Osm Advntrs [RP]

Ben still just followed behind. How much of this would they have to put up with before they could return back to their own bodies. This truly was a dumb experiment.

"How about instead of complaining you all FIGURE OUT WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! I'm tired of being a four legged freak."

He tired to run up ahead but failed miserable, tripping and falling into a rock.
L.A.'s eyebrow rose as a kid yelled. She she her head, mane going a bit weirdly and landing over most of her face. Walking up next to the lizard thingy she started hissing at it and making a weird and slightly creepy growl like noise. The Lizard made noises back and she laughed. She didn't have a clue what it had said...but common sense was a useful thing.

Turning her head to look at the rest of them, "He said to go that way..." She pointed a hoof in the direction the pink obnoxious unicorn had went before making another growl like noise at the lizard then bowed before basically dancing back to the group and looking at the girl taking the lead. "After you chief." If she could have, L.A. would have saluted.
Clara smiled at L.A. and said thank you to her before continuing on, now walking in the direction L.A. had said about. It was even more woods, but this time they weren't very thick. They were soon out in the open again, but this time, they were by a cliff. A small, unsteady bridge. A few planks had already detached themselves from the bridge and fell down to their doom into the lake far below. Clara took a step back. She didn't mind heights, but this was just ridiculous. Over on the other side of bridge, a small pink cave rested. "Candy Mountain," she thought. "Does anyone want to volunteer to go across first?" she said with a small laugh.
"I'll go." Blake said. "It doesn't look that bad. Then I'll take a look at the cave while you guys cross." he walked up to the bridge and cautiously put his first hoof down. The board creaked but held his weight. "See? Nothing to worry about." he said in a confident voice. He then walked slowly across the bridge, the only s sry moment when he broke through a board at the center of the bridge. As he made it to the other side, he said " I wouldn't put more than one person on at once, who's next?"
Clara rolled her eyes as she heard some people complaining about being a unicorn. No, it wasn't fun, but did they really have to complain about it? She followed Blake across the bridge, practically running across. After getting everyone across, Clara led the way into the Candy Mountain cave. Immediately after entering, she felt herself falling. The once black cave turned into a bright white room. Everyone else had made it back, too. We're back. Clara thought with relief. She felt herself slam into the white floor. Surprisingly, she didn't hit it as hard as you would think. The world was gone, that was all that mattered. "Thank god."
@People in White Room

I sat there in the white room as people began appearing... "How the hell does any of the crap work" I spoke out loud as another person walked in. my confusion could be heard in the voice (barely) and little expression shown on my face. I looked around... "well?? What's up??" a smirk beginning to show.
Blake opened his eyes and almost laughed in his happyness. Everyone looked the way they should. There was a new person there asking what was going on. Blake was actually kind of wandering that himself. So were back from our first test. He thought. What next? Seeing how they had all just fallen from the ceiling, though, the first thing he said was " Is everyone okay?"
Roy fell surprsingly easy. He did not scream he was more curious than anything. Upon the end of his decent he blacked out. When awoke he only had two legs he was handsome again and not pink. Roy would have jumped for joy if he wasn't so amazed by how they altered their very being in this experiment.
Benjamin came through shallowly and like everyone else; fell. He landed on top of Clara and it cracked his back. He laid there sprawled out on her. He wenched and tried to move to no avail. He wanted to cry.

"Ow ow ow.. Help... someone..."
Clara let out a yelp of pain as Ben landed right on top of her. She tried getting up, but he was too heavy for her to lift. "Get off of me!" she growled. She was tired, irritable, and hated almost everyone in the room at this point. Let's add another thing to the list of why to hate this whole white room experiment crap. "Get off," she growled again.
"White Room Experiment??" I repeated still wondering what everyone was talking about... "I just sorta woke up here... can someone explain what's going on..." I was slightly irritated not having any technology around me like my computer for one.
Ben got off as best he could but in an attempt to get off accidentally groped her rear without realizing it. He sat on the floor next to her.

"You shouldn't of been there..."

He turned his head around to look at her.
Clara jumped away from Ben right away when he finally managed to get off of her. Her face went bright red from the so-called "accidental" groping of her rear. "I can't choose where you fall, you perv!" she shouted, fixing her skirt. She glared at him. "Jerk," she said before looking away from his face.
Russel landed quite gracefully, and smirked as he witnessed Ben's total lack of grace.

"Very smooth laddie. 'Bout as smooth as sandpaper."

He realized he was back in his human form, in the White Room.

He jumped for joy.

"Thank the dear merciful Lord! I have thumbs again!"

He immediately went to the refreshments room and grabbed a bunch of food and a drink, coming back out into the sitting room.

"You know, the grub here ain't half bad....." He said, chomping into something.
As everyone had been stuck back into the white room by a bit off a fall, L.A. had landed on her knees on the floor whimpering slightly as she had hit a bruise that had started to go away. Guess it won't now.. She grumbled to herself before sitting up straight with a wince, fixing her shirt so it wasn't crooked while realizing that she wasn't a candy cane horse anymore. Without any warning, L.A. let out a loud whooping noise before acting perfectly normal, besides the slight tapping of her fingers. That was just jumpy energy wanting a way out.
As Russel walked back out into the main room, he noticed a new person.

"Oh, what have we 'ere?" He said in his over-bearing Irish accent.

He walked over to the person (Konn's charry), and looked down at them from his decent height.

"I'm Russel McTavish. Welcome to your worst nightmare." He looked down at them, smirking a bit.
Benjamin stared blankly at Clara. What had be done. Then when she called him a perv he launched back at her.

"I most certainly am not!" He shouted in his very apparent british accent. He thrust his finger at her. "Your the one who didn't move and your so weak. I'm not even that big and you couldn't get out from under me! Such a weakling!"

He stood up quickly and crossed his arms. He flared his cheeks a little and puffed out his chest before walking away from her and everyone else. He made it to a couch and plopped himself down glaring at Clara intently.
Blake watched as everyone settled down after their fall. He stifled a laugh as L.A. let out a loud whoop after checking herself for any sign of the unicorn she just was. He didn't say anything because,although he might not have actually done it, he wanted to do the same thing. As Russel struck a conversation with the new arrival, Blake walked up behind Ben and ,without showing any real emotion, wispered in his ear "try something like that again, and believe me, I'll get a lot angrier that this. Besides, he continued, anything I do to you won't be half as bad as she will." And smirked at the thought. Then he walked to the other side of the room to his sister and asked "You okay?"
I was obviously annoyed from being ignored for so long though someone finally responding obviously lessened the annoyance. "Ok whatever a nightmare... Now what exactly is going on" Anger was apparent though weak. I just ignored what was going on... no need getting involved when others were most likely going to intervene anyways.
Russel noticed what was going on with Ben and Clara. He sighed. Why couldn't he have died on the weird unicorn world?

He handed his mountain of food and his drink to the scrawny kid, grinning

"'Scuze me fer a sec. You got my food, so I gotta come back and see ye when this new bit 'o drama is over. Thanks lad."

He walked over to Ben, and put his hand on his shoulder in a friendly way.

"Hey lad, sometimes all ye can do is apologize, whether you were wrong or not. Nine-ty nine per-cent of those times, there's a girl involved, believe you me." He said, an amiable smile on his face.

"Just say you're sorry, and then there won't be a big stink. I ain't threatening you none either."

He motioned towards Clara with his hand, still looking at Ben.
Clara glared back at Ben and yelled across the room at him. "It's not my fault you're so gosh darn fat!" she said, even though she knew he wasn't fat. "You should have gotten off of me instead of expecting me to get out from under you. Besides, you were the one who-" she trailed off, not wanting to scream it out loud in front of everyone. "I'm fine," she told Blake, still glaring at Ben.
Now everyone was against him. This truly wasn't his day. He glared at the boy who was her "brother" and whether he whispered or not didn't bother him. He shouted at both of them.

"I doubt anything, either of you could do to me is half as bad as this room with you all!"

He couldn't wait till they came to a universe where everyone could get hurt. They they would pay and he would laugh. He adjusted his jacket while on the couch. These people were so irritable. He wanted to punch them all out cold.
The one guy dropped a plate of food on me and handed me a drink... I am annoyed but don't care much... I look at the food and take a couple of bites from what little there was that I liked on it. I then stood up "I'm going to the kitchen if you want your food back just go back there again k" I said to the man then continued off towards the kitchen to get myself a drink.

Great... no games and a buncha people I don't know and probably won't get to know... why the fk do I have to randomly appear in crap like this I sigh and find some chocolate milk in the fridge. My eye brighten up when I find some decent food I then grab both food and drink set up at a table as well as the other guys stuff and began eating and drinking.
Russel sighed. There was probably no reasoning with this brat. Russel's annoyance was visible on his face. He took his hand off of Ben's shoulder.

"Now look 'ere. NONE of us are particulairly excited 'bout this...... 'Situation' we find ourselves in. Might as well make the best of 'er, and that means no horse-shit drama like what's going on right now!"

He shot Clara a pleading look.

"It was probably an accident. We did just fall. Stuff happens." He said to her, shrugging his shoulders.

"'Ey, lad. It's alright." He said softly to Ben, sitting beside him on the couch.

"Question is, are you?"

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