Out-of-Character Chat

I've missed you as well, Blur. Since I have no more responsibilities at school, aside from writing and presenting a speech to my class, I'll be around a lot more often.
I'm suppose to be busy but I don't take care of my studying very well, so i'll be around. Friendly reminder, less than two weeks remain until All-Fiore continues
I don't study either....but I need to tomorrow....for my history final....that technically I shouldn't even be taking... >.>

stupid teacher...
I'm very lazy, even when it comes to studying. It seriously makes me question my current position...

In contrast, I'm almost never lazy when it comes to roleplaying.
Looks like we join the new system. This means Lex doesn't have to be only one who can change stuff and the other mods can do magic now too! :D
Maybe lol

We'll see how it goes. I'll do my best!

after i fail my last final

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