Out-of-Character Chat

She always had a hunch


my laptop does not seem to like that site

But some of them that I saw were funny x3

Though some seemed a bit lame
Hehe, I remember Mulan.

That's one of my favourite Disney movies :3. 
Hmmm Kirito.

Maybe you could be a Nurse :D . Male Nurses are the best.
lol From what I remembered I think Hercules was a favorite of mine. I need to rewatch it to reaffirm that statement, but Mulan then followed by Mulan II are my fav Disney movies.

I don't celebrate Halloween so I can't help you sorry kirito.
I don't do anything for Halloween, but there are some kids down the hallway who come trick-or-treating at out door, and I gives them candy :3.

My sisters like it though, but they always have obscure customes. Last year my sister wanted the kitchen knife so she could be a psycho. Good thing I was there...
lol, your sister sounds fun, and I'm not going as a male nurse... I was thinking of doing one of the members of Kiss or Eddie Van Halen or Billie Joe Armstrong (Who may be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame this year) but they are all going to cost me a bit of money. And it's not really for trick or treating its for a costume party actually where I'm going to go and play guitar for a bit and get drunk...
only problem is I'm not allowed in with out a costume, I still got lots of time but yeah, I'm stressed and I will have fun Infi cause I'm gonna find a costume one way or another
I probably saved someone... She takes Halloween to seriously. Would've killed someone to make the costume more realistic.

I'm not invited to party's, and I am not so much for getting drunk xD . But have fun Kiri :3.
I'm too uninterested for Halloween.

I'll just by all the candy AFTER it goes on sale at stores :>

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