[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

They are CMA charms which means they are lesser than Solar Charms in power. I tend to avoid Snake and Solar Hero because of the mechanical fuzzyness in Snake proper and the Solar Hero expansion Charms in SotM.

If you're looking for more combat charms, look no farther than Solar Archery. They're quite potent, and make alot more sense with Valor 1 than Solar Hero Style (which is the embodyment of in-the-fray fighting).

EDIT: Also, there's a 'summon one' option for those black tie affairs.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/57a8bfb593dd1_gytherial-nightcastarcherthief.JPG.10c001afe2e169f51fbd3c75c51dc979.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/57a8bfb593dd1_gytherial-nightcastarcherthief.JPG.10c001afe2e169f51fbd3c75c51dc979.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Re: [Act 3] The mayor's

kaliket said:
How do I stunt a knowledge roll? Should I do a flip or say something snarky? Could I just ask questions to keep him talking? I want to make it a stunt, but I have no idea how.
The Admiral is rapidly listing off ship types and locations. You can say something like:

Stunter said:
The Admiral's rapid listing of ship classes, their owners and locations tested Balthazar's ability to follow the exacting detail but having sailed those very waters and encountered many of the ships in question allowed the Western captain to keep the information aligned in his head better than his meager knowledge of Naval intelligence would normally allow. Had he not seen Abalone's Darling and Danaa'd's Disciple on his latest trip to Gateway? The winds must be quite favorable for Abalone's Darling to be halfway to the Neck right now.

Stunter said:
Balthazar paid rapt attention to the Admiral, asking him to pause momentarily so that he might get a peice of paper to scribble upon. When Balthazar returned armed with pen and parchment he said "Admiral Tuk, this information is invaluable. I will have to consult you before The Lady in Green leaves port whenever I can". The Admiral took well to the flattery and humored Balthazar's requests to slow down and repeat himself periodically.
I won't rate these stunts since they are my own, but do know they are stunt worthy for this knowledge roll. Now, however, you have to come up with something else ^^.
Tikor said:
They are CMA charms which means they are lesser than Solar Charms in power. I tend to avoid Snake and Solar Hero because of the mechanical fuzzyness in Snake proper and the Solar Hero expansion Charms in SotM.
I'm not sure what mechanical fuzziness you're talking about in Snake style...short of whether or not you can use armor with it, and the errata on the wiki says you cannot use armor with the style.

Solar Hero has some great advantages (yes, the Scroll of the Monk charms aren't amazing, and neither is one of the other ones...), but it's a good style for someone who isn't going to be going combat crazy. You can use any unarmed attack or improvised weapon with it, along with some other weapons. You can also expand the charm set.

Also, according to the book, these two styles can both be learned by Solars without a tutor.

For flavor though, there's Seafaring Hero Style. It's a Terrestrial MA, so it's less powerful, but it is focused on ship-based combat. It is in Scroll of the Monk, page 59 of the book, 61 of the PDF

Tikor said:
If you're looking for more combat charms, look no farther than Solar Archery. They're quite potent, and make alot more sense with Valor 1 than Solar Hero Style (which is the embodyment of in-the-fray fighting).
That all being said, I do agree with Tikor. Having Valor 1 does not mesh well with any MA except perhaps the Wood and Air Dragon styles, and Righteous Devil Style.

Martial Arts are good if you want a certain theme, just enjoy martial arts, or feel like comboing a bunch of them together for interesting effects (not as amazingly broken as you would think, but it definitely can be powerful).

So honestly, for you, unless you like the flavor of them, I would go with archery or thrown charms (archery is more broken, but thrown can be fun, never listen to Tikor and his 'power levels' :-P).

If you want a good discussion on martial arts though, just hit me up.
This isn't for Balthazar. He's already committed to Archery, which looks awesome.

I'm just plotting/planning for if/when Balthazar buys a piece of it.

Its too bad they're underpowered.
kaliket said:
This isn't for Balthazar. He's already committed to Archery, which looks awesome.
I'm just plotting/planning for if/when Balthazar buys a piece of it.

Its too bad they're underpowered.
They're more 'different' than 'underpowered'.

As food for thought...

If we have an abyssal attack in the middle of this party...who is going to be able to do anything about it? You without your bow, or me with just my fists?

Yes, eventually you can get a charm that lets you make a bow from nothing, or summon your banished bow. The former costs a willpower though, and the latter requires you to imagine you might be going into trouble.

You can also look at a little charm called 'Knockout Blow' in the MA expansions in the main book, page 190. I don't actually know of any other ability that guarantees that whoever your fighting is unconscious for a full scene (roughly 20 minutes, since using this will probably end the fighting scene you're currently in).

How would you like to be 7-10 soak without any armor on for Lethal or Bashing damage? Go to page 240 and look at Snake Form and Essence Fangs and Scales Technique. You add your MA to your Bashing soak, and you can soak Lethal with your bashing soak. These two charms also subtract your essence in dice from any attacker's attack pool (I would call this an Illusion due to the fluff Tik), makes your unarmed attacks inflict lethal, and makes your unarmed attacks piercing (ignore half their armor's soak).

Compare those two charms with Iron Kettle Body (A scene length soak charm). They take 11 motes, aren't combo-ok (the biggest downside for me), and take 8 ticks total. Iron Kettle Body cannot be used with armor either, it is also Simple (also not combo-ok), and takes 4m 1 WP. It gives 4A/8L/8B. So you'll end up getting 9-10 soak.

And if you want something really fun, look at Laughing Wounds Style, starting on page 94 in Scroll of the Monk. Combo Kiss of the Whip and Instructive Punishment Method. Then, assuming that Tikor doesn't change how this work, take a look at the charm on the next page called Insatiable Slave Stamina. Then look at Page 382 of Core, and the Gem of Adamant Skin.

And yes, that last one is possible at character creation.
kaliket said:
This isn't for Balthazar. He's already committed to Archery, which looks awesome.
Good, then Valor 1 doesn't enter the equation.

kaliket said:
I'm just plotting/planning for if/when Balthazar buys a piece of it.
Writing up alternate characters is a great way to explore the charmsets. I highly recommend it.

kaliket said:
Its too bad they're underpowered.
Lunar Charms, Sidereal Charms, CMA, DB Charms and Spirit Charms are underpowered compared to Solar Charms by design. It's one of those things engrained in the setting, not an oversight of balance. It makes the Eclipse "I can haz your Charmz" anima power possible. Solars embody perfection, and their charms reflect this by doing x as damn well as x can be done.

But power isn't everything. Lunar Charms are more widely applicable, Sidereal Charms have Fate behind them, CMA can be learned by Terrestrials, DB Charms make great use of free reflexives, and Spirit Charms are chock-full of flavor.
NoisyCricket said:
You can also look at a little charm called 'Knockout Blow' in the MA expansions in the main book, page 190....
Knockout Blow is a Solar MA style expansion charm only attainable by Solars. Thus it's on the Solar power level.
NoisyCricket said:
These two charms also subtract your essence in dice from any attacker's attack pool (I would call this an Illusion due to the fluff Tik)
At the risk of retconning this when I re-read the charm, Illusion seems like a good keyword. 1WP to resist for an action, 3WP for a scene, no interaction with MDV sound fair?
Tikor said:
NoisyCricket said:
These two charms also subtract your essence in dice from any attacker's attack pool (I would call this an Illusion due to the fluff Tik)
At the risk of retconning this when I re-read the charm, Illusion seems like a good keyword. 1WP to resist for an action, 3WP for a scene, no interaction with MDV sound fair?
It sounds good to me. The penalty they'll have is generally going to be not worth it until you get up to essence 4+ (losing 2-3 dice on an attack isn't that great, but you can easily make up for it with an excellency.).

You could potentially make it max 2 willpower, and instead the Form would have to be reactivated.

It makes it easier to resist, but allows the martial artist to reapply it. The downside is that the martial artist has 3 ticks with no ability to use other charms.

I'd probably go with the 3 WP just to make it simpler.
Yes, it was definitely cheating. He PM'd me and I asked him to roll via the same medium and he botched. Thus he was completely convinced a thaumaturge was messing with him until Isomaru set him straight. You will similarly be thoroughly convinced of something erroneous until you gain further evidence/testimony. I'm mulling my responses over for maximum hilarity.

Your roll was to see if you picked up on the rumors about Laughing Waves that her presence inspires the crowd to retell.
Ok, so in the vein of theorycrafting here's a character concept that I've been mulling over. How would you flesh him out mechanically? There's not telling if I'd actually use this character or not. I really do just enjoy coming up with interesting hooks to hang things on.

Exalt Type: Solar

Home setting: Nexus

Mortal Occupation: Gang Leader

Mortal Motivations: Keep his friends and gang alive, pursue justice on the streets of Nexus

Exalted Motivation: Rule Nexus, expand sphere of influence/control

-Must include Cult 1 or greater
That character could go lots of different ways. The only limiting thing I'd say is that he'd need some Larceny and Presence (and probably a charm of two in each) to represent his gang leader status past/why the exaltation chose him. Easiest Caste would be Zenith, but Dawn, Night would work and with some streches Twilight and Eclipse (one of the Twilights in the 1e Twilight Caste book was a gang member, but not leader until his Exaltation).

As for why your roll was lower of War, Sail is that the admiral is the one talking. He's mentioning ships by their military class and war capabilites as often as their actual names. Also he's describing a great deal of water off the main trade routes, which Bureaucracy would have more purview over. Further he's likely using military shorthand coordinates and lingo to describe those waters, ships and owners.

Were a merchant talking to you of ship movements, be assured War would not be part of the equation.
Hey guys, I've found that running this game isn't all-life consuming and I could devote a bit more time to it (because, really, no WoW account makes my itch to have something devour my soul insatiable). I've invited another player, rcuhljr, to join us. I have no idea what shape his character will take, but do know that he is a PC and your stories will cross.

Also know that I'll be starting a new thread about character sheet tweaks, as there is a bit of unfinished business in some places. I don't want to tack this onto your current character sheet threads because they have blossomed into great in-character threads. I will be trimming the posts around character sheet development in the character threads once this processes is done.

EDIT: <.<<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/3226861248_ca6191020b_o.jpg.11d7194990e70a3e924373d8ba23153b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/3226861248_ca6191020b_o.jpg.11d7194990e70a3e924373d8ba23153b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aside from what's happened in-character, what do I know of Laughing Waves beyond what's posted?

When I hinted at knowing her and her family, I had no idea she is/was a plot device. =P

Well played, sir.
kaliket said:
Aside from what's happened in-character, what do I know of Laughing Waves beyond what's posted?
Total recap:

1) Her father is the most prominent salt merchant in Wavecrest. Salt merchants are important because they provide a cheap and effective defense against the Underworld. Their job is difficult because they must interact with numerous and hard to handle salt gods (see RoGD: 1).

2) Her mother is rumored to be quite the lover and adultress, and you had a meeting with her years before. The nature of that meeting is for you to decide.

3) It is rumored, by your two informants, that her mother is sterile and she was adopted in secret from a priestess.

4) She seems rather taken with Rillard... at the moment.

5) You're free to make things up I haven't specified (physical appearance, names, parentage, past ect.)

kaliket said:
When I hinted at knowing her and her family, I had no idea she is/was a plot device. =P
The Loom is mysterious in it's workings...

kaliket said:
Well played, sir.
Taking a break from job postings for a second...jeez...

Tikor said:
kaliket said:
Aside from what's happened in-character, what do I know of Laughing Waves beyond what's posted?
Total recap:

1) Her father is the most prominent salt merchant in Wavecrest. Salt merchants are important because they provide a cheap and effective defense against the Underworld. Their job is difficult because they must interact with numerous and hard to handle salt gods (see RoGD: 1).
Actually, the main reason salt is so important is for food. It's one of the better natural preservatives out there. It's also important in other industries. Go to page 362 of the Core book, page 28 in Roll of Glorious Divinity I, and starting on page 156 of The Blessed Isle book.

They're so important there's a big tax rate for them 'The Salt Rate'. You would almost certainly know about it as a merchant.

Tikor said:
kaliket said:
When I hinted at knowing her and her family, I had no idea she is/was a plot device. =P
The Loom is mysterious in it's workings...
Speaking as a GM...plot devices aren't always exactly 'planned'...for instance, I know a certain origami master who was just flavor until a player decided he wanted to keep her safe from an upcoming war... >.>
Noisy Cricket is a font of wisdom and inspiration for me to re-read those sections. I cannot suggest the same to you highly enough, should you wish to know about salt in Creation.
Just to be clear, did I have a liaison with Laughing Waves adopted mother (wife of salt merchant) or with the priestess? From my post, I recognize the family resemblence, so I want to say the priestess. Put another way, does Balthazar know the veracity of this rumor*?

You also never got back to me on whether salt exists in the Underworld. I still like the idea/superstition of sailors to never leave the beach after dark. The salt from the ocean might keep a Shadowlands at bay.

*Could she be my child?!
kaliket said:
You also never got back to me on whether salt exists in the Underworld. I still like the idea/superstition of sailors to never leave the beach after dark. The salt from the ocean might keep a Shadowlands at bay.
Please check out the Most Excellent Additions thread, I humbly offer up to you my meager tale.
NoisyCricket said:
Please check out the Most Excellent Additions thread, I humbly offer up to you my meager tale.
That story would have been far better if the ending had involved him showing them his hook. >.>
kaliket said:
Just to be clear, did I have a liaison with Laughing Waves adopted mother (wife of salt merchant) or with the priestess? From my post, I recognize the family resemblence, so I want to say the priestess. Put another way, does Balthazar know the veracity of this rumor*?
You also never got back to me on whether salt exists in the Underworld. I still like the idea/superstition of sailors to never leave the beach after dark. The salt from the ocean might keep a Shadowlands at bay.

*Could she be my child?!
Her legal mother, the wife of the salt merchant. You do not know the verasity of this rumor. The family resemblance could be from the salt merchant truly being her father. You don't know. She is not your child, too young.

Regarding salt, at the time I went and re-read some things, didn't find any useful info and then forgot about it. But I don't have the Underworld book. Chuck, do you have a reference?
Regarding Laughing Waves:

1) She bears some resemblance to the salt merchant and his wife.

2) She may be the daughter of a priestess

3) She may be a Dragon-Blooded

None of these things flatly contradict the other.

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