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Fantasy Orasura

As the group continued through the forest, they encountered near nothing. Some would call it anticlimactic, but the Host would call it realistic. As they arrived in the next town, they realized this was one of the several border towns in the Black Feather Empire. As you arrive at the gate you see a man in light iron armor. A guard, it would seem. As you approach he stands in your way. "I'm afraid I can't let you enter thi-" The guard begins to speak. Then he seems to notice Finx, and an alarmed expression crossing his face, "Oh. My sincerest apologies, I hadn't realized you had such... important company. Please, go through." As you walk past you notice a symbol on the back of the Guard's armor, depicting two black dragons wrapped around each other, however, both dragons lack any face. As you enter the town you notice 3 guards cornering a short woman, each with a hand readying their weapons. As you draw closer you can make out on of the guards saying in a gruff voice, "Well, little lady. We can't have you knowin' about our little plan. Don't make a noise and come with us..."

@SkyRune (React to the guards. Assume you know about the Mafia/Faceless Dragon occupation of this town.)
Lysia frowned, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hear it. I was passing by." She smiled and tried to look for a way out, but she knew she was trapped. Great, she thought, why did I decide to take a short cut any way?
" 'Fraid that's not an option anymore, girly." The guard says, inching closer to her, raising his sword above his head.
Kira transforms into a demon and his aura go crazy. He catches the guards hand as he is about to swing, reers back to punch, his aura armor around his hand forms spikes, and he punches the man in the sternum, breaking the bone, and a couple of ribs
A stout, loud voice says : "Stop right there!" He walks out of the group, and walks- and then Kira goes batshit crazy.

Marco sighs, and walks infront of the girl, who hasn't been near-fatally damaged yet, and checks on her. He makes sure she wasn't caught up in the psychopathic rampage that just went down.

He gets into a defensive stance infront of the stranger to protect them, and yells at Kira: "Kira, calm down!
Hak sticks annoyingly close to Finx.


"Sorry for his destructive actions! He suffers from mental retardation!" I yell over to the girl.

"I'm sure the only threat to her health was Kira." I say to Finx.

Then again, I would've been there first if Kira wasn't faster.
Kira stops, obviously looking serene. "Huh? Whatchya talking about?" He says as he picks up the mangled body and chucks it to the other two guards while transforming back into a human "Can't let her get hurt, now can we? "
The guard simply slumps to the ground, dead. The other two guards then turned toward Kira and tried to slash at him, both doing very similar downward slashes. Before they both could finish Kurisu had already moved in and firmly kneed one of the guards in the back, with enough force to stun him. As the guard stumbled forward, Kurisu kicked the guard in the back again, making him drop his sword and fall to the ground, leaving the other remaining guard to Kira.
Kira stands perfectly still, as the guard swings his sword. He doesnt seem to be affected by the slashes, but the others can tell that kira simply weakened his aura armor to be almost invisible. Once the man grows tired, it flares up, and kira shoves his claws into the mans throat, and twists as he pulls them back out "Man....the guys are weak...."
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Marco looks bothered by his team simply going to violence. He covers his face with his palm for a moment, and then turns around to speak to the stranger, and spoke gently. "Are you alright?", while looking very calm.

Kira turns around and goes back into human form and walks over to the girl "you alright? Sorry for the mess....but they were going to kill you." He look over at marco and chuckles softly " always the pacifist eh? Anyway...Hak make sure theres no one else near by.."
After successfully restraining the only living guard left, Kurisu stood up and put his foot on the guard's back, just to make sure he didn't move. He then turned to the unknown stranger, "I'm sorry about my comrade's brutality.. Do you know why they were attacking?" Kurisu said, glancing at Kira with a newfound disdain.
Kira knows that look very well and replies with "What? I was protecting the girl and the pacifist. Would you rather me lose control and go on a complete rampage? Killing them released some stress"
"Out of all the possible solutions, you decided the best of them would be to go batshit, transform, and murder two of the guards..." Kurisu said. After that he turned to the woman they had just rescued, eying her for any potential injuries.
>Hak facepalm<


With Finx still in my watch...

"The men in this town train to be like them. So, yes, there are people in the area, Kira." I say dryly.

"I think it'd be a wonderful idea to draw attention to ourselves. Why not move to a... Less public location?" I eyed behind me.
Kira chuckles a bit " Hey now, I didn't go crazy at all. I was in control the entire time" he says as he pulls out an apple, cutsit up, and hands it to Marco and the girl to share.
Finx remains their, glaring towards the guards yet not caring about the situation that just occurred. Finx then takes a few steps back from Hak, attempting to get a better look at the town, at this moment Finx then gains the same large sinister smirk for a few moments before continuing to walk into the town, passing Hak and the others.
Hak starts jogging to keep up with Finx.


Jogging casually, I easily catch up to Finx.

"Yo," I wave.

"Pardon me, but could we run a bit faster? I seem to have upset a few hundred guards, which are chasing me now, by the way."

And it would only be then would the roaring cries of an innumerable amount of guards be chasing both Finx and myself. Oh my-
Finx looks back towards the guards, as they see my face they all seem to come to a halt as they then go back to their normaly daily business, Finx motions his head towards Finx giving off a somewhat innocent smirk towards Hak "Keep calm little dove, we are safe in this town for now" Finx then continues walking in the same direction as if expecting Hak to follow him.
Hak sticks right by Finx's side, not trailing behind him.


"Keeping calm is my job. Besides, the expression on my face hasn't changed since I met you."
Kira suddenly appears from a tree in front of them, as he was scouting ahead, and casually flying backwards. He puts his arms behined his head and relaxes as he says "Yo, Hak, whatchya up to?"
Hak shrugs and nods at Finx, implying that he's accompanying Finx... To wherever it is they're going.

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Finx doesn't seem to even pay attention to Kira, just walking forward in the thought of him 'knowing' Kira is a dead man, Finx simply just walks straight into the middle of the town


SkyRune said:
Lysia frowned, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hear it. I was passing by." She smiled and tried to look for a way out, but she knew she was trapped. Great, she thought, why did I decide to take a short cut any way?
Your aussie?
As kira and Hak follow Finx, kira decides to have some fun and repeatedly poke him, laughing at how he ignores it. He yells over to his friend. "Hey Hak, you gotta try this, hahahaha" he says as he chuckles at the fact that finx cannot do a single thing about it.
Hak looked at Kira with dissatisfaction,


Just when I thought Kira couldn't get any more childish...

Saying nothing with my expression remaining the same, I twirl my spear in my left hand so that it's aimed at Finx's bottom. I poke his bottom with my spear, giving him a jolt of lightning each time I do so.

This was, while far from the cruelest thing I've ever done, probably the best method of torture.
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