Osm Advntrs [RP]

With a sigh L.A. moved into a chair and yawned. People were always so boring. Honestly, would it be too much to ask for something like fire rocks to throw at the floor to see if someone would scream? Probably. So, she set to day dream, a smirk playing over her mouth as she started zoning while oddly enough, staring straight at the kid who had yelled something about the room doing something bad to him(Ben?)
Clara sighed. "Fine. No drama," she said as she slowly walked over and sat beside Ben on the couch. "Let's just start over, alright?" she said putting on a fake smile. "Hello. I'm Clara and I absolutely hate this place. Who are you?" she asked in an annoyed voice but kept her smile on her face. "I swear. These people are no fun," she thought to herself.
Ben was about to say something when Evva appeared on all the walls, this time in video form instead of hologram.

"Quite the reactions for a starting experiment. Since you have food, and your first test is done, please make your way to the sleeping quarters."

A door opened on the opposite wall to the kitchen.

"Room's are divided into male and female. Girls on one side of the hall, boys on the other. Mixing of the genders in one or both rooms will not be tolerated. And individuals will be punished. Sleep Well!"

And with that she was gone.

Ben wandered into the room first before anyone. He claimed the bed closest to the farthest wall. They were single mattresses with perfect amount of sheets, blankets and softness. Ben plopped down face first into his pillow, not wanting to deal with anything else.
As it was said it was time to sleep, L.A. blinked a few times. Sleep? So soon? Though, she was a bit tired. With a strange noise coming from her she stood up,stretched ,and started retreating back into the room that was for girls. Looking around at the beds in there she smirked before running and jumping face first onto the bed nearest the wall and snuggling into the pillow with a fit of giggles. After laying there for a few moments, she adjusted herself so she was only taking up a little tiny bit of the bed, staring at the wall with a frown. Why was she so happy all of a sudden?
@Anyone in the Kitchen, and anyone that speaks to me on the way to the guys bedroom

I look up as suddenly a person appears in a video screen "What the hell?? When did a screen get there" Confused and annoyed look spread all over my face. I waited a second then continued eating and drinking, though the chocolate milk was nearly gone by the time I went to sleep I barely touched any food. I walk to the bedroom and choose a random unoccupied bed and collapse Gahh I hate this place already I fall asleep moments later.
Clara followed the girls into the girl's room with a sigh. What was the point in separating the two genders? Surely it would be easy enough to sneak over to the other room. She shook her head way too tired to try. Besides, who would want to be stuck alone with a bunch of boys anyway. Then again, who wants to be stuck alone with a bunch of girls? Either way, she hated crowds. Clara was just about to claim an empty bed when a ting of sadness hit her. She had to admit, no matter how much Samantha had gotten on her nerves, she did indeed miss her a lot. They were even supposed to have a sleepover Saturday night. Well, that looks like it got canceled. She walked over to L.A.'s bed and crouched down beside it. "Um.. Your name is L.A, right?" she asked. "Could I sleep with you tonight?" she said, feeling like a stupid child who wanted to sleep with their mother and father after a terrifying nightmare.
Blake went into the Kitchen and grabbed some random bag of food out of a cabinet. He didn't like going to bed hungry. He then went into the bedroom and sat in the bed that looked he most comfortable, even though they were all the the same. He didn't even cast a glance at the guy who had yelled at him and Clara. I didn't want any drama either, but if this guy insists in involving my sister into his own drama then of course I'm goin to get involved. He thought. He sat in silence as he ate from his bag of food, waiting for the lights to go out or something. He just wanted this day to be over.
As someone crouched down near her bed and asked to sleep with her, L.A. smiled something that was half way between being a smirk and an understanding smile. "I am she." She giggled before moving over the opposite side of the bed and patting the spot she had just moved from for the girl. "Of course you can little duck." L.A. grinned, "May I ask what the name of my partner for the night is?"
Clara smiled and climbed onto the spot L.A. had patted. She didn't sound cruel like she did when she had threatened Russel. "Thank you," Clara said, turning towards L.A. "The name that belongs to me is Clara. I do believe you were the one who threatened the Russel guy, correct? You don't seem like it," she said.
"Russel...oh the bloody newt headed bugger boy who won't shut his trap with stupid nicknames?" Her voice sounded a bit harsh as she spoke of him, but L.A. shrugged. "And yeah..yeah I am. I can understand why I don't I only freak when people think of calling me.."She shuddered. "Lala~" Frowning for a moment before bursting into a bright smile and humming a random song L.A. was back to her normal, not all there self.
Clara started to laugh at L.A's long name for Russel. She could tell it was L.A. who had told him off by the harshness in her voice. It caused a smirk to creep onto her face. "Lala? Well that is an..." she trailed off, not able to think of a word to describe it. "Interesting nickname?" she said as if it were a question. "When do you think we'll get out of this place?"
"It's not interesting it's more so annoying and a bit obnoxious. I mean, i don't care if people start calling me Los Angeles or something, that would be pretty cool actually, but lala is obnoxious because I'm not a song note." L.A. frowned, before shrugged at the second question. "Soon I hope.." With a yawn, she started closing her eyes, sleep winning her battle to stay awake and talk more.
Clara nodded. "So I should start calling you Los Angeles now?" she asked with a small quiet laugh. She didn't want to wake up anyone else who might be asleep already. She sighed. Hope surely wasn't going to get them anywhere. She really didn't want to go to sleep. It's not that she wasn't tired or anything, but you never know what could happen here. What if something came after them while they were asleep? Maybe she was just over thinking it. Maybe.. She saw L.A.'s eyes starting to get heavy. She smiled. "Night Los Angeles."
L.A. let out a small laugh. "Night Little Fairy Plum." She said. Within a few minutes she was fast asleep. Out of no where though, L.A. wrapped an arm around Clara's arm and started snuggling into it, still completely fast asleep. As it turned out, she was a sleep snuggler, not that she knew she did it of course.
Russel stayed sitting on the couch. He put his hands behind his head, and leaned back, perfectly comfortable where he was. He didn't really feel like sleeping right now, and he didn't want to go with the rest of the group to the sleeping quarters. He didn't feel like alienating himself from the group though. They were in whatever the hell this was together, after all.

Russel's pure annoyance could be seen on his face. He closed his eyes, just wishing he had music to fall asleep to right now. He sighed, long and drawn out.

He sneezed randomly. He chuckled a bit, thinking that's what happens in manga when people are talking about you.

He shifted himself, so he was lying on the couch, not sitting on it. He quickly fell asleep.
Evva spawned quietly in the main room. She worked quietly without so much as a sound. She checked their vitals and many other things important. Very good. They were turning out exactly as planned. She smiled then disappeared

{8 Hours Later}

There food had been laced with drugs, nothing bad, to make someone sleep a perfect 8 hours without waking up. Upon waking, one would feel full energy, not be sore and would be perfectly refreshed. As they sleep, the room flashed white and they began the next experiment.

((Konn go for it. If you just want a universe but not so sure on plot let me know, sui and i might do something. but its up to you.))
@Everyone (Starcraft Universe, everyone is just human/Terran)

I awoke and leaned out of bed, my dream crazy but video game related as always. I musta have slept the proper time since I felt actually good for once. Sitting up I find myself somewhere completely new, guns lined along the walls, men and women in suits and gunshots can be heard everywhere. "Well that explains why I feel good... I'm still sleep." I sighed and lie back down incapable of sleeping, just staring at the ceiling.

An explosion could be heard close by outside, probably just outside of the building. "Well a dream will end quicker if I go along with it, fun and all." With a laugh I stand up, find a Marine suit, and grab a Ghost Rifle. "Hell, it's about time~~" I quote Starcraft 2 for the hell of it.

(Well I did what I could with the limited knowledge on how to start a world... so I made us wake up into it xD )

(Everyone will have suits of armour, huge at that, and they all have weapons... anywhere from 1 kind of assault, 1 kind of rifle, 1 kind of flamethrower suit. A few SCV suits. Pistols are there too.)

(Assault Rifle and Suit = Marine)

(Rifle and Skin tight suit = Ghost)

(Flamethrower suit = Firebat)

(Heavily armoured construction suit = SCV) (SCV Has a drill and a basic gripping arm... weapons wouldn't be possible with it)

(2 pistols and suit with jump jets = Reaper)

(I'm just adding those like that... You can have any combination of 1 suit (or none) and a weapon or 2)

(Storywise now... Were a bunch of civvies and we just need to get to the E-vac point safely)

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