Yaay! A new victim- I mean... Hello dear, you can make one to three chatacters, just copy and paste the character sheet template into the desired subforum! We need more male characters but you can make females too it's fine (I'm still waiting to make my characters as I'll just fill in empty races and try to balance out genders). You can have a few days to finish up, I recently posted the IC thread but no one's started yet so no rush. Welcome!

Yaay! A new victim- I mean... Hello dear, you can make one to three chatacters, just copy and paste the character sheet template into the desired subforum! We need more male characters but you can make females too it's fine (I'm still waiting to make my characters as I'll just fill in empty races and try to balance out genders). You can have a few days to finish up, I recently posted the IC thread but no one's started yet so no rush. Welcome!


Oh, good to know. i was having trouble picking which race to be. I might just make three character belonging to each race at one... or maybe not, might be too much to handle. Hmmm, decision, decision.
Okay I made my first post :U

Thanks for taking the lead of faith and being the first to post IC :D

Oh, good to know. i was having trouble picking which race to be. I might just make three character belonging to each race at one... or maybe not, might be too much to handle. Hmmm, decision, decision.

Yeah I understand those feelings lol I think I might end up having more than three characters if more people don't join, just because there's so many races n stuff lol In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have made so many but... damn... they all seemed fun in their own way....
More fresh blood! You can make up to three characters if you wish to, just copy paste the character sheet template into the desired subforum. We need more male characters but feel free to make female character(s) if you want to. There's no rush in getting your CS done we just started posting IC. Welcome!

@Sakura Seoul
Thank you, @CrystalGoblets! I appreciate the warm welcome~ I might take a little bit to post a CS. I want to read everyone's CS so that I have a good feel for the group dynamic. I hope to create a character that adds to the story well!

Got my character up.

I think I'll just do one for now, I have a bad record of getting ahead of myself as it is. Hopefully more people will join in and fill up the spots.
Welcome @RabidMagus! Thanks for joining :) You can make up to three characters if you wish to, just copy and paste the character sheet template to the subforum you would like to put it in! We have a lack of male characters, but you can still make females if you wish to. You can take your time finishes up your character sheet(s) as we just started roleplaying IC!
My cs's are almost done I think- but I'm off to bed for now because I need to get up early tomorrow... (Sadness) I posted what I have so far so @CrystalGoblets can look them over. Let me know if they are okay, and if there are any issues just let me know and I'll fix them tomorrow! :D
Personally, I have no issue waiting on others for posts. I simply have been responding quickly because I have found the time this week. Plus, it was direct character interactions. 

On the flip side of that though, I do like keeping in touch with everyone if I am delayed by a couple days to send a reply to someone.

I don't want the roleplay to lose members and fizzle out because I am moving too fast or not fast enough. 
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It's the opposite, for me. I don't think it's going too fast but it gives me time to read around the rest of the forum.

I have no life, though...  ;)
First year in college. Taking microbiology and chemistry. Labs for both as well. Then I got psych so yeah...I'm overwhelmed XD. I think its best I don't divulge into this. If I get invested I'll blow my work off for it.
That's understandable. I am torn between bringing in another character or not. There is this little voice inside that says do it! Lol

That's understandable. I am torn between bringing in another character or not. There is this little voice inside that says do it! Lol
That's understandable. I am torn between bringing in another character or not. There is this little voice inside that says do it! Lol

That's understandable. I am torn between bringing in another character or not. There is this little voice inside that says do it! Lol

Then do it xD

I'm still looking for someone's vampire character to turn mine down the line, if I don't find any suitors I'll create my own ^^
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Hi everyone, I want to apologize for taking so long to finish my CS. I've had a lot to do lately and haven't had the time to complete it. I hope to jump in soon though! Everyone's posts IC have been really well written and interesting.

PS I'm looking for someone to turn my character into a werewolf. If you're interested please let me know!

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