Out of Character Chat

Having more than eight players isn't all that big of a deal aside from the Crest and Spirit issue. My other hosted project, Bound by Blood is rocking thirty-nine characters and thirteen players. xD So actual player/character number isn't the real factor here.
Eeeey hype hype hype

My immediate response is mmm I want water haha #bias
But actually idk a lot about the Warriors / spirits so I don't really know what to be looking for...
I'll have to try and read up on them a bit ;;

As long as players understand there might be some restrictions? Well I think if we could work to find a spirit path for the ninth crest we could be okay
After that players might have to understand theyll have to play other roles
But that could be fun too
Like a villain or antihero heheh

But in the end it's really up to Kage-Sama xD
My immediate response is mmm I want water haha #bias
Ice ties in much more with Gomamon's line, trust me on that one. ;)
As long as players understand there might be some restrictions? Well I think if we could work to find a spirit path for the ninth crest we could be okay
After that players might have to understand they'll have to play other roles
But that could be fun too
Like a villain or antihero
Maybe, yeah.

And everyone will play a villain at least once. I wasn't kidding about player led arcs xD
Yea I know he turns into an ice monster :closedeyescryingfrown:
Which is why I gotta milk the water type as long as I can haha
Is it based on the partner Digimon then or the human??

Yea but someone could join as a more long term villain tho? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yea I know he turns into an ice monster :closedeyescryingfrown:
Which is why I gotta milk the water type as long as I can haha
I mean if you want Keiran suddenly having boobs...

Is it based on the partner Digimon then or the human??
Little bit of both. LIke Keiran and Ravyn were more because of their partners.
The hype is reaalll!

Light feels like an interesting choice for Amy, kind of a contrast with her surface personality but true to her core so it'll tie into her development lately.

On the subject of player count, it's an interesting question. My gut instinct is to keep things flexible, to expect people to drop out or join late and too plan around it rather than expect too much of people, but we're a small group and we've all been here a while, I think we could easily maintain the number we have for a long time.

If we did want to introduce more characters, you could always ask them to make their own lines and ask then just work with them to tweak them into line with your already existing stuff.

I'm kind of attracted to the idea that everything's supposed to be nice and orderly and this time everything's turned to shit. Whatever force pulls the digi destined into the digiworld isn't working right this time and its sort of desperately trying to plug in the gaps with whoever it can find. So there's three fire people, two earth types, one guy is supposed to be light but then halfway through the line starts getting dark evolutions and then there's three people who use some other, archaic method of digivolving that uses dice or something.

Rather than being the nine chosen heroes, we're just whatever was left over and we better goddamn hope we're enough.

I mean if you want Keiran suddenly having boobs...

Little bit of both. LIke Keiran and Ravyn were more because of their partners.

I feel like Keiran would take suddenly having boobs one hundred percent in stride.
If we did want to introduce more characters, you could always ask them to make their own lines and ask then just work with them to tweak them into line with your already existing stuff.
I've always been hesitant on custom made lines. Even though some of the partner Digimon have custom lines (Or will once I'm done tweaking them again. Saw some overlap that wasn't gonna work down the road ><)

Rather than being the nine chosen heroes, we're just whatever was left over and we better goddamn hope we're enough.
Current plan is the force responsible for pulling them in is trying to replicate the stories of old about humans coming to the digital world, pairing with digimon, and restoring balance. There are some obvious hiccups, like Patamon coming from the Server Continent, them not being created specifically for their partner like the original, etc
I mean if you want Keiran suddenly having boobs...


slowly but surely we will turn this into a girlz only rp

I feel like Keiran would take suddenly having boobs one hundred percent in stride.

This guy gets it

In all seriousness I'll have to look at it some more before I can give back something coherent and not totally biased lmao (I remain at work until the end of time but eventually--)
Though my gut instinct says Ice feels a bit cold for Keiran, I also really don't wanna be that guy causing problems eheh ;;
So I'm sure I could work around it if need be

I do kinda like the idea of them being really desperate and sloppy to account for necessary changes in the RP.....but Kage might have extra work trying to keep everyone in line lmao
Ice Line

Might change the last evolution -again- because it still doesn't really work all that well... *grumbles*
May as well give you guys all of them, huh?








*Waits for at least one pic to break*
Yep, broke one xD Fixed
man frontier had some of the sweetest designs of all the series.

Seeing those picture I distinctly recall having a massive crush on the wind spirit as a kid.
These are the higher evolutions from frontier whereas all our starters are from earlier seasons. A lot of the digimon seasons were made by different studios and have different continuities so you have to tinker a bit to get them to play nicely together.
What do you mean by the evolutions not working? Aren't they from the show?
Eh... Ice didn't really get a third Evolution from what I can even remember. The one according to the wiki is Daipenmon which... is easily one of the dumbest Digimon I've seen. >< It also doesn't really have any abilities other than thwacking shit with the popsicles it carries. Ancient Megatheriumon doesn't really play into the theme of human, beast, then hybrid spirit.
Wait I thought this was a completely different thing cause it's the humans transforming?
Yep, it'll be the humans turning into the Digimon. Spirit Evolution is what Frontier called it. I think a chunk of the third form evolutions cropped up in games rather than the show though.
I'll continue spamming my own thread by saying the Partner page just got a decent sized update! All the pictures now have transparent backgrounds (I'll admit some of the edits are sloppy, but I didn't feel like getting my tablet out) so now they're consistent. And I also fixed one evolution line in the event this gets opened up once more.
Aah they're so cute :3
I might be in the minority thinking that, I never want them to evolve, they should just stay small and cute forever---
where Pretz and Otonashi have very very different views on things lmao

But lmfao the fucking penguin
If Otonashi wouldn't kill me in my sleep I'm almost tempted to say yes
Go with it
But yeah I sorta see what you mean. The other lines have more human forms while ice is like...furry to furrier lmao
I think they got away with it cause the ice user was a little kid in the anime? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but it might be weird here idk
I'm sure Kage-Sama has spent countless hours pouring over the wiki so idk if I could add anything to help, but I'll try if I ever got a hot sec.
TBH I'm not sure if Darya will be happy with Lightning too...mostly because it seems to be based on a bug xD

If anything tho it seems like this is all in the distant future, so we have some time to figure it out...?
Yeah, I think Chackmon is a little polar bear because the human was this little kid. Annoying, but... what can you do? I might try to find something more humanoid. But... humanoid and champion level... might be a tall order >>

TBH I'm not sure if Darya will be happy with Lightning too...mostly because it seems to be based on a bug xD
Oh she'll be far from happy about it xD At the same time, kinda makes it funny. (Almost wish she was paired with Tentomon or Wormmon)
I mean some lines from the Olympos XII are also easily viable over the Warrior Ten. Others... need a lot of tweaking and or just connecting dots to make a line altogether.

Dianamon (Artemis): Lekismon -> Crescemon -> Dianamon

Vulcanusmon (Hephaestus): Musyamon -> Asuramon -> Vulcanusmon

Jupitermon (Zeus): Aegiomon -> Aegiochusmon: Holy Mode -> Jupitermon

Apollomon (Apollo): Firamon -> Flaremon -> Apollomon

Plutomon (Hades): Dobermon -> Cerberusmon: Jinrou Mode -> Plutomon

Who needs tweaking/is just kinda hopeless?
Bacchusmon (Dionysus), Ceresmon(Demeter), Junomon(Hera), Marsmon(Ares), Mercurymon(Hermes), Minervamon(Athena), Neptunemon(Poseidon), and Venusmon(Aphrodite)
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Also, if we could, perhaps, spoiler tag all the pictures next time around, my piss poor internet connection would be eternally grateful XD

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