• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Can I request this service as well for some unspecified RP at some unspecified point in the intermediate future? That's the most clear and detailed recap I've seen in perhaps forever.

Lol thanks. If I'm in the RP, sure. I don't really mind giving out summaries because I naturally read every post in the RP whether it's immediately relevant to me or not. Can be even more detailed then the one I gave

But other RPs outside what I'm in and it'll start to stretch the brain juices lil' too much.

Yo bros I'm ready to join. I know it says it's always open but I've learned to always ask just to be sure. If it's not tho I'm cool with it. Hope it is tho tbh
Yo bros I'm ready to join. I know it says it's always open but I've learned to always ask just to be sure. If it's not tho I'm cool with it. Hope it is tho tbh

Always open in this case means just that. It's always open.

Would follow the link to the discord in the opening post of this thread to get started.

The rules thread contains most everything you need (skills, races, how to play) to make a character.

I'm SO excited to have found another collaborative writing forum style RP!

I made a base character (wow, are the guidelines complicated!) and hopefully I didn't screw up too badly. Can a mod check to see if I need to make changes?

A couple of quick questions:

1. First and foremost: Can I start?!! I'd like to just pick an area and begin posting some mundane day-to-day to get a feel for the world and mechanics. Can I, or do I need approval?

2. I can haz an NPC brother for my OC? He's just for plausibility and to set the scene. He just cameos occasionally to give her advice and "moral support."

I can RP her without him, but he's part of her lore and she'd probably be a bit lost without him.

3. I didn't see an OC age limit. Is 15 okay? I can age her up, but since I'm new and starting at "0" I'd rather do it via RP.

4. Do/can character's age? Clearly the world canon is somewhat static, but I assume I can do some "offline" aging up (or personal OC time skips) between quests and whatnot. I don't want her to be stuck at this age forever.

5. I'll stop, because there's a million things I want to know but I'll find out in RP
Irihi Irihi

1. Once character has been approved you may start. Characters posted in the character thread get checked by ih character mods :3

2. You can have npc allies but how much influence and the number of appearances they have will vary based on your needs for them and the narrator of the rps you participate in with that character.

3. 15 is fine

4. Aging in ih is done 2 ways: magical or pocket dimension shenanigans anime style. Or normal rl time. Ih has been running for about 3 years, so characters have aged about 3ish years since it's beginning aside from those with special circumstances.

5. Feel free to ask all the things.
4. Aging in ih is done 2 ways: magical or pocket dimension shenanigans anime style. Or normal rl time. Ih has been running for about 3 years, so characters have aged about 3ish years since it's beginning aside from those with special circumstances.
1. So, do seasons and such change based on RL time, too, or is it kinda hand-wavy?

Wow, IH is new!

Moar questions:

2. I can adz areas (someday)? Who controls the "header" posts for areas? Do you update them with links to sub-region posts when someone builds a good one?

3. Can RP's move around? Like, can a quest start in a tavern sub-thread and then move up to the local town thread, and then back down to, say, the sewers of the town sub-thread?

That's what I love about forum based RP (and hated about discord structure that prevents it): the ability to build worlds and post persistent and easy to access header posts that describe an area (sub-thread) for others to reuse later.
Irihi Irihi

1. Yep. Northwestern hemisphere. Right now we are in summer.

2. Yep. World has a map and stuff but you can create various settlements and regions and other spaces in the world and beyond. Bigger the area, more standing we like the rper to have in the community.

3. Yes
Should add, different countries have different weather norms and a thread starting in summer will presumably stay in summer unless the narrator deems time should advance. There have been cases where an autumn rp stays an autumn rp into the rl spring due to narration being more epic in length but not covering as much time in story.

Stuff like this is generally explained away with imprecise time between rps which allow for downtime activities between threads where the characters grow, train, spend points, buy equipment, travel, etc.
I posted a quick sheet in the character thread following the guide I was sent. However, I can't imagine any abilities my character might have. Would it be better to private message you?
I posted a quick sheet in the character thread following the guide I was sent. However, I can't imagine any abilities my character might have. Would it be better to private message you?
Pm is fine, but one recommendation off the top would be to make an ability out of alternate identity where you detail out the identity you take on.
Also, as the school year starts, ill prolly be less active on the isekai hell server

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