Out of Character Chat

his logic and wanted clarification.

It's really straight-forward, honestly. He didn't feel like throwing the knife a fair distance was a solid choice. He would rather wait for a potential use in the future or to hand it off to someone wanting to do something stupid/fool-hardy. I know the cliche hero-finds-the-knife-on-the-ground moment that can't happen because he didn't throw the knife, and honestly, I'm fine with that. I hate those scenes.
Alright well fair enough, you hate cliches.

I hate moments that feel unearned, like maybe trying to have a big leadership moment when you haven't even spoken to most of the group you're trying to order around and are one of the least informed on what's going on.

So I totally get where you're coming from.
Alright well fair enough, you hate cliches.

I hate moments that feel unearned, like maybe trying to have a big leadership moment when you haven't even spoken to most of the group you're trying to order around and are one of the least informed on what's going on.

So I totally get where you're coming from.

If this passive-aggressive attitude is going to go marked in the OOC because you're upset my character didn't do exactly what you wanted him to, I can leave. It's totally an option. I got no tolerance for it.

Isn't it wonderful how things can just E S C A L A T E
Let's not let petty arguments ruin an RP experience, shall we?

Atlantian: if you have your heart set on an outcome, make sure to plan it out with people beforehand. With so many people writing one big story the only thing you can expect is the unexpected. If something wasn't planned then you cannot go after someone for not "doing the thing". Keeping a character consistent can sometimes mean that they do something you would never do or think to be a logical decision. It's these things that keep people 'human' and a story interesting. Instead of being bitter, I encourage you to embrace the detour and find a silver lining. =) Life's too short to let these things bring you down.

Sir Les Paul: It's sad to hear that a spat would be enough to drive you away, but I respect your decision to leave if you do. Nobody likes arguing or defending their character's actions to this extent, but nobody likes people who drop out either <3

now, let's all handle this situation with as much grace as possible. So many RPs get destroyed from fights like this. Let's try to work together in the future if there are any "scenes" or "decisions" we would like. I know Kage (or someone) asked if there was anything in the fight people would like to see happen. Next time that happens, we will make sure to discuss things preferably before they are posted.

:ghostxx: ***please don't see this as an invitation to continue the argument. I would love if this became a thing of the past.*** :ghostxx:

I think I'll post tomorrow.....and finally do something to contribute to the group....
we should give Kage a chance to catch up too OwO
I hate those scenes.

Alright well fair enough, you hate cliches.

I hate moments that feel unearned, like maybe trying to have a big leadership moment when you haven't even spoken to most of the group you're trying to order around and are one of the least informed on what's going on.

So I totally get where you're coming from.

If this passive-aggressive attitude is going to go marked in the OOC because you're upset my character didn't do exactly what you wanted him to, I can leave. It's totally an option. I got no tolerance for it.

I don't think AtlanntianSpy is being passive aggressive. Just sharing dislikes. Tho, tbh, I'm no good at reading online sarcasm. Really can't sense tone =P

On another note, Rin is liable to not do what others want them to just to piss them off. It's in his character description^^
Alright, so I’m at work and can’t really do a ton right now. But I’m going to address this issue over pms
Paul has been removed from this group. Not because of his disagreement with Atlannian but because of his decision to attack me personally. If he wishes to think me incompetent, unfair, and lacking in transparency, then that is his decision and I cannot change that. I have tried to resolve this matter in a peaceful manner but failed to get anywhere.

If anyone is to blame it is myself. I loathe to ever have to kick a player from any of my threads, but I cannot please everyone. Sometimes I have to be the bitch.

Should anyone else decide to step out because of this affair I will not hold it against you. Drama that isn't in character isn't fun. But this is something I've thought all day on and I stand behind my decision to remove this player.

Should anyone wish to see the conversation itself, I will share it with you.
I'm sad to see Paul leave, but not enough to drop the rp.

I don't understand what 'lacking in transparency' means.

That's pretty much the gist of my thoughts. Without context, there's really not much more to say. Hopefully the decision lifts a bit of the burden off your shoulders. Sounds like it was rough.
Yikes... I'm really sorry to see things turn out this way so suddenly. ? Very unfortunate that it got to this point...

But having known you for this long, I trust you handled it the best you could. ><
I mostly just mourn Skylie's one chance at a ship, but I honestly thought it was unfair of Paul to be so harsh just because someone wanted to understand the logic behind his character's actions. You're the GM, and if he decided attacking you was okay, he was wrong. I don't want to see anyone disrespect you when you work so hard to keep this together. I've had my fair share of jackasses that I've had to kick from things; it's not fun, but he was ruining our experience as a whole with his behavior.

I hope you know, Kage, that I at least love and appreciate you, especially since you're the reason I'm here at all. Paul may not see your worth, but I do <3

So, um... I wrote up a post last night where Skylie steals back her knife.... how should I rewrite that so Renzo's not involved anymore...?

And I will admit I'm curious about the conversation but I'm afraid it will make me sad
Oh by the way guys I fell asleep watching Digimon Frontier and woke up at 4:30 am. Then I finished the episode and went back to sleep.

My two hour sleep was filled with dreams of Frontier characters XD

But when I woke up, it felt like I barely slept because I was busy making sure Koji and Takuya didn't die ;~;

Paul has been removed from this group. Not because of his disagreement with Atlannian but because of his decision to attack me personally. If he wishes to think me incompetent, unfair, and lacking in transparency, then that is his decision and I cannot change that. I have tried to resolve this matter in a peaceful manner but failed to get anywhere.
Saw that coming... he seemed rather aggressive. If he was an ass to you then I'm glad he got the boot. I just hope you were wearing cleats at the time >;3
Should anyone else decide to step out because of this affair I will not hold it against you. Drama that isn't in character isn't fun. But this is something I've thought all day on and I stand behind my decision to remove this player.
I've been here this long... you can't get rid of me that easily!!!!!

I mostly just mourn Skylie's one chance at a ship, but I honestly thought it was unfair of Paul to be so harsh just because someone wanted to understand the logic behind his character's actions. You're the GM, and if he decided attacking you was okay, he was wrong. I don't want to see anyone disrespect you when you work so hard to keep this together. I've had my fair share of jackasses that I've had to kick from things; it's not fun, but he was ruining our experience as a whole with his behavior.

I hope you know, Kage, that I at least love and appreciate you, especially since you're the reason I'm here at all. Paul may not see your worth, but I do <3
I could not have said it better.

yes :33:

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