul Chat

DaughterofAthena said:
Nope. I'm here to stay for a while now. Sorry little Hana Duck.
DaughterofAthena said:
*Peeks in to the OOC and waves*
Don't you mean OOSC? OOC is somethin' you get when you're partaking in a RP. This place is where our very souls exist because of how wonderful a place it is, one in which one can call home, so really, this here place out of our homes is more accurately the OOSC, as we're out of our souls that reside at home in order to communicate on off-topic things that we couldn't otherwise know as a topic.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Don't you mean OOSC? OOC is somethin' you get when you're partaking in a RP. This place is where our very souls exist because of how wonderful a place it is, one in which one can call home, so really, this here place out of our homes is more accurately the OOSC, as we're out of our souls that reside at home in order to communicate on off-topic things that we couldn't otherwise know as a topic.

SpicyLickiTung said:
No, my friend, it is not... What's beautiful are the people here that I've come to love, and whose souls in which I've found myself connecting with. Everyone here is beautiful in their own right, a magnificent part of this lovely painting of people. Athena especially, she's the reason for which we're all here like we are, passing the time talking with one another freely as though this place were the only place that matters so long as we're here. Athena's the artist, who has painted the world in which we all love.
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]No, my friend, it is not... What's beautiful are the people here that I've come to love, and whose souls in which I've found myself connecting with. Athena especially, she's the reason for which we're all here like we are, passing the time talking with one another freely as though this place were the only place that matters so long as we're here.

You're right...

QuirkyAngel said:
Quirky-Senpai, please try to be a little more graceful in the way you deliver your messages... What do you thing Onee-Chan would think if she found her rival using such methods of speaking?
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Quirky-Senpai, please try to be a little more graceful in the way you deliver your messages... What do you thing Onee-Chan would think if she found her rival using such methods of speaking?

Hm, I'm not sure^^

DaughterofAthena said:
Go ahead and laugh, Quirky Duck. I'll just sit here, smiling from ear to ear! xD
Your smile brightens my day Mama Duck Queen Athena.
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I tried to clean my room, guys. You're my defense if my mom complains that it's not done.
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Haha. Wait you serious? -runs off-

Glad to know I can rely on my RP partner xD

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