Please tell me what you think. What I can improve. What is missing.

Ramai Chronicles and myself can only get better with your help everyone!

Thank you! ^.^

I know what we're missing. And if we add them, then popularity will go over the roof!!!

We need...

We need..

BLADE RUNNER[SIZE= 12px] with Harrison Ford[/SIZE]
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[SIZE= 12px]You forgot to add '[/SIZE]with Harrison Ford[SIZE= 12px]', mate.[/SIZE]

Damn you @Elephantom! LMFAO!!!!!

Wait @Huey, you finally post and I'm not in reintroduced? Dammit.

Don't you worry one bit. We need people to leave the village than the new characters will be introduced along with your character being reintroduced.
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I bet he can finish the entire story... In a single post.
My high school had a Harrison Ford themed prom last year and everybody dressed up like they were from a Harrison Ford movie. It was fantastic.   

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