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Fantasy (Open) Supernatural High School, New.


Pulling the hood further down over his head as he walked across campus to get to the main office, Eric sighed deeply as the sun beamed down on him. "Why send me to a place where I could die at any moment just from being outside." He said to himself, looking around the campus he could tell that everyone was different and smelling the air there where other vampires at the school.

Adjusting the mask he had on as he finally got to the main office to register, Eric smirked when he saw that the secretary had the shimmer of a set of wings. Removing the mask Eric grinned, "So where can a vamp get some lodgings around here?" He said as he took off his gloves and hood to show off his blond hair. The secretary giggled a little as she gave him all the information he needed and dorm room number, Eric gave her a wink and went on his way.
Nil Vu
In a mundane fashion Nil walked along as he explained the gaming club he himself had just learned of, “Its cool man, I hear it’s a good mix of board, console, and pc games. It’s mostly students run, cause the teacher who’s in charge never shows. So pretty much just an hang out space.” He paused as they grew closer to the building, nose twitching slightly as it picked up the scent of Nix...mainly her cooking. He must have paused for a bit longer than he thought, sensing golden boy staring at him. “Sorry, right um, as for me I’m a board game pro, and mainly just play sim style games,” he huffed as they reached the doors, scratching at his nose. He remembered he never explained his own abilities and that was probably what his new friend was wondering about, but as he turned to tell golden boy he noticed a green gem in his hand. “Oh what’s that?” He inquired.
The Imperial Flame The Imperial Flame
While Biff was finishing his food he realized he still hadn't figured out where the hell he was s'posed to be. "Hey kid, it's nice that you have your magical yippy-doodle fantasy thing goin' on, but I'm gunna need some real hard facts up in here." Rod said in between bites from his nearly finished plate. "Where the hell am I s'posed to go? I just got here and don't know lickity-split about this spooky commie shacklehouse" Rod sucked the grease off his fingers having finished his plate of food and gave the girl a glance. What was anyone's name again? The guy said he was Darral or something. Well hopefully he'd never see these folks again so he wouldn't ever have to remember.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Nil Vu
In a mundane fashion Nil walked along as he explained the gaming club he himself had just learned of, “Its cool man, I hear it’s a good mix of board, console, and pc games. It’s mostly students run, cause the teacher who’s in charge never shows. So pretty much just an hang out space.” He paused as they grew closer to the building, nose twitching slightly as it picked up the scent of Nix...mainly her cooking. He must have paused for a bit longer than he thought, sensing golden boy staring at him. “Sorry, right um, as for me I’m a board game pro, and mainly just play sim style games,” he huffed as they reached the doors, scratching at his nose. He remembered he never explained his own abilities and that was probably what his new friend was wondering about, but as he turned to tell golden boy he noticed a green gem in his hand. “Oh what’s that?” He inquired.
The Imperial Flame The Imperial Flame
Aleandran Volskaya
"Oh this?" He said as he held it up to the sun. As the golden rays pierced the gem's verdant surface, the light was refracted. Green light sparkled around them, and made a slight humming noise. "It's something I made at home. I dabble in gem-cutting and stuff." He said rubbing the back of his head, realizing how lame it sounded. "Of course it has some enchantments, but it's mostly mundane." he said, putting it back in his pocket. Ale needed to practice his impromptu casting, as he had almost perfected rune casting. If you were very observant you could see runes tattooed all over his body, for various tasks. The tattoos were more recent, as before he could leave his home he etched them into his skin with a knife. Some of them are clearly visible, and seem to glint like metal. He continued along with Nil, smiling and brightening the area.
Faten wakes up, and hops out of bed, smiling. She’s pretty pleased with herself, having gotten the magic club started, and as such having become the president of the club. Someone there has gotta know how to fix her little age problem.

She changes her clothes with a snap of her fingers, and heads off to get some food. She’s really excited to see what this school year will bring for her.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko sighed as he sat in the Q, he'd gotten there early so there weren't many people there. It calmed him to be less crowded in any situation so he was able to eat with ease. His ears weren't shuffling around under his head wrap as much other than in discomfort so he didn't mind much. He chomped down on a piece of steak.
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Faten sees Yoko, and waves, going to get some steak for herself as well. She’s pretty fond of steak, and while she doesn’t need to eat, she enjoys doing so. She goes to get her coffee while she’s at it, before carrying her tray over to Yoko’s table. “Mind if I sit?” The young demon asks brightly.

Feeling the sun graze her skin, Raven woke up with a groan. "What...the...ugh!!." She said as she sat up, apparently she had fallen asleep on her yoga mate under the tree, guessing she was a bit depressed and decided not to go to her room last night but then again seeing your childhood friend suddenly leave and never hear from them again can put anyone in a mood.

Raven slowly got up and stretched, she gathered her mate and went back to her room to get a quick shower.

After getting done with what seemed like a 45 minute shower, she went to find something to wear. "Something dark." She said to herself the found a dress she thought she lost over the years. It was a black victorian type dress, once she put it on Raven put her hair in two French braids and left to go to the Q for a bite to eat.


Getting use to this new morning schedule for one of his classes was hard. Even tho the sunlight didn't hurt him or kill him, it did irritate the crap out of him as he looked out the window. Sighing Eric went to take quick shower before it got crowded with the other guys in the dorm and headed back to his room, walking around in a towel really didn't bother him, hell he would go all day like that if he could but he was at school and a guy has to have a bit of dignity.

After getting dressed, Eric put a thick cream all over his face and hands that made him look even more pale than he already was. It was a type of sun protector that was given to him on his way to the school so that if he was outside for long periods of time he would be alright.

"Alright, time to join the masses." Eric said to himself as he put on his cloak and headed outside to the Q.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko noticed when Faten had waved and nodded hesitantly before turning his attention back to his food. He went still when Faten walked up next to him, he had hoped strongly that she would just ignore him and walk past. Though when she spoke he knew he'd get no such luck.

Yoko then turned his gaze up and blinked his ears jolting against his head wrap as he did, he fought the urge to still them out of habit, knowing that would only bring more attention to them.

"Uh, y-yeah? You c-c-can sit if you...want.", he uttered out.
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She sits down, tilting her head a bit as she sees how nervous he is. “You Alright? Are you new here too?” She asks, as she starts eating. It might explain his anxiety if he’s in a new school like her.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko shook his head taking another bite of steak, his sharp teeth making easy work of it. "No...w-w-well yes. I'm uh...I've been here for uh...a f-f-few weeks?", it wasn't a question but Yoko really couldn't help himself. He glanced up at her intermittently from his food, "I-I'm uh...Yoko. Y-Yoko Ryde."
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She nods. “I just got here a couple days ago.” She says, extending a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Yoko. I’m Faten. I look forward to having classes with you.” She says. She can be charming, when it suits her, and right now she’s trying to make friends.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko ducked his head in acknowledgment, nearly flinching when she extended a hand to him. He stared at the hand for a few moments before realizing what Faten was doing and took her hand in one of his. He gave a slight smile, "N-n-nice to meet you." His ears shuffled around under his head wrap, he tugged at the edges of the fabic, trying to discreetly still them.

He inwardly chided himself for being such a nervous wreck, but all things considered, he was doing pretty well.
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She looks a bit worried about him, wondering if he’s gotten hurt. Granted, she’s suffered to an extent, she’s a demon after all, but he’s not taking whatever happened to him very well at all. He glances up at the cloth around his head, before looking back at him. “What year are you?” She asks, trying to distract him a bit.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko looked up at her, fixing the yarn wrap once more before settling his hands between his legs nervously. "I...I'm a junior. H-how about you?", he asked less curious and more for returning the courtesy.

He adjusted his pastel pink and white sweater pulling it further over his burgundy tights, his toes curled inside his white hi-tops. His chosen wrap for the day was also white, sticking out against his black hair. He in a fit of anxiousness reached up to throw the little bit of steak left on his plate into his mouth, the meat disappearing in an instant.
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“I’m a senior, actually.” She says brightly. Which is weird, considering that she looks like she’s in middle school. “It’s my first year here though, I’ve been mostly homeschooled.” She starts digging into her own steak, very happy with it. She loves human food, it’s great.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko tilted his head in surprise, not expecting that answer due to the girl's appearance but he then found it in him to smile as she ate. There was something about this girl that made him feel safer, he couldn't pinpoint it though. Little did he know that was because he himself was a demon just as she was, there was a sense of kinship he hadn't felt since he was little with his father. He knew little about what he was and even less about supernatural creatures. His ears ruffled around happy to be around nice company.

He observed as she ate her meal heartily, "Y-you really like st-steak!"
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She grins up at him. “I really do! Red meat is kind of my favorite thing ever, and the way they cook it here is fantastic!” She says, reaching to take a sip of her coffee. He seems to be loosening up a little bit, which is nice. She does want to be careful about what she says though, so she won’t scare him off.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko nodded in agreement before regarding her coffee curiously, "What is...is that coffee?" He hadn't ever tasted coffee before but he'd smelled it, he hadn't been aware that there was even coffee available there.
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“Yeah! It’s pretty good, but not as good as the steak. I apparently put way too much sugar in it, but I mean what’s it gonna do?” She jokes, laughing. She’s long, long dead. Not much she worries about these days
Yoko Ryde
Yoko gave a small hesitant smile not really understanding the joke, "Yeah...well, I don't really know what it tastes like normally..."
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She tilts her head, offering her cup to him. “You want to try some? I really like it.” She says, smiling up at him.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko blinked in surprise and gave a slight nod, he'd only been offered food and drink from one person before, his mother.

"Y-yes, thank you...", he uttered out taking the offered cup delicately with both hands. He sipped a bit of the drink and his face froze for a moment. His hazel orbs then shone in delight from the sweetness.

"This is so good!", he nearly squealed giving the girl next to him an expression of wonder, "It-it's the sweetest thing I've ever tasted! Oh my god I need to get some of this for myself!" He stared down at the cup smiling widely. His ears twitched excitedly under his head wrap and for once, he didn't notice.
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Kari Beck
Having just arrived to her new school that she would call her home for the remainder of her high school carrier, Kari flew to her dorm in her dragon form. Her black talons, complementary to her crimson scales carried her belongings in a large suitcase as her broad leathery wings graced to surprisingly warm air. She had learned that there was a magical spell on the school that kept the climate warm. She tilted her wings downward as she approached the girl's dorm, and hovered in front of the door, then shifted back to her human form. "Here we go, hopefully the dorms are nice..." She muttered. She was quite angry with her parents for sending her away, but she understood it was for her own good, so she wouldn't complain too much. Stepping inside the dorm, she wondered where she was supposed to go from there.

She quickly figured it out though, carrying her bag onto the elevator, she rode the elevator to the top door. As she felt the floor beneath her move, she observed her surroundings. Everything seemed as though it was out of those Harry Potter movies she had watched. The carpet of the elevator had a maroonish color and the walls had intricate golden patterns painted on them. The elevator door rang signaling that she had reached the third floor, and as she felt it come to a stop, and she stepped out as soon as the door opened. She looked at her keys again, seeing the number 12, she looked at the room numbers, finding her room. Entering the room, she was glad that she didn't have a room mate. Setting her stuff down, she decided that she would go and explore campus after finding something to eat. She would deal with putting her stuff away later. Quickly, she shapeshifted again into a small, red dragon, opened the window, and flew out, her spiked tail closing the window.

Using her keen sense of smell, the shifter flew over campus, following the scent of cooked food. Her razor tooth filled mouth watered at the thought of a thoroughly cooked steak, and coffee. She eventually found herself outside the Q, she tilted her wings downward, and hovered inches above the ground, before shifting again into her human form. Stepping inside, she saw it was full of food and students. "H-hi, I'm new here," she said, stepping outside her comfort zone, hoping somebody would help her.
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