[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Re: [Act 2] Gateway


I apologize. I should have mentioned that I have ST permission to grab your robes and start a verbal assault. I made sure that I could get my words out without starting battle.

That being said, Tikor, bail me out here.
Re: [Act 2] Gateway


If Isomaru would react to Balthazar's entrance with something akin to rolling Join Battle (which he may be given Gytherial's warning) then we can definately make this a battle scene if you wish. The point would be that Balthazar would have to land an unarmed martial attack on you if you fully resisted being touched. Being inside would probably give you a dodge penalty (which you could negate by going outside, of course. Then you've got a glowy Solar chasing you, though...). Looking at the character sheets neither of you have any relevant charms. Looking at the stats his 4 dice would sooner or later beat your 3 DDV.

As it is written I don't consider Balthazar's action to be a formal grapple, but a fluffed out social touch. The hold he has (will have? Possibly redoing scenes messes with my verb tenses) on you is incapable of doing damage and ends whenever either party wishes it to end. This is the downside of not going though Join Battle, Martial Arts attacks, ect. However, this type of touch could be done outside of Combat via relevant rolls, which in hindsight I will put in in the future. Something like Manipulation+Socialize to veil your intentions to get within touch range vs. a player's Perception+Socialize to know what he's up to. This roll would not be available to people banging in doors and running across rooms, though.

I accept the blame for this snaffu. I should have made more clear both on the forums and in private conversation the rules I laid down at the beginning:

From the first post of "Houserules and pbp stuff to know" describing the format of in-character threads:

<My Name>, <Where I am> (wit is encouraged and rewarded here, but please stay in character. For instance if you just messed up a big speech you might call yourself Noisy Cricket the Hugely Embarrassed, In front of everyone in the grand hall)

<Stuff my character is attempting to do in the present tense if the roll has not yet been made (this is where you try for stunt dice). Stuff my character is doing in the present tense after the roll has been made. (This is where you get to describe the cool things your character does, as well as reactions to said results in the form of further attempts)>

--------------------------- (actually put a line of dashes)

<Derivation of dicepools, Dicerolls, mechanical clarifications/intent>

Dicerolls will only be performed after I warrant the stunt dice for the action (0-3). "

The takeaway being there's a process to doing things:

1) Post how you're attempting to do things (Post 1)

2) Hear back from people (at the very least me, but also others if they're involved) (Post 2)

3) Roll the dice I tell you to roll (Unposted). (This step can be skipped if I don't call for dice of course)

4) Describe how things went (Post 3)
Re: [Act 2] Gateway

Wyuli said:
You may have to make some additional rolls to go through with this. I think physically grabbing someone, yelling at them, and accusing them of witchcraft may constitute mental, physical, and/or emotional harm.
Physically grabbing a resisting/perceptive person, yes.

Accusing them of thaumaturgy in private, no. Social Combat really only covers persuasion attempts so simply yelling at someone doesn't always warrant rolls since hearing is an unrolled action most of the time. Whether hearing that message consitutes mental or emotional harm is up to the listener. Most talky charms that do physical damage have the rules clearly explained in the charm itself.

Simply hearing the message is not the situation here. Balthazar is clearly trying to persuade you to tell him what you know via Presence. That question part does warrant a Join Debate roll if you are resisting. If you are resisting Balthazar's demand then please Roll Wits+Awareness and we'll get acting orders figure out and (assuming the touch thing is resolved) we'll figure out the modifiers on Balthazar's Social charm attack roll and your MDV to determine whether the charm landed or not. If you're just going to tell him what you know (i.e. choosing not to resist in Step 2) then we can forgo Social Combat unless something else comes up. Definately do what youre character would do in this situation regardless of the mechanics, though. Hopefully we'll all get better with this with practice.

Wyuli said:
Awaiting word from The Loom on this one before I reply in proper, with my apologies for backseat Rules Lawyering. <3
No apology needed. Thanks for keeping me honest.
Stickied som important threads.

Also, would like to clean up posting methods i.e.

The takeaway being there's a process to doing things:
1) Post how you're attempting to do things (Post 1)

2) Hear back from people (at the very least me, but also others if they're involved) (Post 2)

3) Roll the dice I tell you to roll (Unposted). (This step can be skipped if I don't call for dice of course)

4) Describe how things went (Post 3)
If I do a post for

1) I'm attempting to throw a knife through a chandelier support and dive sideways as I do so, so it does not crash down on me.

2) is the reply telling me how to roll

3) Rolls are failure or very poor

4) will negate a lot of what I'd typed in post (1) where I described what was happenning as I did it because it's what I was attempting. i.e. chandelier doesn't fall and my description of it's falling and blocking the hallway is inaccurate

It looks like a lot of stuff will be left in the thread that doesn't actually happen if we have unsuccesful rolls.
Kalarix said:
Stickied som important threads.
Also, would like to clean up posting methods i.e.

The takeaway being there's a process to doing things:
1) Post how you're attempting to do things (Post 1)

2) Hear back from people (at the very least me, but also others if they're involved) (Post 2)

3) Roll the dice I tell you to roll (Unposted). (This step can be skipped if I don't call for dice of course)

4) Describe how things went (Post 3)
If I do a post for

1) I'm attempting to throw a knife through a chandelier support and dive sideways as I do so, so it does not crash down on me.

2) is the reply telling me how to roll

3) Rolls are failure or very poor

4) will negate a lot of what I'd typed in post (1) where I described what was happenning as I did it because it's what I was attempting. i.e. chandelier doesn't fall and my description of it's falling and blocking the hallway is inaccurate

It looks like a lot of stuff will be left in the thread that doesn't actually happen if we have unsuccesful rolls.
Welcome to my personal grumbling too, though I have found a way around it. :)

In reply, I offer an alternative solution to what you're concerned about:

Same scenario:

1) "Noisy Cricket flicks his knife at the chandelier's supporting rope, readying to dive sideways out of the way should he get the chandelier to crash down."

2) Tikor says: Flurry of Dex + Thrown + Stunt, and Dex + Dodge + Stunt,

3) The dice roller, as all of them do, laugh at my attempts to do things I am good at, and causes me to fail the thrown roll. I have a choice now, I can either dodge like I was going to, or abort it, since, well, I'm dodging nothing. I still lost the dice on the first roll, but I am no longer attempting the second part of the flurry.

4) "Noisy Cricket's knife soars through the air, unfortunately, the Rising Sun's aim is off, and the knife goes harmlessly by the rope. Cricket shifts his weight, no longer ready to dodge, his body falls into his normal martial stance, while his mind races to plot his next move."
Re: [Act 2] Gateway

My apologies for being vague as well; I'm actually totally fine with being grabbed/throttled/yelled at in a cinematic fashion, and it works out that Isomaru would do very little to actually resist the actions except for perhaps activating Durability of Oak or some such. I understand the intent, and am totally fine with that. Fluff and crunch wise, I am totally cool with (and supportive of) Balthazar's roll-less actions; in fact if we have to sit down and think about several different rolls to mask intentions to get within touch range and such for (comparatively) trivial contact, I would submit we are making it too hard. That's the sort of thing I would save for, say, planting evidence of treason in the pocket of an alert Dragon-Blooded guard. :3

My concern (and the reason I specifically quote "mental, physical, and/or emotional harm,") is how these actions interact with the Sword Brotherhood Oath re: Loyalty. :x Primarily, it limits whether or not I would feel compelled to, say, not hit the guy that's throttling me in the face. :3 I suppose the correct answer would have been to reply in kind and then retcon later, rather than disrupt the flow of the scenario. I have some suspicion, though no concrete evidence, that Balthazar would be under similar restrictions; if he is somehow able to lash out against me despite being under the same Oath I am, this is big news for Isomaru and would specifically change his manner of interaction. The roll to resist the Oath's effect is, specifically, the roll I was referring to. ^^;

Making a motion to re-locate these last few posts into a different place and continue on with the scene. Again, apologies for the interruption. <3
I like Chuck's Reply. Aborting later actions in a flurry due to the cirucumstances the beginning of the flurry created makes sense and I believe is explicitly states in the flurry rules (at work, Core, somewhere in the combat actions descriptions.)

Anything that's not part of a flurry doesn't necissarily *have* to be in the same post, and I think can be described singly as an attempt. I would like your best guess at the mechanical/social effect of your actions below the dashed line so that I might accurately gauge difficulty. You can assume people will look at you, listen to you when you shout, and do normal unrolled actions. You can also assume you succeed on unrolled actions as well. 'Unrolled' isn't well defined on purpose; the closest I can give you is stuff we do IRL that doesn't take much effort of have much chance of failure. Stuff your characters can do without much effort or much chance of failure still requires dice, because, well, you're Solars and that description fits lots and lots of things.
The problem is more that, for the description to be truly epic (extra stuntworthy in this case) a lot of the time it kind of requires description of what's actually going to happen. You can get around it, but it's that first post where stunt dice are applied.
Re: [Act 2] Gateway

The Oath rolls are specifically not called for in this situation.

Finding out what situations they are called for is part of the fun. Know that they are foremost in my mind.

Yes, I agree that these posts should be moved elsewhere. First one to figure out how wins.
Re: [Act 2] Gateway

Question answered; situation green.

Thanks! :3

[edit: I WIN! Though at the cost of dissecting two conversations at once. ><]
Nice kick off to act two btw. I like!

EDIT: not exactly the mood, but close<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/3025081411_3efd2d9fef_o.jpg.ddf80e23e0ead3227d7eba8c5c3662f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/3025081411_3efd2d9fef_o.jpg.ddf80e23e0ead3227d7eba8c5c3662f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Haha, I rolled for that, I couldn't decide :-p

Temperance success.

Also, should I be starting in the other thread as well?
Yes, please start in the other thread at any time you want (such as meeting up with Laughing Waves). Just make sure you're around when Balthazar's talking to you in the future that happened before your post >.>

I'll respond to Act 3 sometime today, but maybe not before 6ish because work is busy.
I do in fact accomplish things at work. I remember also being accused of never doing homework in college come to think of it...
This is a bit of meta-gaming, but Balthazar is much better at this sort of thing that I will ever be...

I plan to form a binding agreement with Jolo-lu. What sort of clauses would you want in an agreement with the god of a city?

Mine are:

-Gatway is a safe haven for Solars and other Anathema, provided they actively stay low-profile

-Obtain support ( Resources, Artifacts, Followers, etc.)

-Subvert Realm control of Gateway/Wavecrest

What do you think?
1. Establish worship of the God of Enlightenment Through Martial Arts and the Unconquered Sun

2. See that Iza gets to see the world and experience more to life, assuming she's up for it (she's an interesting character, so mine is amused by her and wants to see if she actually will grow as a person). This is more of an amusing personal goal, so I doubt it will be thrown into the agreement. Though I hope any pull I get can get this one to happen.

3. Establish a martial arts dojo here

4. Any misc. artifacts I can get I guess (the ones I'm looking at: Perfected Kata Bracers, Gauntlets of Distant Touch, and Discreet Essence Armor), though it's obviously not a huge priority for me.

Also, for Jones, marrying Iza isn't out of the question, but mostly he's looking at it from the perspective of 'she needs exposure to something other than here', so he'll be protective of her, and teach her how to knee men in the groin.

I'm still trying to decide when people find out he's a martial artist. :D
kaliket said:
This is a bit of meta-gaming, but Balthazar is much better at this sort of thing that I will ever be...
I plan to form a binding agreement with Jolo-lu. What sort of clauses would you want in an agreement with the god of a city?

Mine are:

-Gatway is a safe haven for Solars and other Anathema, provided they actively stay low-profile

-Obtain support ( Resources, Artifacts, Followers, etc.)

-Subvert Realm control of Gateway/Wavecrest

What do you think?
From our gchat:

As for Gateway being a haven for Solars, that's definately a possibility. However, a god's nature is to expand his domain. Making Gateway a haven for Solars means that he has incurred the wrath of the Realm, which is substantial risk of destruction. You'd have to make promises that his domain would not suffer for his choice.

An easier point might be to make Gateway bindingly non-agressive to Solars. But easy doesn't shout "Solar" or "epic" so I leave this choice up to you.

Obtaining support would definately be a this for that arrangement. Freebies would be unlikely. Jolu-lu will be at the negotiating table, though.

Wavecrest is a Realm satrapy in name only. They'd probably be all for this so long as it didn't mean war with the Realm.
NoisyCricket said:
1. [Worship]
2. [iza]

3. Establish a martial arts dojo here

4. [support]
1.) Jolu-lu probably won't be so open to helping with this. Only so much prayer to go around ya'know.

2.) That's all Navy-Gateway-Wavecrest politics. Jolu-lu would only be tangentially involved. Petrin Clubfoot is capable of being more helpful.

3.) This is something Jolu-lu and Petrin Clubfoot would probably like to talk about

4.) Again, bargaining table.

NoisyCricket said:
I'm still trying to decide when people find out he's a martial artist. :D
Woo, OK, I think I'm up to speed and have my time line correct, please check :-p

Also, nice work Charles! Very well played.
Glad you're caught up Kal. I hope you didnt mind being bulldogged around a bit. Let me know if it becomes a hassle in the future, I'll gladly retcon stuff

I certainly like the concurent perceptions of time. I'll continue trying to weave other's actions into Balthazar's observations. Let me know if it becomes too much.
Re: [Act 3] The mayor's


How do I stunt a knowledge roll? Should I do a flip or say something snarky? Could I just ask questions to keep him talking? I want to make it a stunt, but I have no idea how.

Deep tangent:

Thoughts on Snake Style or Solar Hero Style MA? Are they worthwhile charms slots? How do they compare to other MA styles?

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