Out of Character Chat

TenaciousTinkerer said:
Thats the issue I had when I was picking the ones i'm designing currently that I'm gonna plop in.
Actually I should check real quick, do I need to check in with you at all for applying two pokemon at once or am I fine to just drop them in without much issues? They're both not legendaries nor starters, but since they both sorta lack gijinka designs, i'm currently drawing them.
You can have up to two pokemon without having to post a writing sample. The maximum amount for now is 3, but in order to have three you have to submit a writing sample to me through direct conversation. Since your drawing them, may I ask which pokemon they are so I can put in a reservation just in case it takes more than a few hours? Also, might I just say I think it's fantastic that you are drawing them! Completely off-topic- Well, not completely- but what kind of stuff do you draw?

SerenityAngel said:
I'm currently working on my intro for my three right now.
@Shortcake why not try Lugia? True it's kind of a legendary but not really anymore since the new regions, but just an idea.
I would try another legendary... But unfortunately that's against the rules


Currently right now I'm looking into doing either shiny furret, cause it's my signature pokemon, squirtle (this one or this one) cause I feel like that would be fun and I don't have any boy characters atm, or garchomp, for the same reason as squirtle. But I'm really just not sure because there's so many options to choose from! I hate myself for making so many stupid rules TT^TT

IG42 said:
I'm giving Mega Houndoom a shot btw, ok if i fire one of my more badass posts to you @Shortcake?
Badass posts are my favorite. I'm gonna put Houndoom for Dark, is that a'ight with you?
KageYuuki said:
I won't lie, I'm half tempted to try for Xerneas . . .
We definitely do need Xerneas ASAP. Xerneas should be relatively similar to your Ninetails character, in that she is older and wiser. Other than that, feel free to create her however you like. I tend to have a take-over complex in that I want to tell you exactly how to do something if it's part of my roleplay. I need to get over that, so if I make any suggestions on how to make Xerneas in terms of anything other than the basic format that is used for all characters. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IGNORE ME.

Mitchs98 said:
I'm saving this picture for forever. It is beautiful.
Alright, well what kind of samples would you like PM'd to you? I've already got a couple ideas brewing for this character. (Amazing what ideas can crop up from artwork)

Pre granting Nomemon their powers, creating the mega stones, etc




Not that it changed her personality or anything, just such a massive outpouring of her power took its toll
KageYuuki said:
That . . . that's friggin' terrifying . . . ( :o )
Ain't it tho.

Shortcake said:
We definitely do need Xerneas ASAP. Xerneas should be relatively similar to your Ninetails character, in that she is older and wiser. Other than that, feel free to create her however you like. I tend to have a take-over complex in that I want to tell you exactly how to do something if it's part of my roleplay. I need to get over that, so if I make any suggestions on how to make Xerneas in terms of anything other than the basic format that is used for all characters. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IGNORE ME.
I'm saving this picture for forever. It is beautiful.
I'm making it my new sig pic tbh
KageYuuki said:
Alright, well what kind of samples would you like PM'd to you? I've already got a couple ideas brewing for this character. (Amazing what ideas can crop up from artwork)
Pre granting Nomemon their powers, creating the mega stones, etc




Not that it changed her personality or anything, just such a massive outpouring of her power took its toll
That... That is actually a really good idea :o I thought of doing something similar to that in the very beginning, but my idea was kinda stupid in that she just turned back into a tree for a while. Yours is much better, because she remains in Nomeman form, which makes sense and lines up with the story almost perfectly. Yes. This will do.

As for writing samples, you can use a post from a previous rp you've been in, and it can be sent to me through conversation.
theunderwolf said:
*totally doesn't instantly look*
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Shortcake said:
Since your drawing them, may I ask which pokemon they are so I can put in a reservation just in case it takes more than a few hours? Also, might I just say I think it's fantastic that you are drawing them! Completely off-topic- Well, not completely- but what kind of stuff do you draw?
Wailord and Shuckle

I generally draw characters, namely my own characters compared to ones by others or ones in shows or movies and the like, but it all comes down to whats fun to draw.
TenaciousTinkerer said:
Wailord and Shuckle
I generally draw characters, namely my own characters compared to ones by others or ones in shows or movies and the like, but it all comes down to whats fun to draw.
I just came up with an awesome idea, almost as awesome as TenaciousTinkerer's drawing but not even close to as amazing. You all should totally help me decide on which character to make, cause right now I'm too indecisive to develop the intelligence to pick for myself.

shiny furret

squirtle (this one or this one)

or garchomp(no mega-evolution)
@theunderwolf[/URL]. Could I make Gardevoir- would that count as the Psychic Type Mega-Evolution? Also, if I could make Groudon as well, I would love that. I can PM you a writing sample, @Shortcake!
You're obviously on top of things. I can tell you've looked around at this thread a lot. Therefore; I shall put up both of those reservations for you, though if you could still send me a reservation, it'd be greatly appreciated!

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