[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

I'll be posting tonight to kick us off, had time to reread social combat, but I'm off to Volleyball for now.
Could we get a retcon where the Mayor introduces everyone present? I know everyone at the table but WB. Others have had less protagonist time, so other probably know less. It might make things go more smoothly.

Also, do we count as being in a unit or does that only apply to non-exalted or non-PC groups?
kaliket said:
Could we get a retcon where the Mayor introduces everyone present? I know everyone at the table but WB. Others have had less protagonist time, so other probably know less. It might make things go more smoothly.
Short answer: no. I find it more interesting that Petrin thinks that you all know each other since he thinks you're Solars. Just like people think "Oh, you're from [town]? Do you know [y]?" and even though it's a very small town of 300 you just haven't bumped into them yet. Smooth is not the default mode for Exalted. If you want smooth you have to make it =^.^=. In fact I don't think any NPC in the room has a uniform amount of info on who you are and what you know.

kaliket said:
Also, do we count as being in a unit or does that only apply to non-exalted or non-PC groups?
This is explicitly *not* Mass Social Combat. Units do not exist.

During Mass Social Combat you definately can count as a unit if you so choose (so can any group of people, Exalted or non, PC or NPC), but I'd go re-read the consequences of losing Loyalty again before making that choice lightly, and read the last paragraph of this post.

In Exalted there are 4 seperate modes of confrontation all with slightly modified rules. There is Combat, Mass Combat, Social Combat and Mass Social Combat. I'll try to be incredibly explicit on which type of combat we're running for every confrontation. Situational changes can of course nessesitate a transition from one type to another (Someone unsheathing a weapon in Social Combat transitioning to Combat, or Petrin going back out to the main room for the support of his court transitioning from Social Combat to Mass Social Combat). The closest of the two modes are Social Combat and Mass Social Combat since they operate on the same tick system and with the same weapons, making them both the easiest to confuse and the easiest to transition to and from.

Act 4 is explicitly Social Combat at the moment. Were you to arrange yourself into a unit, we'd have to transition to Mass Social Combat, but that could be difficult considering WB doesn't know you and while your leadership skills are vast you may not (yet) be the recognized Social leader of the party. You'd have to convince them to arrange themselves under you and agree on a Policy (group motivation) somehow...
Tikor said:
kaliket said:
Could we get a retcon where the Mayor introduces everyone present? I know everyone at the table but WB. Others have had less protagonist time, so other probably know less. It might make things go more smoothly.
Short answer: no. I find it more interesting that Petrin thinks that you all know each other since he thinks you're Solars. Just like people think "Oh, you're from [town]? Do you know [y]?" and even though it's a very small town of 300 you just haven't bumped into them yet. Smooth is not the default mode for Exalted. If you want smooth you have to make it =^.^=. In fact I don't think any NPC in the room has a uniform amount of info on who you are and what you know.
Good. Part of my social combat at this very moment is the fact that I don't know what's going on. No need to smooth the road, it's part of the fun.

EDIT: <(^^<)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/Above_You.jpg.959d0296ebbce45c73da6fa54076fd4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/Above_You.jpg.959d0296ebbce45c73da6fa54076fd4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Don't have book,

What's the effective difference between dodging and parrying in SC other than a lower DV for parry?
MDDV is a 'disciplined refusal to engage'

PDV is 'deflect(ing) persuasion through retort'

Core p172 if you want to read more, but there's not much.
Continued from Act 4:

Step 1 will always tell you what's going to generally happen in step 10, provided the attack makes it to step 10. In combat this is usualy "Do as much damage as I can with X attack and/or Y charm" and thus we usually skip over the specifics because it's nearly always the same. Social Combat resolutions are more varied, and thus step 10 and step 1 are more interesting and need more clarification.

Now, Social Combat isn't mind control (though compulsion attacks border on it). The resolution could not be straightforward but still get the message across. For example an Investigation Social Attack of "Did you shave this morning?" could be unsuccessfully defended against with MDDV such that the defender is startled and puts his hand over his chin (and specified under the dashed line that he, in fact, did not shave). The attacker now knows the defender didn't shave, though the defender didn't actually use any words.
Kalarix said:
Don't have book,
What's the effective difference between dodging and parrying in SC other than a lower DV for parry?
Mentally dodging (Using DMDV with Integrity) is basically ignoring or declining to answer.

Mentally parrying (Using PMDV with Performance or Presence) is responding in some fashion. The way you respond will decide which defense you use. Unfortunately, if I recall, there aren't that many great examples for Parry MDV in the book, so I can't give you one that I feel comfortable that Tikor would absolutely accept as one or another, but I can make a crack at it:

Investigation attack: "What do you know of the murder of Cathak Ranar?"

Various Defenses:


Tybar slowly stands, keeping his eyes locked on his inquisitor as he speaks with radiant authority, "You would ask one of the Sun's Chosen, a priest no less, as to his business? Enough of this nonsense! You seek information on the murder, and I have none. Speak no more or know the wrath of a Pillar of Heaven!" He waves his hand dismissively, finished with this charade of an investigation.


Tybar leaps upon the table, looking around the room, "This man would ask my knowledge of a most heinous crime! All of you know me, and all of you know where I was that evening. My evening was spent meditating with the words of our god, the Unconquered Sun, as should every evening of one of the faithful." He scowls at the man.

For completeness, an Integrity defense:

Tybar stares at the man, as though offended that such a question would even be asked. With the sound of quiet thunder in his voice, he speaks "Sir, we would be best served speaking on other matters."
Thanks for the information guys.

The guards/servants choose MDDV in step 2
I was under the impression this was a private meeting room, I didn't see these guys on my way in :-p

I've retcon'd my post to reflect an appropriate response for not defending.
Kalarix said:
I was under the impression this was a private meeting room, I didn't see these guys on my way in :-p
Human labor is so cheap in the Second Age what you would notice is the lack of servants. =p
NoisyCricket said:
Various Defenses:
These are all appropriate and great and worthy of stunt dice. They are not complete, though, since one could defend with Invesigation. I'm thinking the Socratic Method or finding a loophole in someone's arguement. See page 172 of Core.

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