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Fantasy {OoC} ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ' ꜱᴇզᴜɪᴛᴇʀ - Your charries' lost OoC... (Yes, we always OPEN!!)



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

If Destiny's kind...

So. You were so amped about a new RP. But it died. Sad feels. Yet again.

How many posts did it get to before 'ye olde RP fizzled-out-enthusiasm-death-rot' killed it this time? 5? 10? Didn't even get the first post out and the sus GM and/or RPers abandoned it?! Really?! Some other reason altogether?! Wait. No. A whole shwack-load of RP-killing reasons this time?! Again?!

Hmph. I can say I'm not surprised. It happens. It always happens don't it? So here you are again with a freshly crafted OC ready to go and, yet again, they go nowhere. Muse lain to waste, RP is dead in the water after all that build up... so why the hell do we write extensive backstories again...?!

Right. Well, fear not, friends!! For this is the pseudo-RP your literally-born-into-the-grave-charries have been seeking all their non-starter lives!! In this up and coming thread you will be able to post whatever it is you wanted to get offa your chest regarding your charrie!!

'Some Kinda' Sequiter.'


Welcome to Some Kinda' Sequiter!!

This is a psuedo-RP that is more of a free roam/solo post idea whereby you have the opportunity to roleplay any old charrie of yours that you never got a chance to play out due to RP death or just cuz reasons! The point of this thread will be for each poster to RP out something their charrie would have done in the world/setting of the RP for which they were made. Note that a big focus will be payed to their background or motivation when posting.

K so you know how it goes: follow RPN rules, keep the posts sexy-tme free, content between PG and rated R, respect each other, have fun and all that. Oh! Now the other thing about posting IC'ly; Please just drop in the OOC afterwards and let everyone know that you posted to be friendly. I'll drop a heart on your post to let you know that I read it k. Actually let's get everyone to drop some cookie-love on all IC'ly posts lol

Oh and don't worry about what we used to call 'Ninja-ing' like when two people happen to post as the exact same time. All goods k? The next person will have TWO posts to be inspired by! lol Lucky lucky! Oh and as of now there is no 'post cool-down' since its just started but of course, no double-posting... buuuuut then again, that may change depending on how many RPers are actively posting.

Oh! And: Yes, we always OPEN!!

The Catches/Rules.

Here are some catches/rules to keep us grounded:

○ |
First catch is that your charrie has to be an Original Charrie. No matter the genre or even if they come from a canon world, they must be of your own making and designs.
○ | Second catch is that this is an ADV/LIT RP. K so like there is a word count requirement. 300 Min. to 700 Max. not including the Synopsis. (Around 3 Paragraphs - 7 Paragraphs.) This is a challenge to keep things meaty enough but concise enough for others to take ideas from. This is a hardline; I'm not accepting any less or any more per post. More on that later. And my gosh, no OOC chat in the IC. Oh and there actually is a Word Counter in the IC cuz I'm like that.
○ | Third catch is that you will NOT be interacting with other RPers charries. This is more of a free roam than plotted writing. No real sequence, just go with it.
○ | Fourth catch is that
you do not have to post your charrie sheet. Just fill in the Synopsis. Helps give the reader an overview of what you about to write.
○ | Fifth catch is that you may use any charrie you like BUT you may only use one charrie per post. And please don't take something you already wrote for your charrie in the old RP and repost it here. So sussss...
○ | Sixth is no Discord. All posts will be on RPN since its meant to cater to drop-in/drop-out postings. But you better not just rando post IC'ly. Come say Hi!! to Buggaboo in OOC first!!
○ | Seventh is oh, and if you're post uses Fancy-ass Coding fancier then mine, please, please, please you MUST also provide a non-Coding version for my phone cuz it hates your coding. Yeah, yeah it does lol
Basic Sequence.

So the basic sequence is:

○ | Read the post before yours.
○ | Find a sentence and quote it.
○ | Fill in the questionaire part in the Synopsis of your post.
○ | Write a Post about something your charrie would be doing something they would have done in the dead rp revealing a background tidbit about them.
○ | The next person will then post about their charrie BUT!! they will see something they want to use from your post (an idea or a passage), quote it and twist it to use it in their post.
○ | The next person after that will see something they like or want to use in the person above them's post and use it in their post.
○ | Continue, Rinse, Repeat, Ta-dah!! Fill in Synopsis example shown further below.

Now the reason I say MIN 300 Words is that this is good for those who want to stretch their writing prowess a bit more. Also within 300 words the next person should find something of interest in your post to base their post on. Basically a 3 paragraph format of about 300 words was what I was taught to properly RP with a partner when I first started out RPing and its served me well.

○ | Para 1 = React to prior post
○ | Para 2 = Respond with charrie actions/convo
○ | Para 3 = Release more info to build on

And the reason I cap it at MAX 700 Words is for those of us who get all Rosey-Prosey and just vomit up too many uneccessary words. It's a good exercise to keep posts manageable but meaty for others to take in and not feel overrun. (Cuz yeah... guilty.)

So for those who visualize post size by paragraph size; I'd say a good n' meaty paragraph is about 80-100 words. Min size post 300 words. A good n' meaty post size is about 400-500 words. Hard capped at 700 words. Yes, this does include convo too!! There is even a link to an Easy Word Counter in the OP of the IC too lol.

And yes, sorry but posting size is a hardline.

So here is a sample of how to fill in the questionaire when posting IC'ly:


Character: Pretty straight forward. I like to add a bit to show off their role
World and Plot: Just a sentence each here to describe the world and the overall plot of the RP
Context: Just a sentence to say just what's going on.
BG Motivation: Remember that giant backstory you wrote? Yeah well just a sentence to say why they doing what they doing in the post related to backstory.
Post Inspiration: Quote the sentence/snippet of the post before yours that sparked the idea for your post.

K!! Right. So take a look at the IC and it should pretty much make sense how the pattern goes.

So I'm pretty friendly and open-minded but please if you think that you will post something that will trigger someone, go ahead and put a WARNING on the top of your post beforehand. And TBH I'm going with the callous idea that anyone who joins/reads any of the IC'ly posts needs to already be prepped and know that bad things can be written and its all ficticious.

Any questions please do ask them in the open here, since I like a bit of transparency. And don't worry about feeling pressured to post, it's drop-in/drop-out, post when you can. Just bring some creativity and positive vibes with you k?

And yes, you may post for charries that have not even been featured in a RP or post for charries that are currently in a RP. The RP is accessible to a easy-going posting frequency that does not require any formal response from a partner(s). So, yes go ahead and interact with some Random NPC in your post but please keep it relevant to your charrie BG. But if you are looking to have crucial interaction and relationship building this RP is not for you. This whole idea is about sharing creativity and muse upkeep lol

Boom. And there you have it.

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Hello! This seems really interesting. I've got a lot of characters that I'm still sad about not getting the opportunity to use, because the RPs didn't get far or life got in the way. Just to be sure I'm understanding the concept properly, is each post sort of like a one-shot? Like, every time you post for that same character it should be a differe scene (but inspired by the previous posters work)?
Hello! This seems really interesting. I've got a lot of characters that I'm still sad about not getting the opportunity to use, because the RPs didn't get far or life got in the way. Just to be sure I'm understanding the concept properly, is each post sort of like a one-shot? Like, every time you post for that same character it should be a differe scene (but inspired by the previous posters work)?

Yes that is the basic premise. It's about responding with a quote inspired by the previous post and show casing something about your charrie background.

K so that is the basics. BUT!! That don't mean you can't just string along a narrative rather than a one shot each time you post. Just follow the whole 'inspired quote and showing off a background tidbit' formula as you go and you all goods!

Yes that is the basic premise. It's about responding with a quote inspired by the previous post and show casing something about your charrie background.

K so that is the basics. BUT!! That don't mean you can't just string along a narrative rather than a one shot each time you post. Just follow the whole 'inspired quote and showing off a background tidbit' formula as you go and you all goods!

This is so neat! I love this setup so much. I've been wanting to practice my writing so badly, and this seems like such a cool way to do it.

Could I request permission to make a post?
This is so neat! I love this setup so much. I've been wanting to practice my writing so badly, and this seems like such a cool way to do it.

Could I request permission to make a post?

And yes yes for the honour of gayskull I do so grant you permission!!

I say go ahead and use something outta either of my posts as an inspiration quote!

So excited for sho!!
Sooooooo k I posted another one kinda sorta as a dual purpose post lol

Ki is actually unofficially a sorta NPC in another RP im in. This post is still applicable here but explains how my other charrie got her hat back after a battle lol. And I kept it separate from the other IC just in case I wasn't allowed to use her in such a way lol me

So now if you post next you have 3 posts to choose a quote from!!!
Hi abyss brought me here and it sounds likes this is something I need. Not to mention it would be cool to read others oc one shots.
Hi abyss brought me here and it sounds likes this is something I need. Not to mention it would be cool to read others oc one shots.


Nice to see ya drop in!! So like yeah, everything is all set up, IC is ready to go with 3 posts!! And to make it easier whoever posts next can choose a inspired quote from any of the 3. Let me know if you have any questions and post whenever the muse bites ya!

Tysm Abyss Abyss !!
Hm. I'm intrigued enough by this idea to bite. I suppose I'll ask for permission to post? I don't have any current plans to post, but I imagine the idea is that you drop a payload to hopefully satisfy the hanging threads of an RP long killed due to boredom and/or time. There's no real idea of roleplaying, just some way to finish what you started and because of its publicity, other people will be inclined to either be inspired to finish their own dead RPs or work off of the inspiration of another person's one-shot.
Character: "LiLI" Mariposa Milinda Del Rios | Latina gang member with potential for magic use.
World and Plot: Not-Earth. Another Isekai but this time a group of childhood friends get transported to a purple-skied, tall grassed world as soon as their long lost friend shows up after years of being a missing person.
Context: LiLi goes off to find water but starts to miss home/earth.
BG Motivation: LiLi's big sis KiKi as a huge driving force.
Will this be required in the IC post, or can we technically do without it?
Hm. I'm intrigued enough by this idea to bite. I suppose I'll ask for permission to post? I don't have any current plans to post, but I imagine the idea is that you drop a payload to hopefully satisfy the hanging threads of an RP long killed due to boredom and/or time. There's no real idea of roleplaying, just some way to finish what you started and because of its publicity, other people will be inclined to either be inspired to finish their own dead RPs or work off of the inspiration of another person's one-shot.

Will this be required in the IC post, or can we technically do without it?

And yup that's basically the idea.

And Yes, ALL of that is required including the quote for the 'inspirational' part from the post prior to yours. Cuz yes you could technically post without it BUT!! then you just better off posting in the Writing section cuz like youre not meant to be writing in a complete vacuum for this thread.

The whole idea of those sentences is for others to read and get a better sense and context of what and who they reading about. Rather than just reading what would then amount to just a random post really, the next person would be reading a random post that's trying to pay forward some creativity and a sense of sharing by intro-ing whacha gots. Like that's the reason I put {Adv/Lit} in the Int chk to show that RPers gunna be held to a higher standard.

So yeah, ^that lol. But K please do check out the IC to get a better sense of how I'd like things to flow (Link is MAIN at the top left of page alllllll the way up ^there).
Coolin'. I gotta ask, are you expecting much out of formatting? I tend to be pretty barebones about that sort of stuff and I get the aesthetic value behind it, it's just not really my strong suit.
Coolin'. I gotta ask, are you expecting much out of formatting? I tend to be pretty barebones about that sort of stuff and I get the aesthetic value behind it, it's just not really my strong suit.
My gosh no

I just like to try my hand at formatting BUT most important to me is that I can read posts on my phone cuz me lol. So Like tbh the simpler the format the better for me.

Like for those who do fancy coding, i ask that you do a mobile friendly post too cuz sometimes the prettiest coding is absolutely the suckiest of suck to read on mobile lol.
I c. And we're able to apply different settings so long as it takes inspiration from the post prior? I noticed that your setting tends to be within the same genre along your IC posts, and I felt like it'd be a little wonky to suddenly switch up the world.
Yup. It just so happens that the first 2 are space faring and the next 2 are in the same retro modern fantasy setting.

But I'm thinking that to make things easier to start, pick a quote from any of the 4 lol.

Oh and again, the quote does not have to be word for word in your post. Twist and stretch it to fit how you interpret it, just keep it all in the same kinda vibe tho.
Hi, if you just saw that post, please ignore it, I was on mobile and RPNation is not fun to mess with on phone :(
Alright, well I believe I've got a general idea. I'm still testing the waters, so if you happen to have any issues, please let me know and I'll probably, like, delete it or something. I dunno, it's your thread after all.
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Alright, well I believe I've got a general idea. I'm still testing the waters, so if you happen to have any issues, please let me know and I'll probably, like, delete it or something. I dunno, it's your thread after all.

My gosh wow! I thot that you cut off the rest of the quote but that was a reeeeeally creative way if using just a little word. "So." Lol

And like yeah some people don't enjoy the colour coded text but I sooooo loves it. For whatever reason it puts the sound of a voice in my head lol

Yeah that post is exactly wut I was hoping for! Amaaaaazing!! And like it don't have to match the Sci Fi aesthetic with the other posts but I love your post. Double brained androids are all goods!

K thinking Imma post for a different setting next like steampunk or swords and magic fantasy setting.
K so posted!

Like this is an idea I was gonna post for a current RP buuuuuut... got a bad feelin it gonna die soon too lol. So I know part of the rules was not to re-post something you posted already and don't worry this is a new post.... buuuuuut I might edit it up a bit and re-post it into the current RP if it survives. Cuz never said you couldn't re-post what you post here into someone elses RP lol me.

Oh and just realized I been formatting using dark mode on my screen. Can you read my IC'ly posts on your screeens? Or does text look all greyed out?
K so posted!

Like this is an idea I was gonna post for a current RP buuuuuut... got a bad feelin it gonna die soon too lol. So I know part of the rules was not to re-post something you posted already and don't worry this is a new post.... buuuuuut I might edit it up a bit and re-post it into the current RP if it survives. Cuz never said you couldn't re-post what you post here into someone elses RP lol me.

Oh and just realized I been formatting using dark mode on my screen. Can you read my IC'ly posts on your screeens? Or does text look all greyed out?

I'm on dark mode too, so it's been easy read so far! I've just been in a bit of a writing slump atm. I have ideas for scenes based on the posts so far, but my actual ability to write them down has been the issue.
I'm on dark mode too, so it's been easy read so far! I've just been in a bit of a writing slump atm. I have ideas for scenes based on the posts so far, but my actual ability to write them down has been the issue.
K hopefully everyone's screen is all good with my black BG formatiing too lol.

But yeah, all goods bruh. Like part of the use for this thread is to just try to generate and share creativity by posting anything, whatever genre and content(within reason lol) and whenever. But to also consider others in the thread.

Like the reason i think I get away with advertising this as a 1x1 is that everytime you respond with a post its a mini 1x1; you not concerned atm about any other poster other than the one above yours. Posting here is a one off 1x1 within a group of RPers lined up to do one off 1x1 posts wut! At least I think so lol.

Oh! And another reason I put the 3 stage way I was taught how to RP in the Basic Sequence spoiler is cuz sometimes when I get a block I start with the 3 stage.

Basically what I put allllll the way up ^there broken down into:

What did I find interesting about the post above mine?
What do I want to say?
What else should I add?

And usually I get about 300 words of a post which is usually decent start or even it becomes a good post filled with enough info for a partner/RPer to respond to and build on.

Anyways hope you get over the block soon!!
K hopefully everyone's screen is all good with my black BG formatiing too lol.

But yeah, all goods bruh. Like part of the use for this thread is to just try to generate and share creativity by posting anything, whatever genre and content(within reason lol) and whenever. But to also consider others in the thread.

Like the reason i think I get away with advertising this as a 1x1 is that everytime you respond with a post its a mini 1x1; you not concerned atm about any other poster other than the one above yours. Posting here is a one off 1x1 within a group of RPers lined up to do one off 1x1 posts wut! At least I think so lol.

Oh! And another reason I put the 3 stage way I was taught how to RP in the Basic Sequence spoiler is cuz sometimes when I get a block I start with the 3 stage.

Basically what I put allllll the way up ^there broken down into:

What did I find interesting about the post above mine?
What do I want to say?
What else should I add?

And usually I get about 300 words of a post which is usually decent start or even it becomes a good post filled with enough info for a partner/RPer to respond to and build on.

Anyways hope you get over the block soon!!

Thank you! I will give it a try. In the meantime, I'm having a lot of fun reading all the posts that have been added!

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