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Fantasy (Open) Supernatural High School, New.

Darius felt his phone vibrate in his jean pocket and he pulled it and unlocked it. Reading Noiz's message he smiled and headed toward the club building He loved to cook. Maybe he could cook for her.
Walking through the court yard he got this feeling again and his hair was sticking up on his arms and his head ringing a bit. But why?. He never got head aches before. Hos stomach was fluttery and he looked over his shoulder feeling watched and he only saw a short girl with dark brown hair. She was in red sweats a band Tee and a dark cardigan. She was on her phone like him walking towards the Q. She glanced up at him and smiled and he smiled and waved a bit and she did the same and kept walking glancing up a few time. He couldnt help but stare.. he knew her. He sighed and felt a little crazy and made his way to the building.
Walking in He could hear some noise down the hall and he walked into the door slowly and saw Nix and his face lit up. He looked at her for a moment watching her fiddle with things and smiled.
"So where do we began?." He said setting his bag down and rolling up his flannel sleeves.​
lissamissal lissamissal
Rynn felt the cool air hit her face and hit felt good. She walked slowly across the yard and looked at her phone expecting to get a text from Alex but nothing. She kept walking and her hands began to tingle. Her eyes hurt a bit. Her neck was tight and her shoulders tense. It was like her body was on alert mode. She looked up from her phone and saw a guy. He was tall and he looked like someone she knew. She stared for a moment and smiled and he waved. She waved a bit back and he turned. She sighed and thought maybe he would talk to her. But no. Rynn pushed the few stay hairs out of her face and put her phone away and walked towards the Q hoping to find Sasha.
Entering the Q she grabbed a bagel with tomatos and egg whites on it with her normal coffee. She inhaled the sent of food and he stimsch growled. Trying to find a seat she looked around for a moment and saw a girl sitting alone. Rynn decided to be brave and talk to someone new. Walking over to the table she looked down at her. Hoping she wasnt making her mad she smiled.
"Hey is anyone sitting with you?." Rynn looked at her waiting hopeful for a response.​
lavendre lavendre

Groaning deeply as Raven woke up, it was starting to get harder to move whenever she woke up. Having to deal with body numbness from time to time was starting to get easier to handle but being half vampire, it would randomly happen. Sighing as some feeling was slowly coming back and held her hand up to look at it, yes it was pitch black under the curtain but Raven could see in the dark, it was one of the good perks of being a half vampire.

"Alright, now it's time to get up." She said to herself, she had heard her roommate leave a few hours earlier so this was a good time to let the numbness fade on its own than to force it away. Getting out of bed Raven felt pops go through almoat her whole body as she stood to stretch, "Ugh by the Gods that felt good." She groaned then went to look for something to wear, it was a free day so she decided to finally get back into doing yoga. She went and took a quick shower and went back to her room, standing by her bed in a towel, Raven debate on what she should wear. Yoga pants or shorts? The million dollar question, the yoga pants are form fitting and made her butt look AMAZING and then there were the shorts, loose and easy to move in. "Yoga pants." She said to herself and got dressed in the yoga pants an short tank top. Hair still damp Raven grabbed her mat and headed outside, on the way she text Tsume to see if he would join her, she got a short an quick response. "No." Raven frowned when she read it as she put the mat down then replied back, "Okay, feel better." She knew not to press for answers, when they were kids Tsume would go through a time where he just wanted to be left alone.

Putting on some quiet meditation songs on her phone Raven began her routine, getting in positions that were familiar to her and others she had learned. Thankfully there weren't many students out at that time so she knew she wouldn't be bothered.
Faten walks into the Q, yawning and stretching happily. She really does love sleep. She goes to make herself some coffee, humming as she puts a stupid amount of sugar and flavored creamer in, basically making it dessert in a cup. Apparently her sweet tooth has remained the same for the past century. What do you know?

As she sips it, she looks around at the other students there. Maybe she’ll approach someone. For now, she’s just going to enjoy the morning.

Once Aleks was done consuming her breakfast, she stood and tossed away what was left over. Now it was time to go see if she really had the guts to join one or two of these clubs. She slowly made her way to the old, large, brick building, walking through the double doors. Usually she would just walk on up to the music floor without making eye contact with anyone, but today she was here for a different purpose. Instead of making her way to the third floor she remained on the first, the floor with all of the offices. To be honest she didn't know how clubs worked, but she assumed that she would need to talk to someone, so she entered the room that said, "office." When she was inside she was great by a lower class angel, which wasn't surprising. The girl asked about what she needed to do in order to join a musical club. The angel explained that she would need to speak to the music director and that all directors would be in their designated club area. Aleks then exited the room with a quiet, "thanks" before making her way up to the third floor.

Once she was on the third floor she looked into one of the four rooms and saw an older man looking down at papers that sat on the piano. "Excuse me," she said, entering the room. Her nerves were tingling, making her feel anxious and nauseated. "I was just wondering what I need to do in order to join a club or two?"

The man turned, slightly startled by the sudden sound of an unfamiliar voice. "Well, you just have to sign the boards outside the door and chill here while we get everything situated for the first day." The man then gave Aleks a smile and she exited to sign her name on the clipboard. Once that was done, she stepped back into the room, feeling anxious as she took a seat in one if the many chairs that were shaped in arcs.

Cain eventually woke up once his legs started to tingle from loss of blood. When he tried to move them, he was surprised by how heavy they were. The shifter opened his eyes and gazed down to see Kall curled up in a ball on top of his feet. “Hey,” He said softly, not wanting to startle her. Cain sat up and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. He was a bit confused as to why she was in here, in his room, on him, but he was also confused as to why he hadn’t woken up. The bright morning sun was already seeping through the window and he hadn’t woken up? That wasn't usually like him, but he supposed that it really was because if the jet lag catching up to him.
Nix Vu
Nix smiled and laughed as Darius strolled into the room, "Begin?...I'm already done! Unless you mean " She looked around the room and she could hand it to him, it really didn't look like she was done cooking at all. "Grab a plate silly and take a seat," she patted the space on the counter next to her and a small cloud of flour puffed up into the air, "OOops, haha, really though help yourself... I made way too much." She bit into another fork full of pancake and fruit, a small bit of honey escaping and running down her chin. Quickly she wiped at it and smiled as she finished chewing, "Oh yum don't worry, everything is vegetarian too. I'm not sure how you feel about eating animals but, I don't really feel moral about it." She took another sip of her tea and broke off a piece of her croquembouche.
Megeara Megeara
Biff was lost as a bear swimmin' in the middle of the indian ocean. "Goddam rusky crap, I damn thought it was gunna be -52 out here is this wastleand but this damn coat I brought was a damn waste." Biff had been carrying his winter clothing around for half an hour now trying to figure this damned place out. Here he was trying not to stand out and wear this winter clothing junk, but he was pissed now and he decided it was about time he howdy'd up. As he angrily walked around the complex he saw some giant of a man walking into a building up ahead. "HAHA! some of these damn people are awake" Biff muttered to himself. He strode up into the building entering the room he could now here voices coming from. "Where in god's name am I supposed to go in this goddamn build-" Biff had started to say when he turned the corner into the room. "Hot damn" Biff saw the food that had been prepared and his mouth instantly filled with sliva. "Thank god, I didn't eat a damned thing this mornin'." Biff dropped his bag and winter clothing at the door and walked over to the table the two were at. "I hope y'all don't mind me takin' my fair share and all that deal with your commy laws and all that"

Megeara Megeara lissamissal lissamissal
Nil Vu
The sun shone brightly through the window, harassing Nil’s closed eyes, but he still couldn’t bring himself to wake up and leave the comfort of his bed. It was warm and cozy and furry? Oh geeze really Nil! He groaned as he could feel more patches of fur clotted among his sheets. “Must’ve shifted into a fricken furry beast last night in my sleep,” he sighed as he finally opened his eyes, slothishly got out of bed, and got ready for the day.

It took him some time, but finally Nil made it down to the Q for breakfast. It was warm out, but he still wore a red beanie on his head. The only reason why was cause he really didn’t feel like messing with his hair and he liked the way it looked. Well I guess that’s two reasons oops. Anyways, he grabbed a nice warm bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal and sat at a table with a good view of a girl ravenously eating away at what looked like a large plate of meats. There was already someone sitting with her, Rynn? Yeah that’s her name, Nix had talked about her. Nil just rather eat without being tempted too much by the meats. The aroma was great, but his brain still couldn’t let go of the years of vegetarianism he’d been subjugated to. So half-heartily now he ate his oatmeal.
Mathias had eventually made his way back to his dorm the night before, and managed to collapse in his bed to go to sleep. The next morning Mathias woke up, almost suffocating from his binder digging it's way into his chest. He looked over at his room mate, and saw the shifter gently trying to awaken the little winged being he'd tripped over the day before. Mathias felt his face flush as he got out of bed, his breathing shallow, as he struggled to get more oxygen into his lungs.

"Why do the gods hate me?" Mathias murmured under his breath as he stood up. He quickly grabbed some clean clothes and a looser binder, before going into the closet to change his clothes. Once he was hidden from the prying eyes of his roommate, Mathias pulled off his shirt, painfully, before finally removing his binder. He looked down at his chest, and was met with painful red marks where his binder had compressed his chest for a little over 24 hours (three times longer then he should have). Maths slid down to sit on the floor of the closet while he caught his breath, eventually even having a small coughing fit while he attempted to gasp in as much air as possible.

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_ Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Aleandran Volskaya
Ale woke up and instantly rolled out of his bed. His legs hurt for some unknown reason. He shakily stood and wobbled over to his wardrobe, where he reached in and pulled out a yellow polo and brown cargo shorts. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, ruffled his hair, grabbed his plastic coffee cup, and made his way down to the Q.

Ale loved mornings, much to the dismay of people around him. He emerged from the boy's dorm, smiling and looking at some plants he just spotted. After having a short conversation with a bush, he filled his coffee cup and glanced around. He could sit at a table like a normal person, but he just awkwardly stood. He noticed a guy in a red beanie eating oatmeal, and instantly lit up. "Apple cinnamon? A bit bland but definitely fulfilling." He had smelled the bowl from pretty far away and was now striding to the guys table, a look of pure determination painting his face. He would make an acquaintance today, whether or not this guy wanted one. He briskly sat and sipped his coffee, which was pitch black and could strip paint off the walls. "Today is a free day right? What kind of clubs are there? I'm fairly new here." He said spewing questions and sipping more coffee. His blonde hair glittered in the morning sun and his golden eyes glinted with energy.​
Darius loomed over from being lost in nixs laugh to see a young man. He reminded him from a few western movies hw has seen. With a mouthful of food he quickly swallowed he cracked a smile and pat him on the arm.
"eat and sit. Im Darius." He reached out his hand still a littlw confused by this fellow and judging by Nix's silence she was too. He looked at his bag on the floor. He must have just arrived. Darius sat back down cutting into the food she made. It was delicious. He smiled at Nix and nudged her a bit.
"you ok." He whispered.​
lissamissal lissamissal Vacuum Vacuum
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After finishing her small workout, Raven had put her shoes on and headed to the Q to get something to snack on and hopefully find a good blood pack. "Do have any O negative?" She asked the clerk behind the counter who was starring at her like she was a painting from the Sistine chapel. Raven sighed them snapped her fingers cause the clerk to come back to reality and she repeated her question and the clerk went to find out if they had that blood type, Raven rolled her eyes a bit. She was use to those kinds of looks but then again she never showed this much skin before.

Being half vampire had it's perks, always in shape, clear skin and looking ageless. Raven fixed her dark red hair into a better bun which caused her top to raise up a little an accidentally flash a hint of under boob causing the clerk to trip over his own feet and fall.

Raven laughed as the clerk got back up and gave her the blood pack, he told her that she was lucky that he was able to find one, O negative was rare to get a hold of. "Thanks." Raven said and winked at him as she slowly took the blood pack and walked away, she didn't know how to glamor anyone but at the school she really didn't have to. Heading back outside, she looked around the courtyard and grinned as she sipped on the blood pack "Finally something good." She thought as she walked past the tables that had a few people sitting there, some she already knew but some she didn't but there would be a time where that would be fixed. Raven got back to her yoga mat and sat down; with her notepad on her lap she softly sang the lyrics to a song called Come Back Home as she wrote down the notes to it all the while sipping on the blood pack from time to time.


Laying on his bed with his arm covering his eyes, Tsume sighed as he listened to the voice on the phone. "Alright, when do I leave?" He asked then sat up when the voice said 'Now' and the called ended. Tsume quickly gathered all his things, thankfully he didn't have much and put everything by the door to make sure the room was clean for whoever would take the room after he was gone.

Soon after Tsume was in the main office to let the faculty of his sudden and permanent leave from the school, once that was done there was one last thing he had to do before a car came to retrieve him and that was talk to Raven. Taking a deep breath he headed outside and found Raven sitting under what he assumed was her favorite tree. He saw her look up when he approached her and smile, he always loved her fang filled smile but it soon faded an turned to a look of worry. "What's wrong?" She asked as she stood up, Tsume explained to Raven about the phone call he got and that he had to leave for a mission asap. He told how much he loved her, how much of a little sister she was to him and that she was wrong enough to get through her bloodlust without him.

He could see that Raven wanted to say something but she kept it to herself, then the saw a massive truck pull up to the school, being outside the barrier it was covered in snow. They both walked to the edge as Tsume was putting his heavy coat on, "I'll miss you." He heard Raven say, he could see the different emotions flash in her eyes, she was never very good at expressing them. Tsume grinned and gave her a bear hug then released her and walked through the barrier and out of her life forever.

(Tsume exit)
Kall rolled over slightly, releasing Cain's poor legs from her trap. "Snow." She proclaimed to Cain with her eyes still partially closed. "O-Outside there's snow." Though she had been very determined to find it the first day, she seems a little bit annoyed by the thought of the frozen water drops. "S-Snow is frigid." Her limbs were still shivering a bit, so she refused to move from her spot on the bed. There was evidence that she had in fact been outside, the leaf in her hair was the main bit asides from how dirty her face and borrowed clothes had become.

As Kall started to sit up, the door was swung open and the long awaited vampire emerged without his shirt. "Hey Cain, you got a shirt I can borrow? Someone stole mine.... Actually, she stole my shirts..." He raised an eyebrow at Kall and gave her a nervous smile. "Why's she in your bed? What kind of stuff do you do in here man?"
_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_
Sasha Heartfilia
Sasha finished her breakfast and the chapter she was currently on at the same time. It wasn’t as early anymore and seeing more students out and about reminded her about club sign up today. She disposed of her trash and sauntered over to the club building, she wasn’t exactly sure still on how to join so she walked into the front office.

Immediately she was bombarded by a younger angel, Amy was her name wasn’t it? Anywho, she seemed super excited to see Sasha and just kept asking her questions about helping her and what club she wanted to join. “Well I was thinking the book club and maybe something with music too...except I’m not exactly sure what,” a slight smirk appeared on Amy’s face and Sasha was curious why. “Oh, well if I were you I’d stay away from the musical clubs for now, at least until that demon girl drops it.” The younger angel laughed out. In return all Sasha did was raise an eyebrow, “Oh, well I guess I won’t have to worry about having to talk to too many other angels then...” Amy’s expression quickly changed and she returned to just giving Sasha directions as to how to sign up for clubs on boards outside the doors.

“Thanks again for the help,” she cheered as she left the front office and the young Amy behind. Calmly she made her way up to the stairs, stopping first on the second floor to sign up for book club later that evening, and then continued up to the third floor to sign up for music too.
Once she’d finished writing her name under Aleks, Sasha peaked into the room to see if anyone was there. Sure enough Aleks was siting in one of the arcs of chairs, making Sasha’s decision of going in to sit easier.

The director was busy with some sheet music, so she choose to just go sit with Aleks and wait. “Hey there,” She cooed as she sat in an adjacent seat, “how’s your morning going?”
_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_
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"Hot Diggity!" Biff hooted. He took off his hat (as any well mannered man would) and snagged up a plate. He piled his plate up high while asking "Are either of y'all commiess? They say you can smell a commie from a mile away, but I haven't been trained to do that." Biff, not finding any cutlery fast enough, began shoving food into his mouth with his hands.

lissamissal lissamissal Megeara Megeara
Faten strolls into the club building, looking around in slight confusion as to where to go. After a bit of wandering, she catches what Biff says, and laughs, sitting down next to Biff, sipping her coffee. “Wow, okay, politics on the first encounter! Man, that’s some confidence you have there, I’ll say that much. Gotta love that in a man.” The djinn says with a grin, looking up at him. It’s of note that she looks around twelve or thirteen, so the way she talks is a bit weird.

Megeara Megeara Vacuum Vacuum lissamissal lissamissal
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"Ain't no poly-tickin' here kiddo, just tryin' ta root ou- uhhhh, I mean meet some fellow commies of course" Biff mumbled as he ate. "You lookin' fer yer older brother or somethin'?" Biff Howdy believes that nearly all children are dumb and by that train of thought,he shouldn't have to deal with any.

Megeara Megeara lissamissal lissamissal Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Nix Vu
To say that Nix was P.O.’d would be an understatement. First she makes this nice breakfast for herself, I mean she didn’t mind inviting Darius because well he was cute and polite, but now this redneck boy from god know where in the south (Definitely not Texas) shows up and starts just helping himself to the meal.... Oh heck no, that was not gonna fly for sweet Nix. And accusing her of being a communist? What was up with that. This guy was a grade A jerk and she couldn’t stand it.

Her expression must have shone on her face because she could hear Darius asking if she was okay. The answer was an easy no... and then before she knew it there was some other girl waltzing in and joining in conversation too. Slamming her plate on the counter, calmly and softly Nix spoke “well bless your heart, ain’t you just the cutest little confused boy...you couldn’t of honestly thought just because our school is in Russia,” she giggled, “Oh Darling, I can see why you need to stuff your pie hole like that.” Nix didn’t always sound southern, but it was like that side of her just took over when she was angry.

Smiling she sipped on her tea and extended her hand to be shaken by the boy, “Nix.” To the girl who’d just appeared in the room all she did was give her a quick look over, almost daring her to eat the food in the room as well.

Vacuum Vacuum Megeara Megeara Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Nil Vu
Nil looked up as the shining eyed guy with and expression of amusement. An eyebrow raised as he got a better look at him. “Yeah, I’m new too. It’s a free day I think, else I’m extremely late to class now,” he smirked and spooned another bite of oatmeal into his mouth. He liked this guy, he seemed okay so far. “So what’s your deal man? Where ya from? Why ya here?” Again Nil had no idea what kind of creature this guy could be, all he knew were his kind. As he waited for an answer from the coffee happy blonde, he scarfed down the rest of his breakfast. “Oh yeah, club wise there’s only one for me ha, so if ya want you can tag along and game all day too. Ya know if you’re into that.”

The Imperial Flame The Imperial Flame
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"Whew, treat yer plates nicer missy or ya might break 'em." He wiped his greasy right hand on his shirt staining it slightly before extending his arm to shake the girl's hand. "The name's Biff Howdy. It's a pleasure to meetcha miss." She nailed it for sure, he was cute as a button, and confused about this mystical rusky wackfest.

lissamissal lissamissal Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Megeara Megeara
Faten smiles, relaxed as she sips her coffee, not going for the food. “I’m Faten! Also, for the record, I’m an only child. And a senior. You know how it is, magically preserved body and all. I’m still trying to find a workaround for it, but until then, I’m stuck as a kid.” She says with a shrug, hoping that her explanation will make the angel stop treating her like a kid. She’s sitting right next to him, and his aura is slightly painful, to be honest.
Vacuum Vacuum lissamissal lissamissal Megeara Megeara
Yoko Ryde
Yoko whined as he leaned out of his window the majority of his torso dangling, this morning he wore a sky blue baggy turtleneck sweater about two sizes too big, white booty shorts, black stockings and white converse shoes. His head wrap today matched his sweater being a slightly darker blue.

After the past few weeks of being sick, he finally felt well enough to go outside. But, he whined again as the reason for his worry came back to mind. Club Day. Why was club day a thing? Interacting with people, talking with people, doing things with...people. He shuddered feeling anxious. His large feline ears shuffled under his head wrap uncomfortably, he put his hands over them stubbornly refusing to take off the wrap. He was going outside, so the wrap would stay.

Yoko groaned and in a final effort to force himself to at least get outside, he kicked himself forward successfully launching himself from his window. He kept his eyes closed until he felt his body flip once, his eyelids snapped open and he curled his body forward to roll on the incoming ground twice before very suddenly stopping in a crouch.

He shook his head and stood up adjusting his head wrap and backpack before heading to the Q. "Fuck mornings...", he mumbled under his breath.

As he arrived, he felt his ears begin to twitch in a nervous reaction, he tried to calm down.

'If I don't calm down it'll be just like last time, I'll trip over people like an idiot and people will get hurt.'

With that thought in his mind, he was able to at least slow his breathing and move through the crowd of people, nimbly weaving in between people and darting out of people's way. God this was torture.

Aleandran Volskaya
download (3).jpeg

Ale finished his coffee off and let go of his mug, which promptly dissipated into the air. Ale has sent it back to his dorm, and cleaned it at the same time. He looked Nil directly in his eyes and his voice poured out his mouth like a smooth wave. "I am Aleandran." he paused, making a snooty goofy face and crossing his arms across his chest. "Of House Volskaya" He said in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes at his own name. He chuckled as a strange gust picked up and ruffled his hair. "I am supposed to be here to learn and study witchcraft. In reality, I am here for the excitement, and the bustle." He said this while juggling salt and pepper shakers, somehow managing to avoid any of the contents spilling out. "I specialize in illusion, nature, and sound magic." He said as the salt and pepper vanished. He dramatically bowed and the sound of applause resonated from an unknown source.

lissamissal lissamissal
Darius looked at Nix and smiled at her attitude. He liked it. He understood what Nix was saying though. Darius sat there as he chewes ans watched another side of Nix come out and it was quite interesting and funny to watch. Darius did not dare speak. He just lwt her rant. He put his hand on her shoulder and looked at this huge ass standing infront of him.
"Its alright Nix. The food was amazing." He spoke softly to her and was trying to calm her down. He looked over at this other girl and smiled at her a little in reassurance.
"Its fine.. She's fine." He thought he should say but he knew that was a horriable idea. He stood there with Nix and made sure she didnt explode.
lissamissal lissamissal Vacuum Vacuum Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Rynn made her way accross the yars to the club building. "alright here we go." She walked in the doors and looked down at this small angel and smiled. As this angel looked at her with a face Rynn was used to. Rynn pickex up the papers for the different club and nodded ans walked up the stairs to the book club. She signes her name for that one. She looked around the hall and was about to walk to the third floor when a flyer got her attention. It said Combat Club. Rynn smiled and signed her name in big letters. She was happy. She sipped on her coffee and realized she was out.
"Well damn." She whispered and walked down the stairs and back outside​
Nil Vu
Nil smirked as golden boy introduced himself. “Sweet...I’m Nil Vu the better half, but ya know it’s been said I can turn into a real animal sometimes,” he laughed out as an unknown audience concluded its applause.

This new guy was pretty cool, and his magic was just as cool too, the only problem was his name, way too long for Nil’s tastes. “Not that your name isn’t awesome,” he spurted sarcastically, “but I’d rather just call ya by a nickname, how’s Ean sound? Vol? Ya got a shorter middle name? Or maybe you prefer golden boy?” Nil couldn’t help but laugh at himself. Golden boy was definitely how he’d refer to this guy now.

Standing he tossed his empty bowl away and started making his way towards the club building. Turning just to shout at his new friend, “C’mon golden boy, if you don’t like gaming club there’s always others you can take a swing at...like my twin’s cooking club or something.”
The Imperial Flame The Imperial Flame

Nix Vu
Nix decided she really didn’t like this Biff. And mostly ignored his rambling with Faten. She still felt pretty angry, but softened when Darius spoke to her.“Thank you..” she murmured, a small smile appearing for a second.

Not wanting to sit and eat any long, Nix hopped off the counter and began cleaning up and getting ready for culinary club. Not a moment later in walked the teacher in charge of the club as well. “Ah Nix, I see you got an early start,” he smiled, not surprised to see her already in the room, “oh and you’re already recruiting other students, fantastic!” Nix had actually met the teacher the day before via email of course, when she asked if she could head the club for the year. “If you decide to stay, please wash-up and grab and apron,” he muttered while he began messing around in the pantry, making note of different ingredients.

Nix smiled and nodded happily at Darius to stay as she wash a few dishes. “I’m gonna make cupcakes!” She cheered.
Megeara Megeara Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Vacuum Vacuum
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Aleandran Volskaya
Aleandran smiled as he followed Nil, and he replied apologetically. "Just call me whatever, I prefer anything really." He bushed a bit at golden boy. "Haha, it is up to you." He said sheepishly. He wasn't focused on the clubs until now, He was fine with gaming club. He really shines in combat related scenarios but he could do gaming for now. "So what kinda games do you guys play? We never really had any electronics at my house." He said, curiously studying Nil. He hadn't been exposed to any other different beings, so he was fascinated by Nil. Aleandran pulled a small green gem from his pocket, and moved it between his fingers as he walked.
lissamissal lissamissal

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