Osiel Academy [Inactive]

Sayu's face lit up as Zeth handed her a rose. She gratefully took it, repaying him the a small kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Zeth. Definitely friends," she said as she smiled with a hint of mischievousness. She was glad she had a chance to see him this morning because he had just made her day. The rose was held tightly in her hands as she turned away from him and in the direction of a large white gazebo visible in the woods. With a small wave, she began to walk over.
He began to lie on the bench, eyes shut, with his head pushing against Hannah's lap like a pillow. "I don't know why, but at random occasions insects will just come to me. The first time at least 60% of the insects in the city had come to my apartment complex." he rubs his head in as he tries to shake away a thought "So many cockroaches, everywhere.".

Frank's tattoo flickered for a split second before the cricket on her hand jumped onto her nose without warning looking into her eyes. He had taken partial control of the cricket as his body and the other body had become difficult to control. "There is a lot of coordination in play right now. You don't need to worry this thing doesn't remember a thing I do, so if it were to die it would be... painless." The cricket's antenna touches around the the top of her nose a few times whilst Frank's eyes move up and down slowly looking up at Hannah.
Hannah crossed her bright eyes to stare into the eyes of the cricket, a large grin spreading onto her face. As Frank recalled the first time the insects in the city had come to his apartment she couldn't help but allow herself to shiver, cringing at the thought. Though she wasn't scared of insects, and usually didn't mind them, there was some she did mind... and cockroaches were definitely one of them. Hannah ended up brushing off the thought, completely ridding her mind of any cockroach related ideas. Hannah's interest was caught once again when Frank begun telling her about what would happen if the cricket he had taken over were to die. She shifted her gaze from the cricket on her nose down to Frank who was in her lap, staring at him, looking at his forehead in particular as she spoke. "So... It would be painless for him..." she started, gesturing at the cricket "... but not for you?" she finished, asking with an underlying tone of concern to her voice.
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Frank's eyes stop looking up and freeze in the center shaking slightly "N-" his sign flashes in that split second as he is about to finish his statement and the crickets disperse into an confusing mess "No, I-it hurts it feels awful like my insides are being crushed. B-but it only happens on full control." his calm look returns after that and he turns laying with his head sideways looking at the Cafeteria. "At least I can say I know how it is to die." he giggles nervously before a 30 minute warning bell rings. His face is once again completely monotone as he sat up facing from her "We should get some breakfast before school start." he got up again and offered her his hand as he did the other day.
Hannah let out a soft sigh as all the crickets jumped away all at once, staring up at Frank as he stood. "That sounds horrible." she stated silently as she took his hand and sent him a weak smile, still thinking about what he had said. She never thought that with their abilities would come so many issues, and it was obvious Frank had to deal with pretty horrible problems. She brushed away the thought of the pain and allowed the topic to be changed when she finally stood up, switching her attention to the bell that had rung. Her eyes surveyed the courtyard as she searched for any other students before turning to Frank and nodding at him. She had so many questions about death that boggled her mind, but she figured it would be rude to ask such things, and had to bite her tongue to force herself not to speak about it.
"Oh, yeah...nice singing..." He said in a slightly awkward tone, this was one of the only situations a conversation turned into an odd fiasco of jibberish to him.

"Yeah, we haven't met....I'm Jack....you do uh, sing nicely, and stuff.." He shuffled his feet awkwardness.

"I-it's nice to meet you as well..." This was just straight up odd. Had jack been a close friend June would have taken the compliment much better...but the way he delivered it made it seam as if he was forcing it out. "And thank you..."he swallowed hard,he had barely met Johnny. Which he remembered...he still has his revolver..."h-hey...sir Johnny? C-can....can I have my...thing back?" June was trying to make it a quiet request,but he knew he sounded suspicious.
Johnny looked at June as Jack spoke and he saw that June didn't really like what Jack said or how he said it, but Johnny knew that those words were meant to calm June and it wasn't supposed to make him feel weird, even if it sounded weird the way he said it. Then June stuttered out some words. "Yeah, of course, I have it here. That's why I was so happy to see you, you need your "thing", as you apparently name it, back" he said followed by a little giggle. "Stop being so shy around these people. They, hopefully, will all become friends. And you will be part of them too. Well, shy or not, you will still make a lot of friends but your shyness makes people think you are scared or weak, and you aren't." 'Or something else' thought Johnny as he looked at Jack. 'I hope June isn't as weird as people think, he seems like a good guy.' Then he handed June his revolver saying "You should name it, stop calling it "thing" in front of other people, someones brain can think at an infinite amount of things when you say that, and they only take in consideration the weird stuff." He said with a big grin on his face. "And don't call me sir, I'm not 60 years old."
Zeth's face lit up bright red but he smiled and waved as she left. He decided to continue onto the classrooms and get in some studying time while he waited for the time for classes to actually start to come around. He noticed other classmates out and about on his way and waved to them cheerfully, his cheeks still painted with pink. He paused before going inside the classroom building, however, finding that he really wasn't ready to go inside just yet so, turning away from the doors, Zeth began to jog around the school. It was something he did every now and then, especially on nice days.
Jack stood there like a statue, a little to afraid to jump into the conversation. Hopefully I didn't cause this mess of sociability, he thought to himself, trying to think of something to say so he could slowly squeeze into their discussion without causing subliminal friction. "I didn't know you were allowed to have firearms on school property...." He asked curiously, slowly believing that that comment wouldn't help with the quietness, but he couldn't necessarily go back in time,mane rephrase it.

He ran his hand through his hair, and gave a slight smile.
Sayu eventually walked up to the white, wooden gazebo which was raised slightly off ground. It was beautifully designed with detailed carvings on the side and a peaked roof. Quickly, she bent down to pick up a fallen branch from one of the many trees that surrounded her. With the stick, she scribbled runes in the dirt with a quick hand. One would think that her runes would be messy because of the how fast she was writing them, but they were almost perfect. Out of the 18 runes that she wrote on the dirt, only 5 of them were "normal" or "easy" symbols. She placed her hand on top of it, which made her tattoo over her eye glow a pure white before her rune did the same. She took a few steps back to watch her rune turn into a 5 feet high, wooden wolf. The eyes glowed white, just like her tattoo. She had learned this rune as a child by Kai, but still had a hard time perfecting it. After all, this wasn't an ordinary wooden wolf. Inside of it are flames, but because of certain symbols, the wood was protected. In desperate times, the wolf would be able to burst into flames. These wolves were especially good for long time uses until they catch fire. Eventually, she would have to teach some students this, seeing as how it may help for any future fights with the Karyuudo.
"W-well each student is allowed to carry weapons..."June held his right arm which held his gun. "It's in case if you get attacked by...by your opposite side..." June shivered a little and looked to the side. "Don't get me wrong,your not supposed to go out of your way to start fights...but if it happens you are allowed to defend yourself..." He blushed slightly "t-the only reason Johnny had mine was because I got really scared last night..a-and I wasn't in the proper state to be carrying a firearm" he felt stupid for admitting it,he was trained to use guns not be scared of them.
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"Yeah, don't worry about that June. Jack, you don't have a weapon? I mean you were talking about firearms, but with the powers Exusians and "the other side" Karyudoos have a little needle can be more dangerous than a firearm." said Johnny looking at jack for approval.

"Y-you don't have anything at all?" A tone of concern was noticeable in his voice. "I-it's dangerous to be defenseless." He looked at jack,as if he was worried for him.
"Yeah, I have a knife, and all, it's just I don't really see a point to carry it outside..." He shrugged carelessly, "I'm sure the chances of being attacked by one is very slim, and I think it's a little improper to carry one in public." Jack failed to see the point, he thought he wasn't really at danger here, all the people here, and they're telling him he needs something to protect himself from a few people?
"The chances are very slim but there are some, i personally don't have my weapon with me either, but some are more cautious than others. We never know when this little guy will save our asses just because of it" said Johnny giggling.
Frank began to lead Hannah to the door, his eyes wandering back to her as she gave off a discomforted look. They hit the door and he jumped to the side pulling the right door open like the gentleman he is. But before she could even enter he held her back with his hand on her left shoulder "Is something wrong? If something is bothering you, just tell me." he waited by the door staring at her with a sincere look built up across his face. 'It's obvious what's wrong she doesn't want you around!' the thought blasted through his skull like a siren.

"L-little guy?!" He blushed furious and then punched Johnny's shoulder. He punched hard but he knew it did little to nothing. June knew he was small and fragile but he hated admitting it. Still though...treating was something friends did right? He felt like he could call Johnny a friend...and jack didn't seem to mind him all that much. After realizing this he smiled,still with flushed cheeks. "I-I could totally fight." He said jokingly. He was enjoying his new friends.
"I'm sure you could beat up everyone with that kind of punch." He chuckled softly, feeling a bit better knowing some people here that aren't complete jerks, maybe it was just that one guy, hopefully he was the only one, that wasn't the best impression he could've had to this school.
Hannah returned his stare with her own intense gaze, her bright eyes slightly widened as they locked on his. She winced when he touched her shoulder, pressing his hand uncomfortably close to her well hidden tattoo. "Honestly..." she started, raising and placing both of her hands on Frank's hand as she managed a smile, a true, genuine smile. "I'm fine, Frank." she finished, picking up his hand within her own and pushing it gently away. "I couldn't be better." she said, her voice soft yet sincere.
The door rattled with Frank's right hand as he stood there getting a cold sweat. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that your body is none of my business..." his eyes were stuck on her glittering pupils and his left arm wavered in the air like his thoughts. '*snap snap*' his conscience was once again attempting to drill in sense, but that was to no prevail and the only thing that would end this trance would be her entering the cafeteria. The look on his face wasn't sincere or agitated, but like a child that was viewing the night sky for the first time. (Ech that is so cheesy!)
The girl noticed Frank's obscene hand gestures and odd behavior and almost immediately stepped through the door, releasing the gentle grip she had on his hand as she brushed past him. Once she finally made her way into the cafeteria she stopped, rubbing an awkward hand on her arm as she spun around to face Frank, waiting for him to remove himself from the door and join her as she walked. The previous ordeal had come as a surprise to her, and in the heat of the moment the words that she attempted to bite back slid freely from her jaw.

"Is there something wrong, Frank? You don't really seem... yourself."
Johnny looked at them both with the most serious face he could make. "Guys, stop joking. This is my right arm, you almost destroyed it, I-I..I can't feel my arm anymore" said Johnny giggling because he couldn't maintain the serious face. "Nah dude, you can punch how much you want, don't worry. I was made in a forge, all steel baby" while he was trying to show off his muscles that were non-existent. "Hmm, it feels weird. Don't we have to go to classes or something?"
With a deep sigh, Sayu stepped onto the platform of the gazebo, the newly created rune creature following. Everything she did, the creature followed. When she sat down, so did the creature. When she walked, the creature did the same. She though it was absolutely adorable, despite it's intimidating looks. Seeing as how it may be around for a while since it was a long-tern rune, she decided to name it. I can't think of a name at the moment. Maybe I should ask someone for suggestions, she thought. With that thought in mind, she stood up once again and began walking out of the woods to the X-Ring. The wooden wolf followed closely behind.
Feeling exhausted in one of the best kind of ways Zeth stopped to breathe, reveling in the morning air and the sound of the animals nearby. He noticed a group of students nearby speaking, immediately recognizing Johnny and June and vaguely recognizing the other two... or at least Zeth thought they looked familiar. He wondered what they were up to at the moment and also wondered if classes would be starting soon. He had forgotten to put his watch on that morning and so wasn't quite sure of the time.

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