[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]


Hey, Atrius... Just to make sure you know - normal Fair Folk aren't Creatures of Darkness. Only Unshaped are, meaning that Enemy-Castigating Judgement won't really affect any other Fae at all.

Drat.....I'd ask that question before a while back (not in this game) because I thought it odd that it mentioned unshaped but not shaped....and was told they were...ah well, hopefully they'll still be smart enough not to attack....
there was a thread on whether shaped ones count as Creatures of Darkness, and it was agreed that as per the rule book, it depends on the ST, and how much he wants to expand the list.
Hey guys...

I was wondering if you had found a replacement for my character or if there was a chance for me to take him over again? While I'm still at the hospital I have found a way to get a connection everyday so I should be able to post from now on....

But there's no hard feelings if you found another player :)

In any case it's nice to be back.
Welcome back Karrth, you can take over your character. game has been a bit slow, but if you read the thread you'll see how awesome your character performed when it was his turn.
Oh, I had no idea you actually wanted us to make rolls. I wasn't sure if cyl was simply doing that on his own accord or if you had asked for them. I'll post something shortly.

EDIT: Gah, I'm blind. I see it now. >_<
Ah, apologizes.....Was unclear....

Hearthstone Bracers...Much like the string are an item I would /like/ to find.....Not curently possessed and subject to ST whim.... (It's kind weird the gaining of backgrounds upon exhaltation anyway.....)
Ok so FHG's gone now, and the cool "I'm your mate, mate" and "Big badass maul" have gone with him :(

Can we hope our ST will step up for his pc once he feels better ? :)
He'll be there for the coming battle, but I don't feel comfortable playing him after that. And naturally i do hope FHG will come back at some point, so I have no intention of killing him either. I'll have him sent for another mission, one that ,when he returns, will help your goals.
I'll be going on a vacation the next 14 days so posting will be sporadic.

I'm sorry for the short notice here but I wasn't sure it'd happen at all until now :(

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