Out-of-Character Chat

"I...need an...adult?"

"I am an adult."


"I only hit you because I have pent up again against your father. ... So take that."

Red Thunder]"I...need an...adult?" "I am an adult." *THWACK* "I only hit you because I have pent up again against your father. ... So take that." *woosh* [/QUOTE] YES!!! [DOUBLEPOST=1432143346 said:


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No, no. I've been resting from my stalking ways. Apparently it is frowned upon :3

But I've been good thank you, what about you Infi-Chan?

I'm okay Stalker-chan~

Just very tired. Didn't get much sleep
Oh dear, that's not good, Infi-Chan should sleep.

I'm very tired as well, but I need to study all the time. My last exam is on the 15 June.. Kill me^-^
My exams are May 28th and 29th and June 1st. Then on June 13th I think it is, I'm retaking the ACT
I want to sleep tomorrow

I want to sleep tomorrow

I want to sleep tomorrow


I'm sleeping

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