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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

I can pull my character away from Daniel and throw her towards Annabel, if you can tell me the location of her so I can just send my character right there. (If you are ok with that.) @Daniel reaver
I wonder how I should start/join into the RP...any suggestions? or things that I should do when I do?? ( O.o )(:3)
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]is there by chance sign up room?

Hah guess what

Bael's still around

I'm so bored... Sorry for the long absence not that anyone should care, since Bael's so asocial and such a cold-hearted jerk :b
Very bored. Very invested in other roleplays too. Got a couple great ones running at the moment!

Buh-bye. Bael is out; he was never a good for. Just needed to make him formally go home.

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