And I use the term Gang-Rape lightly, I suppose? What I mean in a literal sense, is that a lot of monsters attack her simultaneously. And when I say a lot, I mean a LOT. Like 5-6 at a time... 
And I use the term Gang-Rape lightly, I suppose? What I mean in a literal sense, is that a lot of monsters attack her simultaneously. And when I say a lot, I mean a LOT. Like 5-6 at a time... 

Coralie (daughter of Poseidon): *attacked by a dozen monsters at once*

smack smack smack

Violet: *hugs Veronica*

Noah: *is hugging Violet, and so, by transitive property, is hugging Veronica*

Coralie: *shrugs and joins in*

It's okay @jinkx , I suppose it's my fault for not filling out her Personality.. I just REALLY suck at doing those.

Oh, no, this is normal for her. I've got this. *glomps @jinkx*
Alex: -clings to Violet's leg-

Matt: *thunder and lightning appear behind him*

*pulls a Gajeel*


*takes her away to the sky, where they cuddle*

Violet: *doesn't really understand what's going on, but cuddles with Matt anyway*
But, no... In the RP I like, want Alex's crush to kind of be something that is really hushed? Like, EVERYONE in camp knows but no one tells neither Noah or Violet xD

Also, YES! EXACTLY! Children of the Big Three, the attention they get by monsters is equal to the same attention Alex gets from them... Since she, like children of the big three; is stamped in the monster world as she leaks a more prominent scent than children of the other Gods/Goddesses... And, monsters have told her that she smells of Chamomile <3 Such polite monsters... To bad they all had to die T~T
In even other news




But, no... In the RP I like, want Alex's crush to kind of be something that is really hushed? Like, EVERYONE in camp knows but no one tells neither Noah or Violet xD

Also, YES! EXACTLY! Children of the Big Three, the attention they get by monsters is equal to the same attention Alex gets from them... Since she, like children of the big three; is stamped in the monster world as she leaks a more prominent scent than children of the other Gods/Goddesses... And, monsters have told her that she smells of Chamomile <3 Such polite monsters... To bad they all had to die T~T

Noah's the straight G.B.F..... He really doesn't care xD  

Matt, the boyfriend, will care, however.

And Noah and Cora are like the bodyguards of the Viott, sooooooooooooo

Sometimes I wish I didn't stop watching fairy tail

Alex will turn Matt into an newt, 'nough said... xD  

Violet will proceed to kill her for doing so

Once her angry side is unleashed, you're screwed

Only Matt can stop her, so

Also, I'm going to clarify something. Children of minor gods are not more powerful nor equally as powerful as children of the Big Three. The Big Three children are the most powerful demigods, as stated by Riordan in the books. I don't know where you got your information that said Hecate was feared by Zeus, but something @jinkx found said he respected her. So stop trying to OP your way through this. I'm sick and tired of people making their characters majorly powerful when my child of Poseidon isn't even half as awesome as Percy.

Jinkx and I both are sick and tired of this bullshit. So please refrain from it.

I'm not trying to OP myself out or into anything... Zeus does feel threatened by her, I took years studying actual Greek Mythology, not just Rick Riordan's novels... And I said nothing about her being stronger than any other Demigod... Hell, I even made a post where I was beaten by an NPC because she's not all that great with a sword... 
Note: your character isn't allowed to be unstable. This has been specified a million times over. 

I'm not trying to OP myself out or into anything... Zeus does feel threatened by her, I took years studying actual Greek Mythology, not just Rick Riordan's novels... And I said nothing about her being stronger than any other Demigod... Hell, I even made a post where I was beaten by an NPC because she's not all that great with a sword... 

That still doesn't give you any excuse to just say she's extremely unstable or powerful. Children of the Big Three are the most powerful demigods. I don't care what other sources say, but we're in the PJO universe. I'm really sick and tired of people not sticking to the fandom and thinking they can do whatever they want. I hate being that GM who has to yell at everyone all the time, but shit like this is what drives me to it.
Hecate, Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft -- once a widely revered and influential goddess,  the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.

But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.

A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).

Usually classified as a "moon goddess",  her kingdoms were actually three-fold . . . the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.


So, its safe to say while Zeus Honored her above all other of his children, he was terrified of her.
Hecate, Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft -- once a widely revered and influential goddess,  the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.

But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.

A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).

Usually classified as a "moon goddess",  her kingdoms were actually three-fold . . . the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.


So, its safe to say while Zeus Honored her above all other of his children, he was terrified of her.

You're analyzing that totally wrong. I'm sorry to be that bitch, but I don't see how fear plays into this. Refer to my previous posts.

Hecate, Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft -- once a widely revered and influential goddess,  the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.

But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.

A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).

Usually classified as a "moon goddess",  her kingdoms were actually three-fold . . . the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.


So, its safe to say while Zeus Honored her above all other of his children, he was terrified of her.

Also, Hecate wasn't Zeus's child. She was the child of two Titans.
I'm not using the term 'Unstable' in a literal sense -.-

And my character isn't special, some children are born with a unique talent that other demi-gods most of the time lack... I'm not to say Alex will be the only one with this talent as I'm sure Leo wasn't the only one with the ability to control fire.

And in honor comes fear... A king fears, yet honors his successor as he knows the reason he chose said successor is because they can do what he did and possibly even better than he did...

And I know Hecate wasn't Zeus' child... I'm saying he honored her more than he did his own children.
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I'm not using the term 'Unstable' in a literal sense -.-

And my character isn't special, some children are born with a unique talent that other demi-gods most of the time lack... I'm not to say Alex will be the only one with this talent as I'm sure Leo wasn't the only one with the ability to control fire.

And in honor comes fear... A king fears, yet honors his successor as he knows the reason he chose said successor is because they can do what he did and possibly even better than he did...

And I know Hecate wasn't Zeus' child... I'm saying he honored her more than he did his own children.

What talent? She can use magic well. So can most children of Hecate. 

I give up. You're not listening to me. *throws hands up in the air and walks away*
So allow me to say this, I'm not saying Alex is stronger than other Demigods, she'd easily lose in a fight against several other Demigods of other Minor gods or of the main twelve... And she most DEFINITELY would lose when it came to fighting a child of the big three, for example... A child of Poseidon.

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