Osm Advntrs [RP]

Clara laughed on the inside and smiled like the Cheshire cat himself. "I am Clara. Nice to meet you," she said as nicely as she could. It was one of those innocent voices she didn't quite use all the time. She stared at his neck, obviously looking at his tattoo. "I like your tattoo. It look's cool," she said, changing her voice tone from innocent to her usual tone.
"Oiy!" suzy yelled to the cook. "I'll have a banger!"

'I am sorry aa what?" Said the cook confused.

"I want a blood sasusge! You shtupid twat!" Insaulted Suzy, while pointing to the picture of the sasusge on the menu.

"He you little gal, I will not tolerat that word in this fine istablishment! Now leave!" Yelled the cook pointing at the door.

"Eh this istablishment is bobbins any ways. I would nevah eat 'ere, with you bint cookin'." Said Suzy walking out of the door.

"Oh that it you little turp!" The cook yelled walking to his table and grabing a base ball bat from under neithe it.

Suzy turns around to see the cook running at her with the bas ball bat at hand.

"Blood hell!" Suzy said running away. Suzy ran a little faster but people were in her way so she had to run a little slower.

Suzy round a corner into an alley way, run head first into a light post noking her of her feet, and slamming on the ground passed out. Suzy a woke on a pure white floor, or atleast she thought it was a floor. there were people standing around talking, and other sush nonsence.

"Oi, all little help 'ere, or are you gentle men to bone-idle. And tell me where I am I an't know bugger all 'bout whats goin' on 'ere." Suzy said to the group of people.
Ignoring the boy who just wouldn't shut up L.A. watched passively as a new person appeared, thick accented and a bit of an attitude. She laughed silently before leaning her head back in her chair and letting out a breath of air before standing up and stretching, each shoulder blade cracking as she did so. With a yawn, she settled back into her chair, crossing one leg over the other and started shoe popping (when you move your toes in a manner that makes the heel of your shoe come off your foot then back again in a repeated manner).

L.A. leaned back, wanting to see exactly how this new person was going to react to everything, if anyone felt like telling the girl of course. Well now, this is certainly different. She started playing with one of her many earrings just observing the people in the room, trying to take her mind off the whole situation and that obnoxious guy calling her lala.
Roy tilted his head " Well Clara.. I'm surprised you'd want to talk to one of those low down humans Evva was just talking about.." Roy returned with a smirk of his own. It was not at all how he really felt, this girl was kinda strange he actually liked that, but he also noticed how she was trying to be innocent it puzzled him. Have all girls always been like that when I was too busy stealing from them? Roy smiled " You're kinda strange I like that.." Roy stood up.
::Jeff appeared out of thin air, arms flailing, and skidded into the center of the room face-first::

Jeff: "I knew I shouldn't have taken the motercyc... Hey! where the heck am I!?"

::He stood up and dusted himself off, only there was no dust on him::

Jeff: "Who are you guys, and where is this place...?"
Clara smirked, her eyes tinting a bit of mischief. "Low down humans are much more interesting to talk to than the rich ones. Oh my daddy bought me the wrong color car the other day. My life sucks so much," she mimicked in some sarcastic tone. "Besides, the low down humans that I've spoke to before have more of a sense of adventure. They're not boring." She saw that Roy was a bit puzzled by her innocent voice. She held back a laugh. "Thanks. I'm glad you like my strange-ness. Are you leaving already?" she asked as she watched Roy stand up.
Blake started walking across the room. He was tired of observing these people. If they wont introduce themselves to him, he'll just have to introduce himself to them. He sat in an egg chair next to the girl who was fighting with the Irish boy earlier. "So your L.A., right? That stand for something? I'm Blake." He said nonchalantly, while looking at his sister talk to the other boy.
Roy shook his head " No I'm just getting used to this place..." Roy stared at her " I may have a sense of adventure but I'm not always on the right side of the adventure.." Roy shook the cash from his pockets " That is the money I just STOLE before I got here.." The girl was completely unphased by Roy who was trying his best not to deserve her attention.. He was a lonely soul who deep down wanted to be sure he could trust someone before he talked with them... This was only a recent change for Roy after he woke up that fateful day badly beaten in a ally.. Roy was testing the girl to see if she would accept him as a reformed thief and cut throat.

Roy turned his head as a new kid came in. Was he a thief like Roy? Roy was beginning to believe in honor among thiefs. But then again how far had that gotten him in life?
As more people started joining them, L.A. laughed lightly to herself at their confusion then stopped as someone spoke to her. She looked over as the person introduced themselves as Blake. "Lilly-Anna" She said before looking back at the newest person to join them, one who had started saying something about a motorcycle. With a small grin she called out a "hey." in his direction before pointing to a chair near them, as if she knew him though L.A. hadn't a clue who he was.
::Jeff saw the girl with the lip ring waving to him::

Jeff: "Hey! Name's Jeff... you can call me... Jeff..."

::He walked over and plopped himself on the chair as if still dazed by his would-be accident::

Jeff: "so, Lilly... (if I call you that)... are we dead?"
"If we are, this is some messed up kind of Heaven." Replied Blake. "Friend of yours?" Blake asked L.A.
Clara simply stared at Roy for a while before realizing he was done talking. "Oh you were done talking? Pardon me, I simply got lost in your eyes," she said with a small laugh. She stood up and started counting the money he had in his hand. The fact that he was a thief didn't bother her one bit. She had nothing he'd want to steal from her so what did it matter? Just for the heck of it, Clara quickly took the money out of his hands and ran a few yards away. When she turned back to him, she stuck out her tongue like an immature little child. "You really think the fact that you're a thief is going to scare me away? It just makes me more interested in you," she said with a smirk on her face.
"Never met him before this, so yeah, let's just say he's a friend." L.A. replied with a smirk before looking at Jeff. "Quite possibly we all got sniped while not paying attention and this is were we've all wound up." She shrugged in her chair, "But, I doubt We've all died. I mean, things still hurt don't they? Or does that only work with dreaming." She laughed lightly rubbing the back of her head.
Roy smiled " Most women do tend to get lost in my eyes... It's a gift.." Roy shrugged " You may have nothing worth stealing now.. But you never know what will happen. Because I'm a loose cannon." Roy was feeling more comfortable a bit of his true self shined through a quick smile faded from his face.
Evva appeared in the center of the room again. She looked around and gauged the kids. Most of them seemed to of calmed down. For the most part they seemed prepared. It was time. She interrupted their conversations and began speaking to them.

"I'll explain the rules. During these experiments, you will be transported to an alternate reality. These realities can be anything. So be prepared."

She then began to talk about their jewelry. As she brought her hand out an image of each item that everyone person possessed appeared.

"Each of you has an object correct? These are the keys to your survival. Should you not have that on and the return process commence, you will be stuck in that reality forever. Treat your piece as if your life depended on it, because it does."

The images disappeared and she went on to the next rule.

"In each reality, you will be subject to complete a set of goals. These goals will be unknown to you. They can range from obtaining certain items, meeting specific requirements, or simply being in that reality for a set amount of time. The possibilities are endless."

"Try to be careful. Not every reality you encounter will be friendly to your kind."


A smile crept across her face that was truly sinister but no one would of seen it. With that being said, the entire room flashed white blinding everyone.

((Your turn KT, have fun.))
Clara sighed, seeing that Roy was making no move whatsoever to get his money back. "That's no fun," she murmured as she walked back over to him. She handed him back his stolen money with a sigh. "Here ya go Mr.Thief. I'll have to accompany you on one of your raids one day. It sounds like fun," she said in a sarcastic tone. She knew she'd never be able to pull off a robbery. She wasn't exactly sneaky, or quiet for that matter. "A loose cannon? You don't seem like one," she said with a smile. Unconsciously, she touched her left then her right earring.

The room started to appear as if it was melting away like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.After the room had quickly melted, space followed closely behind. Clara just stared in amazement, shock, and fear. She felt a wall slam into her back which caused her to fall over. A world materialized around them just as soon as space was gone. The grass was the greenest they would probably ever see. Trees were plentiful and giant rocks were scattered about. They were in a clearing that had to be nothing less than a perfect circle. It was strange.

Clara was not the first to open her eyes to witness the strange scene but she wasn't last either. She let out a gasp as she realized what had happened. She was no longer standing on two legs. Instead, she was on four and hooves replaced her feet. Her brunette hair was now just like a horse's mane and she could tell she had a tail swinging behind her. She couldn't deny it any longer, she was a green and brown unicorn. She looked around to see everyone else had been turned into unicorns as well; however, they were all different colors.

Clara sighed. Somehow, even in unicorn form, everyone was still recognizable. She didn't know how she could tell the difference of who was who, but she refused to waste her time thinking about it. Two unknown unicorns were at the other end of the clearing, obviously not noticing them. They were pestering this other unicorn who was laying down, watching a TV. It sure was a sight to see. "Come with us Charlie!" the blue unicorn said as the pink unicorn stared into space like an idiot. "Alright. Alright," the white unicorn said at last and they left. "What is going on here?" she asked no one in particular as she looked around to everyone that was originally in the white room.
Russel refused to believe that he was actually a FREAKING UNICORN!

"Nuh uh, this is not how I pictured my day going after I woke up...."

He looked around, and tried out his new body, coloured red and green. He got the hang out it pretty quickly, and decided it was time to have some fun.

He pranced around, making stupid 'neighing' noises like a horse, and then poked the closest unicorn, the other greenish unicorn, who was also brownish coloured (Clara) in the side with his new horn. Not hard enough to draw blood, and only in a joking way....

"Hey, why the bloody hell are we unicorns? What the hell does this have to do with the bet'r-ment of humanity, eh?"
::Jeff sprawled to the ground a few feet away. he was now a dark gray unicorn with a blue mane and tail::

Jeff: "The heck?! five minutes ago, I was riding my motorcycle, and now I'm a talking unicorn? today is just getting weirder and weirder..."

::he pranced around in a small circle to test his new legs, and trotted to a stop::

Jeff: "Ok, so... does anyone know what this "task" that we are supposed to do here is?"
Benjamin looked at the other people after he opened his eyes. Usually he was just lazy but this was just... Wow.

"Seriously what the hell. THE HELL??!?!?! Why am i a freakin UNICORN? WHY ARE WE ALL UNICORNS?!?!?"

In his angry and confusion he had not gotten use to four legs and he quickly tripped up and fell over. As he did so, his horn hit a rock and broke off. He stared up at it silently.

"Now im a freakin hornless unicorn..."

He got up and tested out his legs though he was not liking it. They were fairly hard to control. As he got to looking he realized he was completely silver, with a black mane and black boots on his hoofs.

"Well i could get use to this eye site. I can almost see 360 degrees. Awesome"

Acting like and idiot he literally chased his tail a few times before he realized how stupid he looked.
Blake stood with his eyes closed. He heard what the others were saying but didn't want to believe it. He opened them. Yes, he was a unicorn too. A charcoal kind of color with a dark red mane. This was definitely his sister's world. Certainly someone like L.A. wouldn't have thought this up. Maybe Russel, but he didn't seem to pleased about this either.

"I agree with Jeff." Blake said. "We should find out what this task is, so we can get out of here asap."
Clara glared at Russel and attempted to kick him with her hooves. Horses made it look easy. It was difficult to operate on four legs instead of two. "Poke me with that horn again, and you won't have it attached to your horse head any more," she said completely serious. Letting Russel escape from her mind, Clara watched everyone else's reactions to being turned into unicorns. Pretty much all of them were spazzing out, and it was hilarious. She started laughing.

Being a unicorn wasn't exactly Clara's cup of tea either. If she could, she would rather be a bunny or some other cute creature of the forest. On the video games she's played, unicorn were often hunted down and killed, so the hunter could sell the horn. She had to admit that she too was guilty of killing off unicorns in games just to get more coins and money. It wasn't murder or anything. "Please don't let this be like a video game. I'm too young to die," she thought as she looked up to the sky.
Roy stamped his hoofs er feet on the ground " This is impossible!" Roy shut his eyes tight he was more of a man of science this had to be a dream.. Roy galloped around " Where is this white room?" Roy noticed all his money was stabbed onto his horn.. He was not what you would call a pretty pony.. Every inch of unicorn Roy rippled with muscle . The only thing to distract you from that was that he was pink.. Roy grumbled annoyed of his transformation.
As the room had shifted L.A. felt a little disturbed at the change. People were prancing about as, dear god, unicorns. In her head it clicked that if everyone else was one of those things she probably was too. Gasping a second before turning her head to see her own tail flicking in annoyance. "Someone shoot me. Please." L.A. said out loud. with a bit of a lisp. An actual lisp. Apparently, no matter how well you talk as a human, as a horse a tongue ring just doesn't work with speech. Her eyebrow twitched.Not like the fact that was she now a mint green and white stripped unicorn that looked like a candy cane was enough.
Clara looked around to see everyone taking this change badly. She herself didn't care for it that much either. She sighed, seeing as she had no choice. She started walking away, stumbling a few times because she wasn't used to her unicorn legs, towards the direction where the other unicorns had been. She was surprised no one else seemed to even had noticed them. She cursed herself as she glared at the ground. "Come on," she said, hating taking the lead. "Let's go this way. If we stand around all day, we'll be stuck like this even longer."
Russel followed close behind Clara.

"Whatev'r you say, boss!" He said with a whinny.

If you got past how ridicoulously stupid this was, it was actually kinda fun, Russel thought.

He trotted along behind Clara, already at ease with his new body.

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