[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Also, knowing somebody who has measure the wind is proving very useful in this campaign.
Tikor said:
What's the start of an epic without a little friendly blackmail, eh?
Where's an Eclipse for a little oath sanctifying when you need one? ;)

Also, Measure the Wind is cheatsauce. It's like peeking while playing Mafia.
I wouldn't be a Charm if it wasn't cheating ^^

EDIT: No, I'm not kidding.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator6579350fw3.jpg.90875ee92d37da15b9b7ed56829a644f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator6579350fw3.jpg.90875ee92d37da15b9b7ed56829a644f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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kaliket said:
Also, did I just edit someone else's post?
Yeah, you totally destroyed Noisy Cricket's post about Solars not cheating.

As for the resources, I'll look into that shortly. I'm in front of a computer *and* I have Core handy. It's a sign from Yu-Shan...
I was wondering why in the hell I saw Kalarix edit one of my posts in the Moderator Control Panel a few days back. Not that it bothers me in the slightest (free editing is something I've come to appreciate), I just wasn't expecting it. <3
Just as a reminder:

Jessie will be out of town for about 10 days or so, until Tuesday the 27th. She hasn't had time to post as she's been packing and getting ready. I'm not sure if she'll have time to post while she's there.

I'll be out of town next weekend from Thursday evening till Sunday evening. I'll be busy, so I won't be posting at that time.

Some thoughts I've come across today thinking about this campaign:

I'd like to run a scene about every 15 days. I think this is a nice pace and will keep things from languishing. Not that I won't shorten or lengthen the amount of time we give scenes away from 15 due to narrative concerns, but I think 15 days should be a good average. Don't save your best thoughts for just the right moment, plop them down the first time they're appropriate because that moment may not come before the scene ends.

Combat takes many posts to resolve. If we ever get into a mass combat situation (by mass I mean like all of 5+ actors. Mass combat the system between 1 player and the world would still be postable.), I'll arrange a time we can all meet in Ventrillo to hurry that along. If a combat goes on so long that it kills the campaign that would be epic, but not the type of epic I'm hoping for.

Having more detail behind places and plots than I expect you to use has been stupidly helpful, because of course players interact with the world differently than STs expect. I will continue the practice. If you are at a loss at any time with your character, feel like you need any more information, or just want to listen/watch the world move around you, just make a post with your intent and I can fill that in for you.

I'm making a new thread that is also OOC called 'Most Excellent Additions'. Feel free to post something that epically adds to our little version of Exalted there. While this will start out with the more narrator oriented things that I've found (you could consider this fan fiction for the character 'Creation' which I consider myself 'playing') this could include fan fiction unrelated to one's character (maybe expanding your ally or telling some unrelated story set in exalted) since such content currently doesn't have a place.
Moar poatz! I need my fix. Seriously, I'm getting twitching. Does anybody feel like there eyeballs are itching? AND TELL THAT GORAM PINK ELEPHANT TO GET OFF MY LAWN!
I've been meaning to update mine (I got my first one edited in), but I've been very busy. Should go up by tomorrow with another.
<-- Has been a delinquent lately (been typing a lot of other shit lately, pbp stuff has felt like a bit more of a chore than normal, will have at least a couple of posts done by tomorrow).
Do you want to undo what I wrote for your individual scene and do that, or just jump into Act 2?

I'd prefer the Act 2 to give Balthazar someone to bounce off of, but the choice is yours.

EDIT: >.><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/MPost20970-gamers2.jpg.3bdcab52e514df70e1cb1c2695486ae0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/MPost20970-gamers2.jpg.3bdcab52e514df70e1cb1c2695486ae0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yes, I'm not proud that I fucked up a cool individual scene that you invested a lot of time in, but I'm more than happy to facilitate the formation of the Circle and get the plot rolling. <3

Everytime I sit down to write something here, something conspires to work against me.

Girlfriend wants to play WoW, or Vernicther calls, or someone running naked through the halls pulls the fire alarm at 2 AM. This are exciting and dynamic times!
Tikor said:
Just want to make sure everybody's clear on penalties, they can be confusing:
-x internal penalty means you lose dice before you roll them. Multiple action penalties are internal penalties.

-x external penalty means you lose successes after you've rolled the dice. There have been several examples in play already. It basically means the task is harder due to external circumstances.
Just as a quick primer, what's the difference mechanically between having, say, a -5 external penalty, difficulty 1 task, and a difficulty 6 task without an external penalty? Is there one? I assume it's simply a way to throttle the epic scale of the action involved?

ie. Making a sandwich (difficulty 1 task) from a ship's snapped-off crow's nest that's caught in the riggings and swinging around wildly in a driving rainstorm while dodging flaming arrows from expert marksmen while making sure to alternate layers of slick and solid ingredients (-5 external penalty)


Making a sandwich that is so delicious that the god of all sandwiches shows up on your doorstep to have a picnic. (difficulty 6 task)
Wyuli said:
Just as a quick primer, what's the difference mechanically between having, say, a -5 external penalty, difficulty 1 task, and a difficulty 6 task without an external penalty? Is there one?
If you have no charms that interact with penalties, then no there is no difference. If you do, then this is a big deal since you could do one thing and not another. I expand on your example with Salty Dog Method (p.236 Core) with some additions in []

Wyuli said:
ie. Making a sandwich (difficulty 1 task) from a ship's snapped-off crow's nest that's caught in the riggings and swinging around wildly in a driving rainstorm while dodging flaming arrows from expert marksmen while making sure to alternate layers of slick and solid ingredients (-5 external penalty). [An Essence 5 Solar with Salty Dog Method up could roll his (lower of Dexterity, Perception, Intelligence) + Craft (Water) at a difficulty 1 to make this sandwich. He negates the -5 external penalty via his charm.]

Making a sandwich [on a ship with no penalties whatsoever via calm seas, heavy boat, midday ect.] that is so delicious that the god of all sandwiches shows up on your doorstep [after you sacrifice it via burning it while chanting his name to get mad bonuses to your prayer roll] to have a picnic. (difficulty 6 task). [salty Dog Method does not aid the Essence 5 Solar here even though he is on a ship because no penalties are involved. The Charm that trivialized his roll above isn't even worth the Essence here]
Chopped Conversations


You may have to make some additional rolls to go through with this. I think physically grabbing someone, yelling at them, and accusing them of witchcraft may constitute mental, physical, and/or emotional harm. Awaiting word from The Loom on this one before I reply in proper, with my apologies for backseat Rules Lawyering. <3

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