several time skips have occurred since you last posted

ten people are questing in individual threads

the rest of the characters are at camp (most at breakfast or just finished waving the campers off on their quest)

jay just arrived post-minotaur chase, which i imagine would be big news

and that's what you missed on camp half blood

Breakfast? I'll drop a post of Oakley doing that then. Seems the most fitting.
@Kojuen i love you so fucking much for having good posts of a decent length with good knowledge of the series and a thought-out character. 

seriously i might cry with happiness. 
HI, I'm Strawberry! I'm new to this roleplay, though not to this site. Is there a way to join in the general RP at the current moment, or should I simply post an introductory post? :D  
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Yknow, in accurate depictions of Cratus, he is known to be winged. Is it possible that maybe....?


Literally the first picture I found when I looked up Cratus ^

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