Out-of-Character Chat

All you high schoolers out there, never take an art history class. Ever. You have been warned.
I like math.... Our math teacher is... A good buddy, but not so good at teaching math. I hate English (although I do well in it, got 96 on a test I got back today) but it's basically a course based on someone's opinion of something. I love all sciences and I hate geography. Career.... My dad teaches me it... (Kill me now). I really enjoy physical education and I really hate French (only doing it because we do a class trip to Montreal in May). That's basically my school life
Yes, but if we didn't have physics we would still be wheeling around in wagons xD .

Plus computers.

Physics is the study of everything and is the purest science.
You do too, Hero of SAO. You need to know how people did those things in the past, so you know how to do them right today. Ever wonder why we all kiss the same way? Cause it works. Why we breathe the same way? Cause it works.
Physics is the only high school science that I'm not doing, it was either bio or physics and I like bio way more than physics
Yeah but technically you could still breath even if you didn't know how people did it in the past, you could still kiss too, I don't know how it would work out for you but you could still do it, everything started somewhere so technically there's a point where history didn't exist meaning man kind had to do things based on what they thought was right, they did not need a history
Ref you may have been forced to take all your classes but I must tell you that there is not greater pain in the ass than having your father down to your school watching you EVERY.SINGLE.MOVE.
History is still history... But I'd probably like art history being a artist.... I'd probably like musical history as well but that's a totally different story.
All we do is look at ancient art pieces and write essays about them. How do you come up with a thesis for an essay that is just about some random sculpture completely out of the blue? I DONT KNOW GOD DAMN IT, I SIMPLY DONT KNOW
O.o Kirito, you have some sense man! Kudos!

Obsidian. W/o physics. We would be better off. There is a whole part of the universe, that doesn't follow the law of physics. If we give it up now, maybe we may still have chance to be accepted by that part of the stars.


=P You might as well have skipped the year then. NO classes you wanted xD Ouch 
AHHH. BLUR I want to kick you! Random pieces?? Those sculptures have history about them. What life did the artist live. What were the cultural conditions of the time?
The better question is who cares. > :P

On the real though, not even that. We have to just be like this sculpture was made of stone and has composite view and blah blah blah and other dumb shit

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