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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

Dylan looked around , wishing some one would walk up to the poor ost soul who had no idea where they were on the god forsaken campus
Dakota passed by the confused boy, her head stuck in a book as usual not paying attention she was just trying to forget the knife incident.
dyaln taps the shoulder" um hi can you point me to the dorms or do i go to the main office first ?.... im new" she said pushing some hair from her eyes
"Oh?" She turned towards the new girl, " I've only been her a day myself, but sure I'm on my way to the dorms you can walk with me." She gave a polite smile.
Dylan smiled greatfully " hi im Dylan" she smiled looking at the girl "is it nice here , powers arent frowned upon so its better than other schools "
"Ah yeah.. I only came here when my parents moved abroad to work, I was another magic school but it was smaller so there were no dorms and my parents wouldn't let me stay home myself" She paused for a bit "I'm Dakota" she continued to walk.
elissia had stopped running and stopped crying, "i should have killed them when i had the chance and now this happens. soon i promise i will come back, deaths daughter next time everyone will fall to me." she felt tired and collapsed.
"i was sent here because i really messed up back home . but id be lieing if i said i really like being away from my parents " she said grinning "i was always under a microscope by the media , couldnt use my powers much"
"Luckily if you screw up here it doesn't go on television" she said, almost like she could relate. "Oh! Here we are! What is your dorm number."
Lily quickly changes into her clean clothes and dumps the muddy ones on the floor. She quickly rinses her hair in the sink and puts it up in a high ponytail. "How long until class starts again?" She wonders aloud.
" yeh , i screw up i hear it from my father , i screw up i mess things up for him , he becomes the next scandalous Senator for a year ." she flips through the many 'welcome' sheets looking for her dorm number " 207"
Lily bounces out into the halls and then looks around concerned. Which way to the cafeteria again? "There's no one around to help me this time. I'm going to need to figure this out eventually." She mutters to herself and after picking a direction at random walks down the hallway.
"My father and mother are doctors they are helping out in a third world country for a while." She replied "207 should be just around the corner!"
Dylan nodded and started towards her dorm thinking about her past hoping the girl didnt know the rumors about her, or worse the truth, she sighed and pushed open the door to a spacious dorm room that desperately needed decorating
Lily nods, clearly released to see someone else, "Yeah. I'm just lost again. I practically need a gps to navigate." She jokes, "Anyways I'm Lily Marren, who are you?"
Dylan chuckled and leaned on the door frame of her dorm " Im Dyaln Rakes " Dyaln said with a small smile pushing hair out of her eyes " i have a map they gave me , but its not labeled so its just about pointless, i just got here "

"I got here last night. Obviously things are hard to adjust to. Someone even attacked the school a few hours ago. It was weird. So why are you here?" She asks brightly.
Dylan froze a bit " Um i um cause an ....accident and was sent here to learn to control my powers " she looked down blushing a bit " i caused alot of harm and i was sent here"

Lily nods sympathetically, "The things are blasted hard to control, aren't they? I almost crushed into a wall today because of mine! But don't worry, I'm sure part of the curriculum is about learning how to control our abilities."
" i um i got mad at a teacher and i wasnt thinking about my powers i was just so mad and i well i manipulate things , well anything so what ever i think i can make happen and i thought about his skull caving in and then...it did...." she looked down at her shoes " mind blowing huh " she said looking back at the girl with a smirk , it was an aweful joke but it was right there so she took it

Lily blinks and then nods, "Literally. Wait, actually it isn't so much blowing as implosion but still. A truly horrible joke." She says with a wan smile.
Zs'kar walked slowly towards the school with his usual blank expression , he wondered why his parents thought this would be a good idea , he could be exploring the earth for supernatural beings. As he approached he noticed his cloak began to glow purple. "Hmm... there are so many auras I can feel in this place." he thought to himself. He walked in through the main doors , picked up his dorm key and signed in without uttering a word and entered his dorm room , threw his stuff down , he then decided to go for a little wonder...
Dylan smirked " i can do good things with my powers too , beautiful things just have to not get mad" she shrugged and looked at her" what can you do?"

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