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Fantasy (Open) Supernatural High School, New.

Faten grins, laughing a bit. “I know, right? It’s even better when you can get some flavored creamer, but this is awesome too!” She says brightly, not seeming to care that she can see movement under his head scarf. Maybe he’s a gorgon! That would make some sense.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko nearly bounced in his seat, his eyes glowing brightly in delight. "No way, it gets better?", he gasped. He then suddenly realized how loud his voice had gotten and how excited he had become, all too quickly he gently set down the cup in his hand and pushed it back to Faten. He ducked his head jamming his hands back between his thighs to still them, his face had gone red from embarrassment. "S-sorry...", he murmured and then reached up once more to press down on his ears their shuffling now very evident to him.
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Faten looks a bit sad when he retreats back into his shell, she was enjoying his excitement. “Oh, it can be really good! Master says I don’t need the caffeine to be a massive nuisance to everyone around me, but I enjoy it anyway.” She says that with her usual, chipper demeanor, like his insult doesn’t bother her at all. Whoever this ‘master’ is, he must do that a lot.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko looked up curiously, " 'Master'...?" He shook his head dismissing the thought, "I-I don't really u-u-understand but I don't think you're a....a nuisance... You're really nice..."
He had enough of being told he was useless, a freak, a monstrosity when he was younger...he really didn't want anyone else to have to go through that. At least he had his mother to comfort him when such insults were thrown his way.
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She tilts her head, smiling. “Aw, Thanks! I was a bit worried I was making you uncomfortable, so it’s good to hear that!” She says brightly. “Oh, right, I guess that wouldn’t make sense. Master created me, and in return I’ll be in his service for a while. Demon things, you know?” She explains, sipping her coffee. She certainly doesn’t look like a demon, or act like most demons do. It makes this form rather appropriate.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko looked down at his shoes, "I-it's no problem... And uh...a demon, you don't seem like one... I didn't know th-they existed... Then again th-there's a lotta things I don't know so...ha, d-don't mind me..." He felt silly for not knowing anything about creatures like himself, but he would have felt more silly if he knew what he had just said.

It was true, he didn't know demons existed, but he was one himself and had just never been told. He glanced up at Faten, "I-uh...I'm a shadow stalker? I dunno, th-that's all my mother ever uh t-told me..."
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She blinks, tilting her head, and looking fairly. “Okay… well if you didn’t know demons exist… Oh, man you’re going to learn a lot here.” She says, not entirely sure how to do this. “Just for future reference, shadow stalkers are a kind of demon. Same with me, I’m a djinn. Or a genie, if you prefer that version of the word.” She figures she should tell him before he gets teased for not knowing what he is.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko blinked in surprise giving her a double take, his feline ears perked up under his head wrap and then stilled completely. "I...I'm a...demon...?", he questioned in disbelief. He didn't wait long for an answer, quickly standing and leaving the table, holding his head as it started to pound. This was news to him, and he was not taking it well.

"Why...why didn't she...tell me?", he whispered to himself before turning back to Faten, "That...that's why they treated me so horribly isn't it? That's why!" His questions weren't really directed towards her but he had no one else to ask, he whined and held his head, his hazel eyes going hazy as tears welled up in them. "That's why...", he whispered once again. His ears shivered violently and in a fit of frustration Yoko pulled the wrap off of his head and threw it to the ground with a cry, freeing his large black feline ears to unfurl fully on head side of his head.
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She gets up to go to him, very concerned, and wishing she could help. She looks up at him, and carefully extends a hand, not sure if he wants to be touched. “Maybe.” She says softly. “People are cruel like that.” Her eyes are sad, and full of understanding.

“There are a lot of us here, though. We can protect you.” She can’t speak for the other demons, really, but she will certainly do her best, he’s obviously had enough, he needs someone to help him. She’ll be there for him, even if no one else will.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko's breath hitched as she reached out to him. He stared at her through blurry vision, "Th-they hated me so much...I couldn't--. My mother was the only one that ever loved me...but she lied to me!" He shook his head his voice breaking, "Why did she do that..."
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She pulls her hand back, sighing. “Well, demons do have a hell of a reputation…” She grimaces. “Pun not intended. Maybe she wanted to keep you from thinking those things about yourself. I don’t really understand family, mine died decades ago, and I don’t remember them. But if I had to guess, I’d say that she was trying to protect you from those thoughts till you had the support you needed.”

She looks up at him, trying to understand what he’s feeling, something she never had had to deal with. “If anyone tries to treat you unfairly while you’re here, I’ll do what I can to protect you. I…” she swallows nervously, wondering if she’s going to regret this. “I swear it.”

One of many things her master warned her not to do. But she was careful with the wording, so… she thinks she’ll be safe. She set the conditions that would allow her to judge whether the treatment was unfair, and it only applies to when he’s here. But an oath is an oath, and to her, an oath is binding.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko's breath hitched as her words made him pause and his crying stopped, "Y-you do?" He gave a sad smile wiping his face of tears to no avail, "I-I'm sorry I...got s-so upset... Yo-you're probably right... Thank you Faten..." He sniffled and his ears shuffled a bit embarrassed, "I just...wasn't r-ready to hear that..."

His hands dropped tiredly as he stared down at his head wrap, "I...I'm a demon." He took a deep breath, "Going to need time to process that."
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She looks up at him, smiling sadly. “I imagine. I don’t remember being anything other than this, or having any other life. Master assures me that I was a hilarious human child, though.” She says, reaching out to take his hand gently. “I’m gonna be here for you, Yoko.”
Yoko Ryde
Yoko nodded gripping her hand softly in return, grateful for the gesture. He smiled at her his hazel eyes clear now, "Th-thank you, really. You...everyone I've met here is so kind to me...it's an unfamiliar and wonderful thing. I-I'm very grateful to my mother for sending me here..." He shook his head dismissively, "Did uh...did your 'Master' send you here?"
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She nods, smiling. “Yep! He said it would be good for me to be around other people like us. And I think he got that I was bored. He’s pretty much the only person I’ve talked to since my creation, until I got here that is.”

She squeezes his hand. “And don’t mention it! We’ve gotta stick together, right?” She adds. She likes this guy. He’s fun.

Stopping at the Q before heading outside, Raven grabbed a small container of mixed fruit and then went by a small hotbox and check the menu on the side. "Damn it, no O neg." She said to herself then saw that there was some B positive and decided to go for that. Once getting everything she needed Raven headed outside to eat her small breakfast, seeing the other students out and about getting ready for the day was a nice thing to see.

Finally getting back to her tree as Raven sat down on her knees her dress flared out around her, and she sat the fruit and blood bag on her lap. Saying a silent prayer she bit into what looked like a strawberry and opened a book she had gotten from home and started reading. Looking up after hearing someone get excited over something, Raven looked over at the people sitting at the tables and grinned a little before going back to reading and sipping on the blood pack.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko nodded firmly, "I'm glad you're here, and that you came over to t-talk to me. We should stick together!" He gave a bright smile, he really enjoyed this girl's company.
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She smiles back at him, and decides to ask him about her problem. “By the way, I don’t suppose you know any aging spells? Master preserved my body while he was changing me, but I can’t get it to stop being a little girl for the life of me.” She says with a sheepish grin.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko blinked dumbly with a tilt of his head, and smiled hesitantly. "Noooooo?", he admitted softly, "I don't uh...know any spells at all..."
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She shrugs. “Eh, worth a shot. I know a couple, but this one is a doozy, and I can’t get rid of it.” She says with a grin. “I could teach you, if you want. I just started a magic club!”
Yoko Ryde
Yoko leaned forward in anticipation, "A magic...club? You can do that? J-just make your own club?" His ears twitched as he adjusted his shoulder bag.
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She grins. “Oh, you definitely can! If you can justify it to the faculty, that is. I would have made a practical joke club otherwise.” She says with a soft laugh.
Yoko Ryde
Yoko snickered a bit, "Practical joke? I know what a joke is, but what is a practical joke? What about jokes is practical?"
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She grins. “It means a prank. It can go anywhere from a lighthearted whoopee cushion to some really mean stuff, but I like to stick to the harmless ones.”
Yoko Ryde
Yoko's brow furrowed his ears angling down a bit, "Whoopee...cushion?" He really had no idea what any of these things were. He shook his head dismissively, "Nevermind, c-could you uh...show me a spell please?"
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