Out-of-Character Chat

I only want this school year to end. It's so close, yet so far. Today's presentation brought me one step further to the glory of summer.
Ugh....kmn don't let tomorrow come. I don't need to be worried about hating myself for hurting someone's feeling >.>
Well that sounds like there is excitement happening in the near future!


[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Ugh....kmn don't let tomorrow come. I don't need to be worried about hating myself for hurting someone's feeling >.>

Wow Infi. that escalated quickly
No it's just someone asked me out, and it became apparent very quickly why I shouldn't of said yes. >.>

It's just way too awkward and we talked this morning (the only time we actually see each other) and we're now supposed to be talking tomorrow.

He's nice and all, but it's awkward being around him now, and I hate hurting people's feelings. Unless they deserve it, but he doesn't >.>
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]No it's just someone asked me out, and it became apparent very quickly why I shouldn't of said yes. >.>
It's just way too awkward and we talked this morning (the only time we actually see each other) and we're now supposed to be talking tomorrow.

He's nice and all, but it's awkward being around him now, and I hate hurting people's feelings. Unless they deserve it, but he doesn't >.>

You have two options

1. Get to know him a bit longer and maybe get over the bad stuff

2. Break up now, don't feel bad and lead him on if you know it's not going to work.

It'll be much worse if you lead him on.
A few weeks ago. Finals are coming up and I'm in a bunch of AP stuff and he't not, so we haven't had time to talk, but while finals are closer, I don't have AP anymore, so we've been able to talk a little.

I don't even know. I know it's not going to work, so I know what I need to do, it's just me actually doing it. Two people and him have told me he really likes/cares about me and I feel awful and I don't want to hurt his feelings. Though when we talked this morning I kept telling him I don't know what we should do...so I guess I gave myself an opening... >.>
The best thing that you can do, is to just be honest with him. Tell him how you feel, and tell him what you're thinking (men aren't mind readers lol, and we can be pretty oblivious to clues). Just be honest, and if you don't see the relationship going anywhere then let him know that.
No I know. His own friend told me he's an idiot and can't manage time (which he can't, he kept trying to talk when I was in a conversation with someone, kinda pissed me off)

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow is my point. I just already feel bad and know tomorrow is going to suck
Remember that it hurts more at first to be rejected now, but that's still better than being slowly asphyxiated in the long run. It'll be easier now than later too.

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