[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Wyuli said:
Tikor is taking things I say seriously.
It's this thing I do. Taking people for their word. Gets me in trouble with the wife constantly.

Wyuli said:
Do they have that upgrade to the internet installed yet that lets people know when I'm sarcastic and when I'm not without the use of smilies?

... kidding!
/clears throat

Not to quibble, but uh.....my handle is Kaliket, not Kalinze. It says so somewhere to the left. Although if the Loom wishes to pile bad juju on Kalinze, I'm ok with it. =)

@ Wyuli: Just remember. I'm the pretty one.
kaliket said:
Not to quibble, but uh.....my handle is Kaliket, not Kalinze.
My humblest apologies, Ket. The pattern spiders can be quite spiteful at times.

kaliket said:
@ Wyuli: Just remember. I'm the pretty one.
Back it up with your appearance stat, pretty boy =p.
Back in my day, Appearance had 0 mechanical application. You kids are spoiled these days, with your three social attributes instead of two. :P

Also, re: women - I have found that if you take them at their word, you're wrong. If you take them for being sarcastic, you're wrong and "Oh my GOD I can't believe you thought I was serious!" Best to err on the side of caution...but it's still a losing prospect. :D
Please define difference between background and fanfic in our character thread.

Wyuli, the correct answer is to be mysterious.

EDIT: Mercilless picture EDIT.

Fanfic: Past Personal Awesome.

Background: They do more, they have their own story.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/artifact.jpg.670fbf1699cfe1b7c1cff0859bce04b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/artifact.jpg.670fbf1699cfe1b7c1cff0859bce04b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator3768694.jpg.9b7122ab66776ea55d98bb16cf5f8723.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator3768694.jpg.9b7122ab66776ea55d98bb16cf5f8723.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kalarix said:
Please define difference between background and fanfic in our character thread.
A background is a narrator-only crib sheet on anything you'd like to flesh out on your character sheet. The expectation is that all of your actual background dots get a sentence or two minimum here. Go nuts if you want to, I did for this character here, bottom half of the second post (I called it associated fiction): Sinw

A fan-fic is actually having your character in action. This is a short story focused on some chapter of your character's past. It could be a dialouge between you and your mentor, you getting into trouble and how you fought/thought/tricked your way out of it, how you managed to find your artifact background, you fooling around with your monkey familiar on a sunny day on a tropical island of the West after a hard day at the dojo practicing Monkey Style, your Exaltation, using your first charm and how you and those around you reacted to it, almost anything. Make it real-time and focus on your character. Try and get across how your character reacts to Creation, like the appearace of a character in of a good fantasy novel or manga.

Example: 5th post, here Sinw

I should say that it has been a year since you Exalted. At the start of play you have had time to come to grips with having and have gained some mastery of a few bits of your almost limitless potential (your 10 charms, Bonus Points, ect).
I might need to call one or both of you for certain pieces of flavor ...and other details. I have 4 pages typed up here so far, some of it is still in outline phase, but I should be posting this weekend. I only just now started really going through the DVD you sent me as I had the book from Charles for the basics. Planning on using the info in there about the west for further details.

Part of this process is hindered by the fact that my computer is barely working at the moment so I'm stuck with 800x600 resolution and saving to a gmail draft.

What kind of timeline are we looking for starting the game?
I am pretty much raped by school (2 page paper in Japanese + 5 minute powerpoint presentation due over the next two days, 10 lesson plans [2-3 hours of work apiece] due Monday, 30 page thesis due Wednesday that I should probably submit a copy of sooner so I can get it proofread/checked for content).

To be honest, I am not even sure if I will have my character finalized by Wednesday. >.<
I'll go ahead and throw in my complaints for this week:

Worked about 10 hours Saturday and Sunday each, and I worked 12 hours or so yesterday (Monday I was able to get out of it a bit earlier, due to job interviews), and I'll probably be doing more 12 hour days through this week. I might work this weekend, depending on how things go, and who knows about next week...

So my stuff is pretty much on hiatus until I have more info. :(

On the plus side, I'll definitely be done by the new year, if I don't go crazy first.
Kalarix said:
What kind of timeline are we looking for starting the game?
I'm hearing late December from Keith, January from Chuck, whenever from Jess, whenever from Andy, and as soon as possble from me.

So I propose that we spend the month of December on Character creation/finilization and dealing with real life. We'll start play proper on New Years eve when I'll be having my party =D. Maybe if enough of you are in Indy at my place (Me, Chuck, Jess, Keith? Dave? Gas is cheap, Andy! If you're at my place you won't pay for drinks!) we can rifle off posts very quickly and get several quick pages. That gives you all 20 days to read, write, image search for pictures and post it all to the forums. I'll get 20 days to paint a fun and interesting West that's suited to your characters. I believe we can all make this deadline, please post agree/disagree with this proposal here in OOC.
I've got a friend coming in on New Years Day who is staying through the weekend, so I'll try to get all my stuff posted before then and keep an eye on this during that time. I've got a lot of time on my hands after the 19th (yay for working for an elementary school) so I'll have no excuse for not having things posted after that.
Mnemonsyne said:
I've got a friend coming in on New Years Day who is staying through the weekend
Coincedentally we'll still be partying through the weekend. Bring him/her by!
I'll be back in Ann Arbor, but need to stay local to work. Last year, delivery drivers made ~$100 on NYE. Even still, I'm nearly finalized with the basics and could begin solo-play shortly. As long as you don't mind spontaneous improvement as my toon remembers that he's more capable than he has been acting.
It's great that you can start shortly, Ket. However, I'd like to start everyone at the same time.

For everyone: If you've got extra Exalted time after you've written up your character I am available to do a short scenario where I whip up an antagonist (for combat, SC, mass combat or mass social combat) or tailored situation (for non-combat) where you figure out how your dice and charms work. This can be done in another thread here, in Gchat, over the phone, I'm flexible. The sooner the better because I would like to lock the character sheets on New Years Eve.
I'll have my fiction finished this weekend. After that, I'll have to actually fill in some dots and charms and such.
I've got some great things for you guys to do already. And writing them down brought some more details out. You will all be starting just outside of Gateway (either on land or in the sea, your choice. Any details you don't provide I will). p 21 of the West gives a brief description. It is the northernmost city on the island of Abalone of the Wavecrest Archipelagio. Once you get there I will of course give you much more details on the place through play.

Play will start in your character threads on New Years Eve.

The sworn brotherhood spell you all happen to be under is on page 122 of the DB book. Your characters have no knowledge of it until the first time you are within 40 yards of another member. It has a strength of 4.
Tikor said:
The sworn brotherhood spell you all happen to be under is on page 122 of the DB book. Your characters have no knowledge of it until the first time you are within 40 yards of another member. It has a strength of 4.
You can do that with a sworn brotherhood spell? I presumed it required the participants to accept the spell, as well as know of it when it was cast (and probably be present for it). If you want to GM fiat that it's not the same spell, and a Celestial/Solar circle one that lets that sort of thing happen, by all means. :)
NoisyCricket said:
If you want to GM fiat that it's not the same spell, and a Celestial/Solar circle one that lets that sort of thing happen, by all means. :)
I am adopting the mechanics of that spell as if it were already cast and being intentionally vague about its method of origin.
To all: Noisy Cricket has posted more fiction. Go have a read, it's a fun one.

EDIT: win<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/hero_zhao.jpg.2b9fbc371c6b4a6fb451b230a7f6138b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/hero_zhao.jpg.2b9fbc371c6b4a6fb451b230a7f6138b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The group thread has been updated from my lazy placeholder to something respectable.
Nice Tik, looking forward to the full intro.

Hoping to get most of my actual stats done this weekend, but those were less important than getting to know my character :-p

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