Out Of Character Chat

[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]And will we being getting the one week training period before the games after being reaped? Sorry for so many questions.

I'm changing it. The reaping is the next day in RP, and the training period will most likely last three days or less, depending on whether a time skip is needed or not.
It seems like a huge coincidence but it happens. Kinda. Idk well just ignore the chances of it happening and roll with it I guess?
The best parts of a rp happen before the action. I say we don't have a timeskip for the training, to build characters
"Just roll with it." I don't even want to argue. But people are going to die. Characters have to die. Its the hunger games. Not the "friendship and love and happiness" games. @Sunstone
I realize people are going to die, but oak doesn't, he's rejecting it. It's part of his character I'm fully aware of what oak is doing and I'm building character that way, he'll catch on eventually.
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MidnightStar said:
Skylar, Jack, Oak, and everyone else with the studied the games the entire night. Jack had walked to her street and from there she walked alone. They had learned about some of the hunger games. She had explained to the most of how everything worked, the reaping, training, arena, ect. She felt bad that some wanted to volunteer for her but she could do anything about it. When she got home her parents laid in the living room passed out drunk. They wouldn't miss her if she was gone anyway. She puts on her pj and heads to bed her thoughts thinking about the reaping.
You meant Jake, right? And that's powerplaying, unless @DarknessWithin told you that she wanted her character to do that.
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MidnightStar said:
yeah I meant Jake. I didn't think it would be a big deal but I can just delete that part. My bad. @S n o w
I would rather you didn't move my character without warning me first,but since there isn't anything of importance in that scene it's okay.

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