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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

Oh right, I was thinking Nott could have also be from your family, but if you already got it sorted then friends it is! I just need to find someone else to dupe into being an unwitting familial blood sacrifice have a strong story-tie with.

Heeeeey Psychie Psychie , does Garret want a weird cousin that he can't remember?
Now, now I didn't say cousin was off the table lol. Just siblings 😉
Ooooh, I totally didn't think about Crafting for Herbalism 😱 I might just forsake Archery and go full healer. Maybe....

Right, I'll get on the character sheet.
You probably don't need to give up Archery to be good at Craft 😆. You also don't need Craft to be good at Medicine. It's assumed Medicine contains all the necessary skills to be a good healer, including compounding treatments. Medicine (Herbalism) can also be a specialty. Craft (Cooking) and Craft (Herbalism) can be fun though.

I don't know about them being related as I've already got her family labeled. Maybe they hung out as friends.
Try not to shut down another player trying to find a connection unless their idea really changes your characters' core concept. Would having another sibling or cousin, especially one you can't even remember anymore, make your character less fun to play? It would give Tavhyon's character a strong incentive to watch over your character and try to ensure you succeed in your goals. If at some point you were able to remember them again, that could be quite a dramatic and heartfelt moment. If a cousin whom you shared a close friendship with growing up suddenly vanished from your memory, you might subtly feel like something is missing from your life, and this stranger just seems to get you in ways that feel both familiar and new.
Ooooh, I totally didn't think about Crafting for Herbalism 😱 I might just forsake Archery and go full healer. Maybe....

Right, I'll get on the character sheet.
Yeah, as Random Word said don't think you need Crafting to go about Herbalism. That's a totally valid specialty for Medicine. In fact, Nature's Healing Bounty (which you have) is all about them herbs!

Now, now I didn't say cousin was off the table lol. Just siblings 😉
Coolio, let's do cousins then! Do you have a vision for what House Akechi's deal is? Since I assume they are some factor in local politics, if we look at the qualities of Ombrelune, are Akechi tied to any in particular? Like they are a powerful merchant house, all about those ancient manses, or own a lot of farmland and provide substance for the people of the island?

Random Word Random Word I have a question about merits. How do social merits like Influence, Followers and such work for Sidereals? Do I tie them to specific Resplendent Destinies? What happens if those destinies go away?
Random Word Random Word I have a question about merits. How do social merits like Influence, Followers and such work for Sidereals? Do I tie them to specific Resplendent Destinies? What happens if those destinies go away?
That's an excellent question. I was disappointed with how the book handled - or more to the point didn't handle - that. In general social merits like that are unavailable to Sidereals outside Yu Shan, but Resplendent Destinies don't come with merit dots anymore as part of their cover, so presumably Sidereals have put effort into building those up.

I'm going to declare that there's some special Merit you can buy. It's like Backing, but it represents the amount of pull you have in getting Destiny rearranged to support your official cover identities on short notice. You can allocate dots spent on this merit between your RDs as merit dots. If you lose an RD the dots go back in the pool. At the end of a story you can rearrange the dots. If you're caught using this merit for non-bureau business, you'll get a reprimand on your official file. I'm not sure exactly how the mechanics should work. Let's say you can't have more dots in this merit than you have total backing plus influence in related Heavenly bodies.
Sounds cool as heck.

More questions!
1. The pic I found has a mask, so I kinda want my character to have a 3-dot artifact mask. Would need some help with coming up with Evocations and such. It doesn't need to have too many, and I don't intend to start with any, so we can make them up as we go, I just want a thumbs-up on theme and such. Basically, I'd want the mask to help with disguises (duh) and help resplendent destinies somehow.

2. Linguistics! When reading about the ability in core, and looking at the Solar Charm-set, this is very much the 'writing' ability. Other charmsets, such as Dragon-Blooded, make this more of a 'language' ability. I'm thinking of ditching Performance and just focusing on Linguistics. Could I use linguistics in pools were I am reciting poetry, or is it strictly when I'm writing/reading it? I'll probably ditch performance either way, just want to know.

3. I had another question but I forgot it.

Crocodile Crocodile Your character is a pirate! Pirates likes treasure maps and, possibly even more, buried treasure.
Idea for a B-plot between our characters - Your character has a piece of a map, another piece is possessed by Nott (it wound up in Yu Shan and then Nott found it). Third and final piece is probably held by someone in the Bronze Crimson Tide. If we get all the pieces together we find some treasure of MacGuffin related either to your character's mother or a previous Exaltation. It's important for fate that you find this thing, at least as far as the Gold Faction is considered. Interested?
Did a big update in the character thread, and I took some liberties when writing Nott's backstory. Big advantage of coming in later, especially as a Sidereal, is that I can piggyback of of other's stories. Tried to involve as many of the PCs as possible, so please have a read and shout if something doesn't feel right.
Yeah, as Random Word said don't think you need Crafting to go about Herbalism. That's a totally valid specialty for Medicine. In fact, Nature's Healing Bounty (which you have) is all about them herbs!
True.... though I might still take a peek just to see if there's anything that would fit Sayuri's character :3

Coolio, let's do cousins then! Do you have a vision for what House Akechi's deal is? Since I assume they are some factor in local politics, if we look at the qualities of Ombrelune, are Akechi tied to any in particular? Like they are a powerful merchant house, all about those ancient manses, or own a lot of farmland and provide substance for the people of the island?
Uh, not really lol. Basically I just drew them up as a background for Sayuri. Basically original concept is, the House Akechi is a lesser known House (so not one of the Great Dragon Blooded Houses, though I have been curious about them 🤔) but an old House. And basically her father is Lord of the village and the village is best known for the tea plantation. But I haven't gotten any further than that. I do like the idea of a merchant House though, because obviously they have to sell or trade the tea they produce.
Oh yeah, tea moguls! That works for both the merchant quality and the 'things grow really well here' quality, good thinking!

The Great Houses are the ones the rule the Blessed Isle, and by proxy most of the world. I don't think they are terribly relevant since we are way of in the south west. They are uhh.. not nice if you are non-Immaculate or non-dragonblooded exalt. There's nuance to them, but overall it would be very bad (execution, imprisonment, reeducation camps) for everyone that worships the ancestors (which is most of Ombrelune).
Oh yeah, tea moguls! That works for both the merchant quality and the 'things grow really well here' quality, good thinking!
Also, kinda makes sense with your character being a wandering minstrel (yeah?). Because yours is older maybe he took off first and Sayuri followed after at some point? She is a healer so she might see it as traveling to do good?

The Great Houses are the ones the rule the Blessed Isle, and by proxy most of the world. I don't think they are terribly relevant since we are way of in the south west. They are uhh.. not nice if you are non-Immaculate or non-dragonblooded exalt. There's nuance to them, but overall it would be very bad (execution, imprisonment, reeducation camps) for everyone that worships the ancestors (which is most of Ombrelune).
Hmmmm... maybe I'll leave them alone then. Cause Sayuri is basically the first in many generations to be born an Exalted. I haven't thought of a reason for that. Maybe a curse? Maybe one of her ancestors did something naughty so the Dragons didn't see the House as being worthy enough? Just thoughts.
Also, kinda makes sense with your character being a wandering minstrel (yeah?). Because yours is older maybe he took off first and Sayuri followed after at some point? She is a healer so she might see it as traveling to do good?
He used to be, but now that I've reworked it he was a loveable scoundrel that hung out in Ombrelune. You can read about it here :)
He used to be, but now that I've reworked it he was a loveable scoundrel that hung out in Ombrelune. You can read about it here :)
I love everything about him 💓 Also, funny that he might up with Garrett as Sayuri might have a crush on him lol. Haven't heard back in definite from Psychie Psychie yet so I can't say for sure :)

I can definitely see Sayuri tagging after him now though. If only to "try" keeping him out of too much trouble lol.
Unfortunately Sayuri won't remember any of their adventures they had together :(
Maybe her memory will eventually get jogged by all the new adventures we'll have though!
When Sidereals exalt, fate erases their mortal existence from the world. So no one remembers Nott, or any other Sidereal. Exalted and other cool types can eventually relearn things (I think?) but it's part of Sidereal's deal that they are hidden from the world.
When Sidereals exalt, fate erases their mortal existence from the world. So no one remembers Nott, or any other Sidereal. Exalted and other cool types can eventually relearn things (I think?) but it's part of Sidereal's deal that they are hidden from the world.
Aww that kinda sucks :( Okay, cause that confused me a little at first. I'm brand new to Exalted and have be solely focusing on Dragon Blooded for Sayuri. Okay then, so how would we go about her remembering him?
I think that will come surely through play. When interacting with others, Sidereals often 'dress' themselves in Resplendent Destines, ie fake personas that others can remember. I have three such destinies listed for Nott, all of which could be changed.
One of them is a courtier (no details currently) so she could know that courtier, and thus know Nott, although she won't know it's him.
It's a bit confusing :)
I love everything about him 💓 Also, funny that he might up with Garrett as Sayuri might have a crush on him lol. Haven't heard back in definite from Psychie Psychie yet so I can't say for sure :)

I can definitely see Sayuri tagging after him now though. If only to "try" keeping him out of too much trouble lol.
Sorry I haven't posted sooner. I'm really quite flexible with Garrett and his background to work with you, so let's brainstorm.
Oh, also I had a thought. Random Word Random Word Can Sayuri have a pet? I had this idea for a mouse she found in a trap meant for rats and ended up nursing him back to health.
I entirely forgot a step for character creation: Merits. Merits represent your resources and advantages. Influence, Backing, Artifacts, Resources (wealth), Command, Allies, Contacts, Retainers, etc, etc. They're listed in the core rulebook, and during character creation you'll be instructed to allocate a certain number of dots to Merits and can buy more with XP at character creation.

Merits are how you represent your character's power and influence in the world. If you take Resources 5, Influence 5, Contacts 3, and Backing 3 you are an incredibly important person. Naturally your character is important to us because they're a protagonist, but those Merits mean you're important to the world. As an example of what I might offer you to fit such merits: House Akechi would be a titanic merchant confederation with the wealth of empire. You would be an honourary Merchant Prince of the Guild, and likely head of the Guild's operations in the Cinder Isles. Your power and influence would extend far beyond the shores of Ombrelune, and you would be the most powerful person in the city. Everyone would know your name, and many in distant city states would speak of your wealth and power reverentially. When you died, everyone would assume you would become the newest Great Ancestor. You have a lavish palace that overlooks the rolling green hills of your family's tea plantations that extend from shore to shore, producing the finest tea in the Direction with many mystical and wondrous properties depending on the cultivar. Your family may own teahouses in every city in the Cinder Isles, and this forms a vast information gathering network that feeds your merchant empire. Etc etc.

Or you can buy an Artifact bow. Your call.

Why is this relevant? One of the merits is Familiar. You'll see many Survival Charms key off either making an animal (or, since you're a DB, the badass option of an Elemental) your familiar or powering up your familiar. If you buy a survival charm for taming animals into Familiars, you can assume you have had time to tame any one mundane animal native to the island without having to spend Merits. Merits are mostly for having supernatural or exceptional Familiars.

Droplets, for example, has a powers to make her giant wasp familiar more deadly.

Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws Tachyon Tachyon Equusheart Equusheart Crocodile Crocodile please include the text of your charms in spoilers on your sheets when you get a chance, rather than simply the titles. This saves me a lot of time looking things up. If you've already done so, thank you ❤️
I entirely forgot a step for character creation: Merits. Merits represent your resources and advantages. Influence, Backing, Artifacts, Resources (wealth), Command, Allies, Contacts, Retainers, etc, etc. They're listed in the core rulebook, and during character creation you'll be instructed to allocate a certain number of dots to Merits and can buy more with XP at character creation.
I will be burying my head in the books when I get a chance.

As an example of what I might offer you to fit such merits: House Akechi would be a titanic merchant confederation with the wealth of empire. You would be an honourary Merchant Prince of the Guild, and likely head of the Guild's operations in the Cinder Isles. Your power and influence would extend far beyond the shores of Ombrelune, and you would be the most powerful person in the city. Everyone would know your name, and many in distant city states would speak of your wealth and power reverentially. When you died, everyone would assume you would become the newest Great Ancestor. You have a lavish palace that overlooks the rolling green hills of your family's tea plantations that extend from shore to shore, producing the finest tea in the Direction with many mystical and wondrous properties depending on the cultivar. Your family may own teahouses in every city in the Cinder Isles, and this forms a vast information gathering network that feeds your merchant empire. Etc etc.
I really like this idea honestly and I might go with this. But... do I have to have died? 🥺

Or you can buy an Artifact bow. Your call.
I also like the idea of a Jade bow... 😶

Why is this relevant? One of the merits is Familiar. You'll see many Survival Charms key off either making an animal (or, since you're a DB, the badass option of an Elemental) your familiar or powering up your familiar. If you buy a survival charm for taming animals into Familiars, you can assume you have had time to tame any one mundane animal native to the island without having to spend Merits. Merits are mostly for having supernatural or exceptional Familiars.

Droplets, for example, has a powers to make her giant wasp familiar more deadly.

I suddenly have a vision of a mouse with glowing green eyes lol.

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