Such good replies everyone! :D Keep it up!

@Vursk has requested a leave of absence from the RP. So his character has been made to "poof" and will return when Vursk is able. I might have something in mind if the timing is right. :P
A bit too much for my brain to process, but good. Get to miss school tomorrow, cause' of it being national Hispanic day. I mean, I'm not of Hispanic appearance in the slightest, but because of just being Spanish, that's a thing. So yeah. All pretty good.
I'm just amazed that I've been able to get replies out. My boss has been working me like a horse. Not that I'm complaining for the many hours, of course.
Sorry that I've been gone for so long. I had issues with school work and sports. And then there is the simple fact that WiFi gave up on me. So I'm sorry, but I am back now!!!
[SIZE= 12px]I was really wondering...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Who was that girl, exactly?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Cause, we got vanishing girls, but still no guns...?[/SIZE]
Im glad I can read and speak Latin. While the translaition is rough, I can get the gist of it. Or maybe it's just me. Probably that.

Hey, I had an idea. What if, when our journey begins, I create a thread where Beish records their travels? It's just an idea, but it would help with recaps, as well as the forming of a map.
LMFAO! Ladies have magical powers, I'm convinced of it. If you all make the right choices, you'll meet the disappearing red head again.

Right choices...

Kill everybody! Fall off into a cliff! Competently declare war upon the Satunum! Mangle your infernal parts! Create a sacrificial cult! Go out on a rampage! Juggle with longswords! Wrestle with a bear! The potential paths to the 'right choice' are limitless!!!
Few. Finally finished the exaggeratedly complex Character Sheet for Cryn, who'll be seen in Chapter Two. °.,,,,,,,,.-
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