Out of Character Chat

There is a reason I made a point to say you can and will get injured in the digital world. Post traumatic stress could very well result from some of things that’ll happen
This is why you protect yourself in a bubble of denial.

If it's not real it can't hurt you--

Also lol at people thinking Oto was feeling Renzo up. xD I mean...he just kind of grabbed him by the arms so he could stare at his face but hey, that works too. :lenny:
This is why you protect yourself in a bubble of denial.

If it's not real it can't hurt you--

Also lol at people thinking Oto was feeling Renzo up. xD I mean...he just kind of grabbed him by the arms so he could stare at his face but hey, that works too. :lenny:
Will Kieran’s bubble ever be popped? The world may never know...
Will Kieran’s bubble ever be popped? The world may never know...

The way u worded that tho

I honestly...
It reminds me of my philosophy classes where we learned all sorts of different ways men have tried to prove that reality is actually, well, real.
If you're determined to believe that it's not...and you don't believe in God......and you're an idiot.........
I honestly don't know.

I'm curious tho if Arthur will end up in the same conundrum. xD Then again, he has a bit more knowledge on his side when it comes to establishing the limitations of a dream / game. Amy also brought up a great point about the limits of simulation.
I just don't know if the RP will ever care enough to sit him down and be like. Okay kid. Here's the facts.

And then if they return to the real world...I wonder if it will help matters or just confuse the fkk out of him further. xD

I dare Otonashi to try that on Skylie

If only he had seen that knife-throwing act... He'd be v interested
The way u worded that tho

I honestly...
It reminds me of my philosophy classes where we learned all sorts of different ways men have tried to prove that reality is actually, well, real.
If you're determined to believe that it's not...and you don't believe in God......and you're an idiot.........
I honestly don't know.

I'm curious tho if Arthur will end up in the same conundrum. xD Then again, he has a bit more knowledge on his side when it comes to establishing the limitations of a dream / game. Amy also brought up a great point about the limits of simulation.
I just don't know if the RP will ever care enough to sit him down and be like. Okay kid. Here's the facts.

And then if they return to the real world...I wonder if it will help matters or just confuse the fkk out of him further. xD

If only he had seen that knife-throwing act... He'd be v interested

I'm somewhat limited in terms of strategist cause one char is pinned down and the other is a tiny, derpy, purple ball of machismo.

But Amy is going to ask that somebody throw her a knife so that she can maybe hurt this thing enough to get out from under it.

Monodramon is juuuust gonna jump in there, maybe try to claw its eyes out.
KageYuuki KageYuuki Juju Juju QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Kimiwriter Kimiwriter V viska Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot I think that's everyone

Since this will be our first battle all together, do you want to work together to do any strategizing? Maybe if there's certain things people hope to happen (like Mochi Digivolving) we can specify? Idk. Teamwork is kewl tho.

Double Typhoon: A mighty technique in which it performs its "Tiny Twister" alongside Terriermon's "Terrier Tornado".

Kimiwriter Kimiwriter
I don't have any "goals" for the fight, really. I'll just go with the flow :ghostuvu:
I don't think I can even post here till next week, so my involvement might be minimal this time around lol.
I just know Goma will prioritize getting everyone across the river over fighting the big scary nightmare thing

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