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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

Lowan's state of relaxation was broken when a girl entered the room, she was definitely his roommate. The look on her face told him she was surprised to find him here, just as he was surprised earlier, maybe the school made a mistake? Or maybe this was fully intended? It didn't matter too much in the end. Although opposite gender roommates was certainly strange.

After the surprise left her features she introduced herself in a very friendly manner, he swore her smile was also infectious. The first good thing that had happened since he got here, at least his roommate seemed nice enough, hopefully she wasn't the overly-talkative type of friendly...

"Um... Hi, I'm Lowan." He answered back in a rather mundane manner, keeping his eyes trained on the floor, not wanting any unecessary words.
Holly jumped onto her bed and looked at Lowan. "So I'm gonna set some ground rules. Number 1: When we change one of us goes into the bathroom and the other changes in the bedroom, Number 2: If you bother me while I'm making a very detailed painting you will be sorry, and Number 3: Lets try to get along and be friends." Holly explained to Lowan happily.

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I walked outside and grabbed a bottle of water from a vending machine. I held my breath so when I took a drink my breaths icy touch wouldn't freeze it. I stuck the bottle in my bag then went up to my dorm. I must have got my own dorm and was bored as always. So I simply got up snuck into one of the empty classes and played my violin pulling the bow across the intricate strings beautifully.
Avril looked at the girl weird, cocking her head and halted the animal that was carrying her. She gave a shrug at the girl that meant: 'Sorry, I really can't help you' and Europa ran down the hallway. Avril was sorry for the girl, she really is but Avril is not able to teach actual magic if the student's magic didn't match hers and she doubted any one of the students here would practice the dark arts. She guessed she should patrol the girls dorm, watching out for anyone that's looking for trouble. Avril used to have a room here, with a roommate, for three years. But ever since her graduation, she's been treated more of a teacher than a student and was given her own private quarters.

Avril was looking everywhere, scanning through her hair, the colour black like raven-wings. Many don't know her full name but all know well that Morte, can never be a good sign. Europa purred slightly as they walked down the halls, satisfied that not much ruckus is being caused.
Lowan just shrugged at the rules Holly set before him, normally he wouldn't like to be told what to do, but he mostly agreed with rules the first rule, and rule 2 really didn't apply since he would never bother her. Hopefully she would be artsy often enough so that she'd never bother him. However, the third rule was a slight issue, friends? He certainly wasn't looking to make friends... Hopefully she wasn't going to try and be overly friendly in those regards, although he almost suspected that she didn't fully plan on it judging by the way she said 'try'. Maybe she wasn't expecting to actually make friends with him? That would be better...

Regardless of her words, she said each one beaming with happiness, it was both annoying and endearing, he would either grow to hate it or love it-Lowan was sure of that. Noticing she had finished speaking, Lowan proceeded to collapse face-first onto the bed and simply relax.
Dakota looked around after hearing a rustle in the grass, she was sure she was alone. She didnt really feel like mingling with these people. She looked around a little more and shrugged, settling down to read her book again.
(Sorry, I've been super busy!) The girl ended up wandering the hallways after leaving her dorm room, not caring about her tattoos showing. She wandered the halls and accidentally bumped into someone. (@GiannaCoco)

She frantically apologised as a large blush grew on her cheeks.
Avril looked casually at the girl who bumped with her, unsure whether to scowl or accept her apology. "Emilia, you should really watch where you're goin'" Avril spoke, blankly looking at the girl as Europa the leopard, had a sniff. "Anyway, I'm sure we haven't met" she commented, wondering if the girl would run away if she knew the person she was talking to was "Death's Daughter".
She looked down at the leopard and smiled. "She's beautiful. And no, we haven't. May I please know your name." She held out a hand, hoping she didn't offend the woman. Her blush dissipated as Avril had spoken to her rather calmly. "I am usually clumsy. My head is usually all over the place."
Dakota stared up at the entrance of the school, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to include herself in the schools activities... but then again what of "it" happened again, she didn't want to cause a ruckus, the moment with the table was enough for her, even then she was only a little agitated. Dakota continued to sit on the grass in a sort of daze. For once actually ignoring her book.
"Understandable and a beauty she is, Emilia" Avril spoke, agreeing with Emilia. Avril accepted the hand, her cold fingers meeting with Emilia's palm. "Avril" she spoke her name before continuing, "or as I go by in this school, Death's Daughter." Avril said, calmly mentioning her title, although to be quite honest, she was disturbed that this girl haven't heard of her.
"Avril, isn't that French for April? Death's Daughter...interesting. Oh! If you're wondering why I haven't heard of you, is because I've lived a rather sheltered life. Apologies for that." She used her free hand to tug at her white braid, and by accident her hand brushed against the wing tattoos at her back. They sprung from the skin, making her cringe. She hoped that Avril would not be freaked out by them, even though she didn't seem to be easily disturbed by a lot.
Avril withdraw her hand. "Ah, yes. I'm French" she replied curtly, happy to see someone knows their French. Her brown eyes slightly flicked at the sight of the wings but she remained a calm look. "I'm impressed with your...." Avril paused, searching for the right word. "Gift" she finished.
As she sat, anxious about if she should enter or not the tree behind her began to shake violently. She let out a gasp and tried to get away hoping no-one would notice. But her panic made it worse, as she walked what ever was around her shook even few of the smaller objects slide around. This isn't good she thought to herself, she ran now trying to find a place she could calm down
elissia started to walk, people backed away and after a few minutes she ran into avril "there you are did you see anyone enter my dorm?"
He tried to relax, oh he tried. But it was impossible in this environment, it wasn't what he was used to at all! He slept easier on the cold wooden floor of his previous cage than he did on these fluffy school beds, decding to catch some air he left the dorm room with his roommate still within, maybe he could just... Ugh, his arms... They were so sore! Constantly oppressing the beast within only seemed to inflict physical pain on his arms, maybe because he only ever thought it was limited to his arms until days ago... Regardless, he needed to get to someplace very secluded for five minutes, just to let them breath... But where was secluded in a school filled with other magical students?

Lowan sighed as he paced around the school trying to find somewhere, anywhere that was devoid of life. Was privacy so hard to come by in this place? Constantly staring at the floor he didn't make eye contact with anyone and began pacing more frantically, his arms were really sore now, they were going to burst if he couldn't find somewhere!
"Gift? I g-guess you could call it that...but it's more of a curse at times. My grandmother used to hate it when this happened. S-She used to...but it is all in the past." For a few seconds the seemingly cheerful girl's expression dampened, almost looking depressed. She hid it well, even though it had been seen.
"Not that I'm aware of, Elissia" Avril replied curtly to the killer Vath. "A problem?" she inquired coolly, hands shoved in the pockets of her black denim jeans, still facing Emilia, "Ah, a common life we both have..." Avril commented.
(Politely wondering, what sexuality is you character?)

"Common? It seems we do." She didn't tuck her wings away, it took a large amount of energy to do so.

"I find it highly annoying when my hand brushes against something, especially my tattoos."
Cavan was calmly walking towards the school grounds, trying to organise his thoughts as usual when he bumped into the girl from the class earlier.

"Ah...it's good seeing you again Dakota, how did the defence thing with your powers go?"

Suddenly a small object whizzed past her and broke one on the windows

"Oh no!" What on earth am I going to do now! She thought. She found a place to hide until it blew over. She curled up with her face on her hands.

She looked up when she heard a voice. It was her partner from before. This wasn't a good time she thought. Had he saw what happened she wondered?
(She's Bi)

Avril gave the girl one of her grins. "And I would assume you have the power to animate?" Avril asked, "A nice ability that is" she commented slightly, sighing as she have to stop Europa from annoyingly sniffing Emilia's clothing.
"Oh dear...are you the one who broke that window with that object?" Cavan asked her, seeing how she looked nervous and it looked like she wanted to be alone but he really wanted to help her.
"W-who me? No, I don't have any useful powers remember? I was just uhm...reading!" She went to reach for her book but realised she must have left it on the grass earlier. "Damn it" she mumbled to herself.
(So is my character...*smirks*)

She giggled slightly at Europa and kept resisting the urge to scratch her behind the ears. "I do. It's fun to play pranks on people with the doll moving and creeping them out." She grins mischievously, with an adorable glint to her lavender orbs. "By the way, I really like you hair...it's pretty..."

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