Osm Advntrs [RP]

Blake started forward but immediately tripped. Great...He thought. How are we going to complete whatever task we have to do if most of us can barely even walk? He picked himself up and made his way back to the group, who had already started in the direction Clara had pointed out. He made his way to the front. "Any idea what were doin here, sis?" Blake asked.
Russel was following Clara, and overheard what Blake had said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the tap!"

He looked over at Blake, his surprise evident even through his unicorn face.

"She's your sister, laddie?" He asked Blake.
"Yeah, what about it?" Blake replied quickly. He'd rather answer questions after we got out of here.
L.A. who wasn't the happiest camper in the world right now, followed behind at the back of the pack, stumbling from time to time while trying to get used to the way her body moved in this form. So far, she hadn't taken an big tumbles, but just the stumbling alone would be sure to leave a few bruises.
Roy galloped along with the others " They completely altered our molecular make up.. Er I mean this is soooo weird !! What is going on?" Roy looked into the grass as he walked.
Clara growled at Russel's comment. She had been called boss several times before during school. She remembered how back in seventh grade she got stuck at the failing table in science. The other failing kids simply made her do all the work, and while she was working they'd say "What do we do next, boss" and other things along those lines. She hated it with a burning passion. "Ya know, I really have no clue what we're doing so let's just follow those other unicorns and maybe we'll find something," she said in a very annoyed tone. She was NOT having a good day. Being stuck with a bunch of idiots was just making her want a hunter to come out and attack them all. It would be less painless.
Blake didn't completely like his sisters idea, but he had nothing better and she seemed to be getting in a bad mood. Worse than it already was, that is. So, he just said "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way." Then fell back a little. He pulled beside L.A. and said, "Pick your knees up a little higher. It helps." And tried to smile. But with pretty much a horses mouth, it didn't really look that good so he just went off on his own again.
Russel kept trotting along behind Clara, and threw Blake a glance.

"Well, if'in she is indeed your loving sister, don'tchu think it'd be a good idea to help her out? I mean, she sounds a little stressed out."

Russel chuckled a bit, which came out as a high pitched whinny.

"Well laddie? How's it gonna happen? Gonna leave it all up to sis? Where are we going, anyhows?"
Ben tropped around with with the others. He just kind of followed since everyone ignored him. Though he couldn't blame them, everyone was kind of stressed out. He followed behind the one known as LA. He was afraid to say anything. She already seemed mean, but then again he was mean sometimes also. Not just that, his darn horn was broken. Kind of made him embarassed. So he quietly moved near the back of the pack.
Clara wished so desperately that she could cover her ears when she heard the high pitched laugh of Russel's; however, it seemed impossible to do so with clumsy horse hooves. Instead of saying anything more, Clara shut up completely. That was a bad sign. It was one thing when she started talking in an angry tone. It was even worse when she just kept quiet. "We are following the other unicorns," she murmured in a quiet tone, glaring at the trees up ahead. It was dark. Great..
"My guess is, it's her world." He said. "If anyone knows anything about it, it's going to be her. And if'in she is my sister..."He said copying his accent"...Which she is. I would know that if she's stressed you should let her alone. Fair warning to you."
Russel attempted a grin, which probably looked weird in his unicorn form.

"Well said lad. But, I've never been one to listen to warnings, of any kind. If'in you know what I mean."

We stepped up his pace a little, and got in front of Clara, where he stopped.

"Do you think this is really a good idea?" He asked her, being completely serious.

"We don't know jack-nothing about this here world, so I think being a teeny bit more cautious would be for the bet'r."
L.A. nodded as Blake had given her a little bit of advice. Trying it out, it was a bit easier. She tried trotting a little faster only to lose her balance and fall on the ground rather hard, making her bite her own tongue. Tears sprung up into her eyes at the pain that filled her mouth from it. "Ouch.." She mumbled as she shakily stood back up. I think I'd rather stumble than fall again. That hurt. With a bit of a strange laughing noise, L.A. went back to her stumbling walk, while she absently started dancing while she walked. The rear end of her body swaying to music no one else could hear.
Clara looked back at Blake and glared. "I don't own this world, therefore it is not mine. I am not stressed," she said in a tone much too harsh. She continued walking, past Russel, and into the dark forest ahead of them. "What else are we supposed to do?" she asked Russel, still walking. "There's no way we're going to learn anything about this world unless we look around. We don't have much of a choice other than to do just that. Being cautious will get us no where," she growled.
Russel sighed, coming out as a low neigh.

"I didn't say you wern't doing a bang-up job lassie, just that blindly following these here actual unicorns might not be the smartest course of action."

He jogged up and walked beside her.

"Let's just get our berrings straight. This is a different world, mabye reality, and we're here together. Why not, I dunno, SURVIVE?"

Russel awaited her probably cranky reply with less than enthusiasm.
"I agree with you Clara, anything that will get us out of here sooner." Blake said quietly. He was just trying to keep the peace by this point. Blake settled back to where L.A. was, but didn't say anything. He just wanted to make sure she didn't fall that hard again. He'd just have to be careful he didn't gore her through the neck if he tried to catch her. He shuddered at the thought.
Clara smiled wickedly, obviously not happy that Russel was doubting her logic. "We have no other course of action. They are our only lead to finding out way out of this wretched place so why not just go along with it?" she asked. "Look at us. We're freakin unicorns. Only a few things could be worse than this. Either listen to me or you take the lead. Go ahead and pick," she said with a glare as she stopped walking.
Russel was surprised by her harsh words.

"Hey now, I'm no leader. My guesses are you don't want to be neither."

Russel stopped walking, and turned to face her. He thought for a second, absent-mindedly chewing on some grass.

His head popped up, an idea formulating in his mind.

"Alighty lassie. Here's mah suggestion. I'll go on ahead, that way, if there is somethin' hankering for our bones, not all of die. If'in I come back, the way's clear, and if'in I don't, well, I don't think many of you would mind all that much.

Russel's voice took on a darker quality, seeming less confident.

"And I'd be outta this crazy god-forsaken place, and this whole godamn conspiracy."

He looked back up at Clara.

"Well?" He asked, his usual over-bearing confidence back in full-swing.
Clara narrowed her eyes. "You're not going on ahead by yourself. If anyone gets to go ahead of everyone else, it's me. I need time to simmer down before I chop off the person's head that kidnapped us and took us all to the white room in the first place. "And yes, you're right. I don't want to be a leader, but I want to get out of her and no one is making a move so I have no choice," she said, looking ahead. Maybe he wasn't as stupid as she thought. At least he could tell she didn't want to lead.
"Well then, I guess I'll just shut me trap."

Russel didn't feel like invoking anymore of Clara's wrath, so he just hushed up and followed.
Clara smiled wickedly before continuing on, ahead of the rest of the group. She was sure the unicorns had gone this way. At that moment, they came by another clearing, just smaller. On a large boulder-like stone, some type of giant reptile sat. Right up ahead were the three unicorns. One was saying about a Leopluridon. Before she could ask them about it, they ran off, leaving them behind. The giant reptile-like creature growled ferociously. Clara stood completely still, not sure how to react.
Russel saw this lizard creature, and used his neck to push Clara to the side.

"Get back, if'in you feel like seeing tommorow."

He neighed back at the lizard, and kicked out his front legs, trying to look threatening.

"Hate to say I told ya so, eh lassie?" He said smugly, glancing back a Clara for a second before turning his head and his horn back towards the creature.
Clara sighed as Russel tried to act tough to try and scare off the lizard creature. She shook her head slowly before trying to think up something. The annoying pink unicorn appeared behind the lizard creature with it's dumb expression plastered on its face. "Listen to it. It's tells of the magical tales of Candy Mountain. It shows you the way," it said before disappearing yet again. Clara was just about ready to run after it and smack it upside the head to get answers. "Does anyone know how to speak lizard?" Clara asked, looking around.
L.A. perked up a bit as someone said something about talking to lizards. Just her luck that she had had a couple pet lizards as a little kid and always thought she understood them...might as well right? She pranced herself up next to the girl leading them and gave a smirk through her form. Without saying a word she had accepted the challenge of speaking to a lizard.
Russel, having been shown up by an annoying pink unicorn that was most likely mentally-handicapped, was understandably a little peeved.

"Stupid goddamn pink bastard.... Bloody hell" He muttered under his breath.

When he saw Clara going close to the lizard thing, he instinctively got a little flustered.

"What the bloody hell are you doing lassie? How the hell do you know it won't have a munch on you?" He trotted up the lizard thing, placing himself between it and Clara.

"I wouldn't listen to Pinky over there," He said to Clara. "Probably not drinking with a full mug, if'in you know what I mean."

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