Out-of-Character Chat

Archdemon said:
That isn't a real Guild.....


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Archdemon said:
I don't know where I want him to go so that's why I'm asking you guys.
Just think of which guild compliments your character the most. You have the wild and reckless bunch, the beauty bunch, the strategy bunch, and the aggressive bunch, and the enigmatic bunch
Tomorrow I'll record me singing the Lumberjack song on Vocaroo and post it here. Because I have no shame lol

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kirito1337 said:
Thats true, but at the end of the day, Raven Tail is known for being dark and mysterious. I think that compliments Drake more than Fairy Tail's loud and out-spoken nature or Lamia Scale's quirky and strategic outlook. Not to mention that both those guilds are VERY familial, their members are very close, while Drake is more of a reserved character. 
Then again, Shin is in Fairy Tail and he's not very social either lol
Wrong. PEI, British Colombia, and Newfoundland are the only ones. Nova Scotia is connected to New Brunswick which is connected to the main land Halifax is one the part of Nova Scotia which is connected to the main land. Newfoundland is a island its self and Victoria, Capital of British Colombia, is on Vancouver Island.
Geography test result:


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I don't see why I need to know the geography of Canada to know where you live.

If you are uncomfortable, you don't have to tell me :P .

I tried not to look at a map :P .
Obscure gaming/meme reference there which originates from this [media]

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I live in Newfoundland. Just wanted to make sure you knew where that was, cause most people don't.. My aunt was in a airport in Alberta and was suppose to pick someone up and the security guard asked where was he coming from. My aunt said Newfoundland. The security guard asked what country was that in. My aunt replied the one your fucking standing in shit head... and this was a guy who worked at a airport... So I sometime just like to ask and see how well people know our country before I tell them exactly where I'm from, so its not that I'm uncomfortable, I just like to see how ignorant some people are...

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