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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

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Since we haven't started heavily, would it be ok to change a Favored Ability?

I have finally gone over the entire Abyssal charmset, and identified what Essence 1-2 Charms I want to get, and apparently Ride isn't high on my list anymore.
Since we haven't started heavily, would it be ok to change a Favored Ability?


In unrelated news, I did intend to post Monday, then decided to wait when Crocodile planned to post to get them both in, and should have said something.

Then on Tuesday I was busy, and also should have said something.

Then yesterday my doctor decided I should have all the vaccinations and for me they really have a kick and I was too exhausted. And should have said something.

Today for sure, though. I'm off sick to recover from vaccination and I'll have plenty of time once I get myself out of bed 😆
I did have one question, can I choose a charm even if Wood isn't labeled? For example, I'm interested in one of the Archery Charms for Sayuri because it has a theme of plant growth, but it's labeled as for Air.
I did have one question, can I choose a charm even if Wood isn't labeled? For example, I'm interested in one of the Archery Charms for Sayuri because it has a theme of plant growth, but it's labeled as for Air.
Yes you can! Those are Aura keywords, not restrictions on who can purchase them. You'll notice some charms have special effects when you're in certain elemental Auras (yes, you can be in Air Aura as a Wood Aspect, but if you spend a lot of essence you'll be shoved into Wood Aura). It's a bit confusing for new players, and you can largely ignore it until you've seen the mechanics in play a bit and have a better idea of what's going on. Then if you decide you made a mistake, you can change which Charms you purchased.

The only restriction on Charm buying is you must have the right number of ability dots, Essence, and have bought all prerequisite Charms in the tree.
Yes you can! Those are Aura keywords, not restrictions on who can purchase them. You'll notice some charms have special effects when you're in certain elemental Auras (yes, you can be in Air Aura as a Wood Aspect, but if you spend a lot of essence you'll be shoved into Wood Aura). It's a bit confusing for new players, and you can largely ignore it until you've seen the mechanics in play a bit and have a better idea of what's going on. Then if you decide you made a mistake, you can change which Charms you purchased.

The only restriction on Charm buying is you must have the right number of ability dots, Essence, and have bought all prerequisite Charms in the tree.
Okay cool. Cause I'm looking at Charms that more fit the character and would make sense for her to have. Medicine is hard because I have the urge to choose all of them lol.
Okay cool. Cause I'm looking at Charms that more fit the character and would make sense for her to have. Medicine is hard because I have the urge to choose all of them lol.

It takes time to buy everything, and that's good. If I could, I would have taken all of the Abyssal Survival tree. And a few months into the game, my Familiar would have been a terrible thing to face.
Random Word Random Word what time of day/night is it? Just wondering, since I get extra sorcerous motes in shadows and darkness.
The attack began at dawn. You're a genius, so it's obvious to you the enemy knows Ombrelune is far more powerful at night, when it can receive ghostly reinforcements from the Underworld and necromantic powers are at their strongest. Either spies told them that, or the Bronze Tide have been gathering information about cities from the people they encounter as they travel. It's been several hours since dawn, but the sun is occluded by the smoke and haze. You can always find shadows and darkness in alleys and inside buildings, or create your own.
I would write the next round of story posts, but we're currently waiting on Crocodile Crocodile for a post from the crypt and Sherwood Sherwood I'm a bit stuck as your post appears not to cover your decision for what to do in the present. If the situation is unclear, definitely ask questions. You're standing on a hill overlooking a market. You can see the enemy in the market below, and even through the smoke and haze they'll spot your animas soon if they haven't already. You can also see that to your left at the base of the hill there's some kind of sorcerous ritual being performed in a temple of a faith widely considered heretical. They worship fire and the volcano god, which isn't shocking, but they refuse to venerate the ancestors and deny their holiness, which decidedly is. You're not certain how you know, but given what you can see of the essence flows you know the ritual is being performed poorly, or not for its intended purpose, which annoys some distant part of you, and it's obvious to you how to fix it.

If you persuade them to fix the ritual, you might obtain a useful ally for the assault, but it would give the enemy more time to prepare. Or you could let them face the consequences of their folly, a fitting reward for their impiety. Or you could let your mother execute them all for heresy to prevent them from making a bigger more fiery mess of the neighbourhood. Perhaps they would better serve the city in death than in life.
Okay so I've got a chance to look over the Charms and these are the ones I'm interested in for Sayuri. I wasn't able to find Dragon's Breath so I must have imagined that.

Unobstructed Hunter's Aim
Harvest of the Hunter's
Arrow Thorn Technique
Life Swelling Sap Strike

Swaying Grass Elusion

Master Healer Meditation
Disease Banishing Technique
Venom Expulsion Method
Wound Closing Technique
Ailment Sensing Meditation
Nature's Healing Bounty
Indomitable Vitality Discipline
Prisoner's Deft Hand
Grievous Wound Alteration Energy
Rebirth of Flesh and Ivy

Great Heart Companion
Dance of the Jade Bridle

Ration Enhancing Method
Quarry Revelation Technique
Trail Concealing Measure
Beast Taming Aspect
Animal Empathy Technique
Wild Wandering Forester's Charm
Someone knows what books I've been reading last month, but this is the Saint of Valour, who is completely different from the Saint of Duty. *Cough*

Still the Bronze Tide, Psychie. My players are trolling me 😭.
Sorry. I keep slipping up on that. I really don't mean to.
Okay, character outline so far is;
Golden Boy is an Ombrelune native, and probably hung out with some of the other PCs when they were younger (although the others do not remember this because Arcane Fate). He exalted a few months ago, and returned to Ombrelune to keep tabs on his hometown (especially now with the Bronze Crimson Tide approaching) and to watch over his old friend under the guise of various Resplendent destinies.
He's Gold Faction, and will probably have a Mentor merit who is his direct superior, another Gold Faction Sidereal. This is so that it's easier to cover his tracks regarding the situation in Ombrelune.

Mechanically he'll be a sneaky social character. Good at finding information, staying hidden, and subtly influence others. Wanna throw in a dash of divination in there too with Occult or something. At least that what I think I'll end up with looking at the charms and such. There are a bunch of cool ones, I want them all, so there'll be some tough choices but that's what I think will happen. Will most likely be Chosen of Secrets or Serenity, leaning Secrets at the moment.
Currently the concept is written as "Engimatic Prophet, subtle architect of events"

Ideas for resplendent destinies:
Wandering Minstrel
Gulliable Courtier
Sly crime-lord
Mysterious fortune-teller

Thoughts? Ideas for ties? What kind of friends/guardians/wards would your characters keep close?
Huh, my loose concept turned into most of a sheet, so I posted that in the character thread. Everything is still very much a WIP though and in flux!
Okay so I've got a chance to look over the Charms and these are the ones I'm interested in for Sayuri. I wasn't able to find Dragon's Breath so I must have imagined that.

Unobstructed Hunter's Aim
Harvest of the Hunter's
Arrow Thorn Technique
Life Swelling Sap Strike

Swaying Grass Elusion

Master Healer Meditation
Disease Banishing Technique
Venom Expulsion Method
Wound Closing Technique
Ailment Sensing Meditation
Nature's Healing Bounty
Indomitable Vitality Discipline
Prisoner's Deft Hand
Grievous Wound Alteration Energy
Rebirth of Flesh and Ivy

Great Heart Companion
Dance of the Jade Bridle

Ration Enhancing Method
Quarry Revelation Technique
Trail Concealing Measure
Beast Taming Aspect
Animal Empathy Technique
Wild Wandering Forester's Charm
So... what do I do next?
So... what do I do next?
I can't answer that, but I can ask you if you think it would be cool to have our characters by siblings or cousins? I read in the thread that your character and Sjet hung out as kids, and since Sjet is Droplets daughter that gets me nice ties to a lot of PCs by piggybacking off of you🙂

Your character won't remember mine, because Sidereal, but it would give my character a big reason to be invested in the group!
I can't answer that, but I can ask you if you think it would be cool to have our characters by siblings or cousins? I read in the thread that your character and Sjet hung out as kids, and since Sjet is Droplets daughter that gets me nice ties to a lot of PCs by piggybacking off of you🙂

Your character won't remember mine, because Sidereal, but it would give my character a big reason to be invested in the group!
I don't know about them being related as I've already got her family labeled. Maybe they hung out as friends.
Oh right, I was thinking Nott could have also be from your family, but if you already got it sorted then friends it is! I just need to find someone else to dupe into being an unwitting familial blood sacrifice have a strong story-tie with.

Heeeeey Psychie Psychie , does Garret want a weird cousin that he can't remember?
So... what do I do next?
Okay! So character creation is a chapter in the Dragon blooded book you've been looking at for Charms.

Step 1: Copy one of the character sheets in the characters thread and clear out all their stuff.
Step 2: Assign attribute dots. Each Attribute starts at 1 dot and can go up to 5. The attributes are grouped into physical, social, and mental. You can assign 8 dots to one group, 6 to another, and 4 to the last group. It's up to you which group is which.
Step 3: Assign ability dots (It might be 28 dots, I forget). The book will tell you how many. You can put up to 3 dots into an ability at this step.
Step 4: Assign Specialties. Choose two skills to have a specialty in, and two more that come from your family. It could be Medicine (Battlefield Trauma), Craft (Herbalism), Stealth (Wilderness), or anything else that's a clear specialization of the skill. These matter more to DBs than other characters, so make sure you have specialties in anything you really want your character to be good at.
Step 4: Buy Charms. You've already done a lot of this. Just make sure you look up the number you get for free (15 plus 5 excellencies)
Step 5: Spend XP. You start with 80 XP to spend and can see the table with costs in the character creation thread. Abilities can be raised above 3 at this step. It's okay if you bought charms with ability requirements above 3 in the previous step, so long as you buy the ability up to the required level here.
Step 6: Figure out your final statistics like personal and peripheral motes, willpower, parry, evasion, health levels, etc. The character creation chapter will explain how.
Step 6: Ask lots of questions when you get stuck.

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