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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

Hello everybody, I've been speaking with Random Word and they've given me the okay to join your ongoing game and pitch some character concept ideas to the group.

I spent the last few days rereading the main thread and character bios to best familiarize myself with the current characters and their varied ties to one another, and drew up everybody's ability stats to see which non-combat areas are less heavily addressed than others.

It looks to me like the non-combat areas least represented across the combined characters currently are Craft, Bureaucracy, and Sail. As for Exalt types, you've pretty well run the gamut across what is available so I don't think there are any "holes" I need to aim at filling, and I'll try to avoid doubling-up on a caste already taken by another character.

As such, here are a few quick concepts I'm bouncing around as possibilities that could help cover less focused areas. I would love to get suggestions from the group addressing which one of them would be preferred and any tweaks they could use to help them best fit in with the characters y'all have already established.

1) [Solar/Eclipse] Exiled Prince: The Prince (around 20-30 years of age?) is a member of the monarchial bloodline in Faxai-on-the-Caul, grew up with his family as figureheads rather than practical rulers under the allowance of the Dynasts living in Faxai. As the other four shrine cities fell across the Caul the Realm presence became focused in Faxai, and tension has grown between the royal family and the ruling Dynasts. Rumors grow that the monarchy has become viewed as a potential threat to the Realm's continued rule of their last major port city in the Southwest, and that the Immaculate leadership is considering displacement of the royal family. Amidst these rumors, the Prince (on behalf of the royal matriarch) met secretly with a changing moon Lunar to discuss possibly providing 5th column aid to the Black Lion's war effort in return for a reestablishment of the monarchial rule in Faxai. Upon swearing an oath of mutual friendship and intention to conspire together, the Prince was bathed in golden light and exalted as one of the Sun's chosen. In a moment of realized ecstacy, the Prince looked once more upon the face of the now surprised Lunar and saw not merely a new-found friend, but a familiar partner of ages past. Unfortunately, this meeting had not gone unnoticed as intended, and word quickly made it to the Realm garrison of the Prince's seditious pact and his reveal as one of the anathema. Fearful that this series of events would prove a catalyst for the Dynasts to remove the monarchy, the matriarch of the royal family publicly disavowed the actions of the Prince as unexpected treason and vowed a reward for his capture and return to the Satrap. The Prince, with the help of his newfound Lunar mate, affected a quiet escape from the Caul and they made their way south towards the Cinder Isles. The Lunar would travel back and forth from the Caul to check in with her Shahan'ya and remain abreast of the war effort, while the Prince took on the persona of a carpenter to stay hidden from enterprising bounty hunters. He learned to ply his trade on behalf of small island nations that required residential and shipwright repairs after run-ins with either the Realm, the Lintha, or the Bronze Tide. After hearing rumors of a glorious golden exalt at the failed siege of Ombrelune, the Prince feels an unexplainable urge similar to the feeling his Lunar bond gave him, so he packs up his tools and charters passage to the city.

Group ties:
- The Prince's previous incarnation was a member of Sjet's Solar circle
- If Doplets was previously the Zenith of Sjet's circle, than the Prince would feel an uncomfortable tie to the elderly Abyssal as well
- The Prince wouldn't have an immediate tie to Garret, but would be predisposed to view the Lunar in a friendly manner as the Prince has a positive view of Luna's chosen and at least some knowledge of the Silver Pact via his time spent on the run with his Lunar mate
- The Prince would not have any immediate ties with Sayuri, but would be familiar with the capabilities of Dragon Blooded and as long as she doesn't express positive ties towards Dynasts the Prince would view her as a worthwhile ally
- For obvious reasons, the Prince wouldn't have any ties to Nott...or would he? I suppose it depends on if he has met one of Nott's resplendent destinies..."not" for me to decide (haha) but I'd be happy to discuss it!

* Okay, I know I said I would post multiple concepts, and I am happy to do so if this doesn't sound appealing. But I have already taken so long with reading and thinking about ideas, I just want to get something up and posted for now. Please let me know what y'all think, and I can definitely take a crack at a few more concepts if this doesn't seem fitting for the group. I look forward to seeing your responses! :)
First off, welcome to our little slice of gaming heaven! It has been a fun run so far, and I'm personally looking forward to seeing what Random Word comes up with next.

I see no problem with your concept with regards to Sjet. After our battle, I am curious to see how you will hold your own in future fights.
Hello, and welcome! I love your character concept. I can't wait to interact with him :)

I'm not sure if Sayuri would know who Dynasts are. Or would she? *looks to Random Word Random Word
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Hello, and welcome! I love your character concept. I can't wait to interact with him :)

I'm not sure if Sayuri would know who Dynasts are. Or would she? *looks to Random Word Random Word
Sayuri definitely knows what Dynasts are. She knows they're fantastically wealthy and powerful foreign nobles from a superpower far to the north called the Realm.
Oh, that's a complicated question. "Usually good" is not an easily applied term here. You've probably learned that the Realm is a successor state to the Shogunate, but your family bloodline also traces itself back to the Shogunate and your family doesn't acknowledge the Scarlet Empress and her Dynasty as the one true heirs to the Shogunate. (The Empress herself was merely a low born officer before her ascension! One Sword of Creation does not a noble bloodline make.)

You would likely have learned of them as extremely distant cousins. A massive branch of a family that last touched yours maybe 2 000 years ago. You've heard stories of their heroics, their refined culture, their wealth, and their conquests. Few would dare defy them, but their influence is weak all the way out here on the edge of Creation. Many of the peoples out here hate, fear, and envy the Realm, for should it wish to it could conquer any one of them on a whim and exact harsh tribute in exchange for protection.

Your character's opinion on such a contentious subject will depend on their values and worldview. Some view the Realm as the great shield that protects Creation from horrors from beyond the world, merciless raiders, and corrupt predatory spirits. Some view the Realm as a corrupt and decadent hand wrapped around the throat of the threshold, squeezing it dry. Both are true.
Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws Tachyon Tachyon still with us? I'll post something when I get a moment to have Ryu nominate Nott as an excellent scout to check out the manse and watch over Sayuri so he has an excuse to be there.

Otherwise this is a very player driven scene, so do try to think about how your character's would react to each other! Sayuri is a famous noble who, under ordinary circumstances, those of you not of noble birth would not even be permitted to address. Droplets looks quite dead. It's a bit disturbing. The library you're in, and the golden crabs that tend it, clearly cater to Sjet's every whim, and as a sorcerer she is followed by strange and otherworldly phenomena. Garrett is (sometimes) an elephant man. It's a bit disturbing. Nott is an ordinary unremarkable mortal soldier. Nothing to see there.

Once you tell me you're all done with the scene, we'll move on to meeting the powers that be in the city. They'll want to have a look at you, size you up, and enlist you for reconstruction and dealing with the array of threats facing the city.

Broadly I think we'll do two side-plot events for every main plot event. The next main plot event will probably be the next showdown with the Bronze Tide, which may or may not be the final showdown. After that it will likely be the arrival of the first of the Noble Raksha of the Court of Spear Empress Badhri.
I'm just trying to decide whether or not Sayuri accepts this new Prince. What would Ryu's opinion be, seeing as he's the eldest?
I'm just trying to decide whether or not Sayuri accepts this new Prince. What would Ryu's opinion be, seeing as he's the eldest?
That will depend on how the Prince presents himself! Ryu is distrustful of foreign Exalts, but if the Prince shows up as a simple artisan Ryu won't know any better. If he learns that the Prince favours the Silver Pact his distrust will grow, as the Bronze Tide is known to him to have the favour of the Pact. The Prince may have a more nuanced understanding of the subject from their bondmate.

Ryu has a generally favourable opinion of Dynasts. Many legendary warriors hail from the Dynasty, and he admires their legions. To him they are a very distant famous family member you've heard good and bad stories about, but he chooses to believe mostly the good ones as those telling the bad stories are usually not his tribe. He doesn't think much about them, and if one showed up he would have only a rudimentary understanding of their culture and politics, and mostly understands them in terms of badly out of date stereotypes that were questionable when they were formed. He's a bit envious of their power and prestige, and the legendary adventures they go on.
Yaaas. Been summer and super busy with family, friends and other social events. But really like Nott and the story so will make an effort to re-enegage.
Pretty drunk RN but have free tiem tomorrow except for lunch with mom. After that I'll catch-up and make some sort of post!
I only ask because of their interaction when Sayuri healed her. Cause I assumed they were old friends. Unless I misunderstood things in the beginning.
As I said, I spaced on it since it was a while back. I changed the IC post.
No need to be sorry! I’m the one that had the brain fart and forgot. lol
Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws Tachyon Tachyon still with us? I'll post something when I get a moment to have Ryu nominate Nott as an excellent scout to check out the manse and watch over Sayuri so he has an excuse to be there.

Otherwise this is a very player driven scene, so do try to think about how your character's would react to each other! Sayuri is a famous noble who, under ordinary circumstances, those of you not of noble birth would not even be permitted to address. Droplets looks quite dead. It's a bit disturbing. The library you're in, and the golden crabs that tend it, clearly cater to Sjet's every whim, and as a sorcerer she is followed by strange and otherworldly phenomena. Garrett is (sometimes) an elephant man. It's a bit disturbing. Nott is an ordinary unremarkable mortal soldier. Nothing to see there.

Once you tell me you're all done with the scene, we'll move on to meeting the powers that be in the city. They'll want to have a look at you, size you up, and enlist you for reconstruction and dealing with the array of threats facing the city.

Broadly I think we'll do two side-plot events for every main plot event. The next main plot event will probably be the next showdown with the Bronze Tide, which may or may not be the final showdown. After that it will likely be the arrival of the first of the Noble Raksha of the Court of Spear Empress Badhri.
Sorry, am in the middle of trying to sell my apartment, and working mostly night shifts. plus, am working on the Abyssal Charm Cascades, MadLetter style, since he decided to call it quits. Will try to get back into the swing this week.
Just to give an update, I plan to upload a rough draft of my character sheet sometime later this afternoon. I've got most of the stuff figured, just assigning some final exp points. Then y'all can take a look and critic if there is anything you think would be smart to adjust, and then (assuming the revised version gets the okay from Random) I should be good to hop in and join the adventure! :)
Has Sjet come across in her reading any details on the Solar/Lunar Bond? Can I make a Lore roll for that? Regarding the connection between Droplets and Garret?

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