Out-of-Character Chat

must be nice. see mine is the other way around. you feel hungru when youre not. youre hungry when youre bored and you just want to eat all the time. self control works 90% of the time, but it gets tiring craving food all the time.
It's easy for me to resist the temptation of food for one reason and one reason alone.
yeah i tend to not go to buffets. i have a bad habit of eating till im sick =/ wish we could choose how we feel cause i prefer not to eat all the time and i battle with my weight constantly because of it. sigh. first world problems.
Lexielai said:
I think I remember some of you guys saying you were Avatar fans, right?
Haha, well the reason I brought it up is because I'm making an Avatar roleplay, and I was looking for some help with the initial details
I need to finish typing up what I want for my character...I have it. Just needs to be in words on my computer /sigh
Lexielai said:
Haha, well the reason I brought it up is because I'm making an Avatar roleplay, and I was looking for some help with the initial details
If needed, I'd be happy to help. Since I'm finished with finals, I now have personal time.

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