Osiel Academy [Inactive]


"Oh no, the school is self study for the most part. I'm sure there are special events that call for us to all gather,but for the most part we are left to our own resources." June fixed his glasses and then pulled down a hair that was sticking up. "It's kind of lonely when you think about it.."

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"Oh, sir zeth!" June waved to him eagerly. He seemed to be alone. June felt like he should invite him to the conversation. He smiled a big grin as he waved to him. "Good morning!" He spoke loudly so that he could hear him.

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"Well I don't think it's that bad, I've mostly lived my life like that anyway, "Your own resources" type of living is pretty nice." He was glad life wouldn't be organized like a job in a manufacturing plant, moving from place to place on a tight schedule....things like that didn't work for Jack, and they probably never will.
"Yeah, me too. I usually got nothing to work with, and I still did. So yeah, it isn't that bad." looking back, it was actually pretty hard and tiresome, but here you had people to help you if you need it. "Oh, HI ZETH!" Johnny waved at him gesturing him to come to them, he must have known the schedule and everything.
"Ech, what's right? What's wrong? I'm just fine" stated Frank with his face irritated and right eyebrow twitching. He walked past her avoiding eye contact to avoid another stare. His mind was sick of thinking of her so he began space out whilst leading her to the line as "Anything goes" by cole porter played in his mind. Frank started to prepare a wallet seemingly filled with money out to the sides as the line began to disintegrate "What would you like to eat?" he asked looking up at her with the shadow of his hair covering his eyes.

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Hannah stood beside him, shoving her hands into the small pockets on her jacket that she wore over her uniform. She removed her hands after a moment of fumbling with several coins, thinking for a moment. Though her mind was clouded by her thoughts, attempting to understand Frank's peculiar behavior, she made her decision to get a BLT sandwich, because to make the first official day perfect bacon needed to be involved somewhere. "I'm just going to get a BLT." she murmured, deciding to keep her eyes on the floor because of the eye contact that Frank so desperately avoided.

"What about you?"
He couldn't help smiling as Johnny and June welcomed him over. He nodded in appreciation as he came to stand at their sides. "Good morning. It seems like everyone has gotten up rather early, hasn't it? It's nice to see people so eager for classes. How are you Exusia this fine morning, anyway?" Zeth asked, making sure not to interrupt or cut anyone off with his statement and question.
"I'm good, thanks. We were wondering when and if classes start, yesterday we didn't hear anything about the schedule. How about you though?" and while he said he had an idea "If classes don't start, do you guys want to study together?"
"I'm.... perplexed... but the beauty of the morning has done well to help me keep that at bay." Zeth answered honestly. "As far as school goes I believe it should be starting soon but remember that this school is a lot of studying on your own and a little of having a teacher's guidance. As far as studying together I believe we absolutely should after class." Zeth said easily, smiling at the group.
(Sorry for not posting recently.... o-o I've been a bit busy.)

Sayu glanced around her, searching for a familiar face. On her way around the campus, she greeted and answered questions for multiple students, who awed at the wooden wolf following her. Though that itself was a exhausting, she also had the weight of searching for students to become test subjects. It was a very tiring morning for her indeed, but she never stopped to take a break. After sometime of showing some of the people where certain things were, her eye caught on to a familiar looking man conversing with other students. Suddenly feeling a bit more energetic, she finished up what she was doing before rushing over, the creature following her with loud steps. "Zeth !"
Zeth spun around at hearing such a familiar voice call his name. She sounded quite a bit better than she had this morning, Zeth decided as he noticed Sayu coming toward him. He was about to raise his hand in a wave and call a greeting when he saw the giant wolf. It was... astonishingly beautiful and it made Zeth's words catch in his throat. He stared up at it in aw as Sayu came over. "Did you... make that?" Zeth asked... realizing it was a stupid question after he asked it and quickly attempting to remedy his thoughts. "I mean... that is really amazing... it must have taken some seriously well thought out symbols for the wood not to catch on fire and the whole thing to be able to move so smoothly. It's beautiful Sayu."
"Well, I'd rather study together than sitting alone in a room by myself, actually, anything beats that." Jack was slightly surprised about how many people he came to attract, it started from John, than to June, and whoever this Zeth fellow was...

He didn't pay much attention to it though, it's just one of those things that spiral out of control, hopefully he doesn't have the entire student body around him.
The wolf opened it's mouth, baring its sharp, wooden teeth and revealing the blazing fire inside. Sayu smiled at Zeth as she pet the wolf gently on the head. "Yeah. Thank you. I'm actually supposed to teach this rune to some students. But I'm not sure if I should. After all, if you mess up one of the symbols, it could be dangerous," she said, releasing an inaudible sigh before resuming. "I also need to take some students to the Headmaster for...... uh..... certain reasons." She wasn't sure what word to use to replace 'testing', but she figured she didn't have to be that specific. She also couldn't let any Karyuudo know what they were doing. If they did, they would most likely target Kai. After all, he was the only one who had the power to give these students new abilities. Briefly, with a smile on her face, she greeted the others who Zeth were talking to. "Good morning."
"Good morning .. Sayu? That's a really awesome wolf you have there... I would love to learn to make something like that, and I need to start learning." said Johnny looking in awe at the huge wolf. His eyes were glowing a bright white and it seemed like it didn't even need to use the fire or huge sharp claws, his eyes alone could make someone flinch.
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They hit the front of the line and Frank was faced with the irritated old visage easily beating his stupid look.

He pulled out a folded 20 dollar bill with his left eyebrow twitching and teeth clenched together in reply to the irritating challenge the old lady placed to him. "You have to order before you pay." said the old lunch lady sassing him "So what'll it b-" she was cut by him speaking through his teeth looking straight into the eyes of the nihilistic creature "I'll have one BLT sandwich and a-" his view shifted to the stand with signs covering the dishes "Cinnamon pretzel!" his hand pushed the sign. In response to his hammering words a short response escaped the ladies mouth "Were out.-" a smile built on her face, and for Frank she was the ressemblance of the devil himself. "What do you mean you are out?!" Frank asked furiously as the sign he pushed over hit nothing, and let out a smack of the plastic with a gust a cinnamon particles that followed. In the vicinity of the offer there was truly no cinnamon pretzel to be seen and Frank had to admit defeat "J-just give me a cinnamon roll." with this statement an assistant lunch lady passed two fresh hot bags to the demon spawn and she rapidly released a price from her smug smirk "That'll be 5.00." , but suprisingly Frank just tossed over the twenty like it was regular paper and waited for her to give him the rest back. Once she had given him a random amount of money back Frank pulled Hannah along by her hand, his head sunken down and bags with their food waving left and right.
Jack stood there, his pupils dilated, slightly frozen up by the wolf, he hasn't had a lot of experience with mammals, let alone a tall, and creepy wolf looking like it crawled out of hell itself, "Y-yeah, n-nice wolf you have" .
Sayu couldn't help but let out a giggle at their reactions. "Don't worry," she said, turning her attention to the boy who had stuttered a bit. "He doesn't but. Or rather, he can't bite or he'll be punished." As she continued on smiling at the two she shifted her weight to one side, continuing to pet the smooth wooden wolf. "I don't believe I know your names yet. As he said," she gestured towards the male who already knew her name, "I'm Sayu. Pleasure to meet you two. "
"Pleasure to meet you to, my name is Johnny." It was still amazing that things like the wolf can be created and controlled for Johnny, he couldn't wait to learn something new because he only knew some basic stuff and something he thought it was special. Even if he was so excited about learning new stuff because he was curious, by his nature he always held a blank face, except when he was laughing. "It seems you've been here for quite a while, or you're just a genius. But either way I would love if you could learn some of the things you know."
He rubbed his right arm with his left hand nervously, "I'm Jack...nice to meet you and your...uh...friend?" He flashed a slightly confident/nervous smile, an odd mixture of the both.

He felt like he was going to faint, that creature looked way to creepy to be a normal functioning creature...but so did centipedes...

He thought about running away or even hiding behind John would be better than having to face that wolf...

Jack looked at John like he was insane when he said he wanted to learn how to create things like that, he took a deep breath, and tired his best to avoid eye contact with the creature.

(I'm terrified of wolves xD )
Sayu glanced at them both, patting the thick neck of the wolf gently. "Nice to meet you, Johnny, Jack. I'm the cousin of the Headmaster. I don't think I'm a genius.... I just practice a lot," she said with a friendly smile. "I can teach you, Johnny. Though it's a bit difficult. It took me quite a few years to make it function perfectly and explode properly," she said to Johnny before turning to Jack. Seeing as how he seemed to be a bit tense, she tilted her head to one side. "Should I send the wolf away?"
"It explodes too? That's a bonus" he said giggling. "I know it will take a lot of practice, I'm used to it. And I won't be starting with making the wolf, I have quite a long way until that, I only discovered my powers 2-3 years ago so I'm not really experienced with them even if I practiced like hell..."
"You don't have to send it away... It's fine..." When Jack heard the wolf could explode that was like combining the worst features possible into a single thing. He could just imagine being mauled, and than having the pleasant feeling of being blown to shreds, oh what a wonderful creature...

"Oh,that's great!" June smiled at zeth and then turned to Johnny. He had to look up due to the height difference. His face just radiated happiness. He giggled like a little girl and ten twirled. After doing a full 360 June stumbled and fell backwards. "Ouch!" He rubbed his back trying to stop the pain. "That hurrrrrttttt." He said it in a almost whinny tone. June had been behaving in a way much different from yesterday. Feeling comfortable he had opened up a little.

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Zeth stood, quietly observing June, Johnny, and the boy who's name he believed he had heard to be Jack... but he wasn't completely sure. He couldn't help smiling at Johnny's enthusiasm, nodding. Zeth was interested in learning the technique as well but he was sure Sayu knew that- Zeth was always interested in learning any techniques that could be taught and coming up with his own as well. He felt bad for Jack... it was too bad he didn't see the beauty in the wolf but it made sense as well seeing as how the wolf could be extremely dangerous. When June began to act... well 'silly' Zeth turned toward him, feeling fairly confused. "Are you alright, June?" He asked, unsure if something was 'wrong' or if there was something else causing June's behavior.
"Oh I'm just clumsy...and a little sleep deprived!" He giggled some more and rolled around on the grass. "Everything is alright,yes everything is just fine!" He said singing. The words were lyrics from a song but he felt like singing another one would just be redundant. "Hey zeth! Where is your tattoo?" His question had been out of the blue but he was curious. Same as to Johnny. June himself did not have one...at least not a reel one. Two weeks before he had entered the school his sister had forced him to get a tattoo. It took up almost all of his left arm,stopping halfway at his arm. The design was something to compare to abstract art. June did not really like it there but he knew why it was.

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