[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

Sorry for the lag of posting... I'm in the hospital :(

I'm not going to bore you with the details but I know it will be quite a while before I get out, and I have no idea when I get a stable connection (if I get one at all when I'm here) so I'll have to withdraw :( and it might be months before I get out or it might be as short as a few weeks. It all depends on how the tests and stuff go.

Sorry all.
:shock: I'm sorry to hear that....No need for apologies, it seems your having quite a bit of real world troubles. I wish you well and will put you on my prayer list. I'm sure it's unanimous when I say we all hope to see you back in the near future....
I'm sorry to hear that, and I do wish you get back to full health as soon as possible.

Don't worry about the game, and know that you have a spot reserved for you, when you are feeling better and have a stable internet connection.
You take care of yourself and get out of it healthy and strong man !

That's all we wish for you :)
I'll be posting Tarsus' action for this scene. I'll try and get to it soon, but I got a big school project I need to work on, and hopefully get finished on time, so depending on how it goes my time in the next week and a half will be erratic.
I'm here, response forthcoming,

Sorry for the delay, I was busy all yesterday and into the night, just awoke a little while ago...
Uh... I may be mistaken, but isn't the social combat just for Lupo? I thought the Diplomat only wanted to speak with him. >_>
Well, I'm not saying don't do it. I'm just wondering. Maybe SRC actually wanted us all to join social combat, or doesn't care? Either way, I just wanted confirmation. :P
Just wanted to giver a heads up, I'll have a very spotty Internet connection for the next two weeks. I have to move back to Israel, so it's gonna be a bit rough the next two weeks, and then it should sort out.
*Looks at the IC thread and counts the cataphractoi*



GAD !!!

This is going to be quite painful...
Huh. I doubt they'll go through with it, given the whole sealed-oath bit. At least... I thought that once they were bound to oaths, Fair Folk were supposed to be forced to abide by them regardless because it was part of their nature. I suppose if they do attack us, they'll simply botch a whole lot and we'll butcher them. Simple as that.
Considering that SRC just said that the oath was sealed, I don't think we have much to worry about. ;)

Besides, if they try anything, Silver Tusks will be glad to turn their bodies into paste. Hey, anyone want warpaint?

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