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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"i and manipulator ,i word with telekinetic and telecommunications to , i work mostly with my mind basically"
"That must be interesting. With luck I'll someday figure out how to make the flight power work for others. You're powers must be fascinating to explore. Want to give a demonstration?"
Zs'kar exited the dorms and walked down the hallways and noticed there were no students. "Quiet, for a school." he noted in his head, "I cannot wait until I see the powers of the other students." he ecstatically thought to himself.
Freya finished unpacking her suitcase in her otherwise empty dorm room. It was difficult trying to make such a bland room homey, but she had done her best. Random letters from her pen pal were hung on the walls of the room, along with spare sketches and sheet music. On her desk in the corner, she put her stack of books and journals. Finally satisfied, Freya sighed. She wasn't ready to go back to school, not really. Her mind was still in summer mode. Giving in to her responsibilities, she picked up her satchel filled with notebooks and textbooks, and walked out into the hall.
"first day of my second year", Kuroko thought to himself as he walked through the gates to the high school when he heard so,e one crying and people laughing. he entered the gates in a hurry just as a girl ran past him,crying. he took one look and decided to first see of there was a basketball club opening, as he was the undefeated ace player, Kuroko Tetsuya. He walked over to the club area and found the basketball club forms amd filled it out receiving whispers of awe from the 1st years who were walking around the clubs. He then walked over to the B-wing of the boys dorm and began organizing his room for his tastes.
Freya skidded through the hallways, stopping only to check room numbers. She was determined not to get lost...and be late...again.
Zs'kar walked towards a hall full of people. "I guess this is more livelier than the last place." he thought to himself. He turned invisible and De-materialized himself to avoid any attention being attracted towards him, he could also find out information without having to ask.

Anos sat in his classroom with Pangur curled up in his lap. He had just finished cleaning and organizing it, ready for the next time class started.

Taking the moment to relax, he pulled the hat from his head as well as his mask, and sat back in his rolling chair lazily. So far his students had shown potential, but he didn't have very many talkative ones it seemed. At least, the ones who actually attended class.

After a few minutes of sitting in the restive state, he placed Pangur onto the table and put his mask back on; a pointless movement to remove it in the first place when he knew he would get bored. Anos left his classroom with Pangur standing guard, heading to the cafeteria to grab himself a drink. He did just that, grabbing a drink and leaving the area as quick as he came.

Spinning the top off of his drink, he sauntered down the hall with an obvious bored expression. Unamused by the lack of excitement he had found among the walls.

He kept an eye out for certain trouble-prone students he had been warned about; though, he was sure most of the students were busy settling into the school.

"Tch.." The sound escaped his mouth just after taking a swallow of the bottled liquid. It wasn't what he was expecting-- he had grabbed the wrong flavor again. He quickly closed the lid and huffed, pondering whether he should go sleep, or try to help a few of the newer students around.

Dylan smiled and pulled a wraper from her pocket and it turned into a small bird it chirped and turned into a chocolate and she handed it to the girl with a grin" thats h ust some little stuff "

It was really hard keeping a form of a ghost, just to search for this Lowan boy. Maybe Avril should just face Elissia and take her down. No, Death would definitely disagree. She couldn't do that, now she felt wrong leaving Emilia but technically she didn't. Aware of the stares she's been getting, floating around, searching for the boy had been boring and she thought why the announcement didn't work. Many of the students, unsurprised by Avril's current nature simply passed through her before running off to the washrooms. Bored, she decided to look around the dorms, checking a few rooms and the students there.
Freya pressed her back into a wall to let a particularly large group of students pass, looking at her feet. She didn't make any eye contact, and let part of her hair fall in front of her face. She could feel the eyes on her, but there was nothing she could do about it.
Zs'kar's purple aura intensified. "There's a ghost nearby.." he noted. "It looks like Intangibility isn't exclusive to Ectoplasmie." he murmured to himself. He moved back into the hall to look at the many activities they have. "There's got to be something fun to do out of all of these." he thought to himself.
"second year of high school, here we go...." thought Kuroko as he entered the school gates. he began to spin his favorite basketball on his fingers as he walked to his dorm, receiving stares of awe as the other students stared st the ace player as he walked. finding this irritating he used his super speed to his dorm, organized it and made it to the bulletin board to check his class. "class 4, ok what time is it?" he asked himself and checked the time. Being late for days meant that he was still getting used to things, so he sped to his room to grab his bag and changed into his school uniform, then walked to the class 4 classroom.
"Thank you." Lily says with a grateful smile then blurts out, "Did you just kill the bird? Or was the bird never really alive to begin with." She blushes profusely at her question.
walking down the hallway, Kuroko noticed that someone was sneaking around invisibly and felt an urge to find out who it was, so he looked out into the hallway only to see nobody there, but he was certain that someone was there, so he activated his ability to see the invisible and spotted a grey haired gu wearing some sort of black coat. he called out, "hey there! what are you doing?!
"huh never thought of it like that um well its nota fake bird i could make more and they would live , breed and die as a regular bird would but hes not necessarily dying by changing into the chocolate but the chocolate is just a chocolate now " she said smiling

"here" she said gentley taking the chocolate and changing it to a little yellow bird again it chirped and flew to the girl and dylan smiled " there "
"Thank you." Lily smiles gratefully, "Well she doesn't seem to be flying away. What should I kill her?" She happily asks, gently stroking the little bird.
" no need if you dont want her ill just make her disappear " she smile "it would be less...sad"
((my very last post here))

elissia had woke up feeling very ill, she knew she had not drank for the last few days but she felt that she should not drink, she used her last bit of energy to create a explosion, the mark of death showed, she hoped someone would find her as she felt herself passing away, finding a small bit of energy left she write a message 'please tell lovan i love him.' "deaths daughter find me, and i hope you are happy, i never wanted to be a killer." she whispered, she held the message as the young vath stopped moving, even her breathing halted and slowly her heartbeat, after a few minutes she passed away.

((so im dropping this rp so bye))
Dakota made it to her dorm and sat down on her bed, yet again her roommate wasn't there, she wasn't even sure if the person had moved out or not, all their stuff was gone so she assumed so, not that she minded, she liked her own space anyway. She finally could just read, no interruptions around her.
"How the hell?...." Zs'kar whispered to himself as he heard a voice call out. There was no one else around so Zs'kar assumed the person could see invisible objects or beings. Zs'kar came out of invisibility and approached the blue-haired guy. "How do you do, i'm just lurking around looking for something fun to do I guess." Zs'kar said in his very quiet yet ominous voice.
(Believe it or not kill was a typo...)

"What? No! I meant name!" She shouts surprised, "Please don't get rid of her!"

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