[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Tikor said:
Regarding salt, at the time I went and re-read some things, didn't find any useful info and then forgot about it. But I don't have the Underworld book. Chuck, do you have a reference?
Well, I don't have a reference per say...

But from what I understand, the Underworld isn't real, at least, not in the sense that Creation is.

When you see a ghost, you see his 'clothes' which aren't really clothes, but a part of him. They look like clothes because he remembers wearing them.

It mentions that as Creation expanded in the first age, so did the Underworld. Now, when that happened, the underworld was just a kind of formless mass...until people died. When they died, they remembered how the lands looked while they lived, and the Underworld changed to mirror it.

My guess is that if you tasted the water in the Sea of Shadows, it would vaguely taste like saltwater, but it isn't. It's just supposed to taste like salt water, because that's what the ghosts who died there over generations think it should taste like.

Does that make sense?
The Abyssal book, iirc, states that the way to reclaim a Shadowland is to sow it with salt. From that, I infer that salt is anathema to the Underworld.
I have updated the character sheet tweaks thread with regards to Balthazar, Noisy Cricket, Winter Breeze.
Two things:

1) I am wearing and attuned to my Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light. It takes the form of a delicate necklace.

2) Can my appearance be raised above 5? Say if I use Mastery of Small Manners while wearing the equivalent of a unique Armani suit.

EDIT: <(^^)><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator1417136ad2.jpg.75aacf8c9c9b293044677ce8d1cca23e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23463" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/motivator1417136ad2.jpg.75aacf8c9c9b293044677ce8d1cca23e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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kaliket said:
1) I am wearing and attuned to my Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light. It takes the form of a delicate necklace.
Thanks, please post this in-character if you happen to show up for Act 4.

kaliket said:
2) Can my appearance be raised above 5?
Chuck and I are having a friendly discussion on this, me of the yes persuasion and him of the no. The relevant text is in Core page 275 "Solar Exalts can increase Abilites and Attribute [sic] above this maximum with rare artifacts or other supernatural means, but they may never spend experience to do so without first raising the Essence score". I'm willing to call Charms 'other supernatural means'.

kaliket said:
Say if I use Mastery of Small Manners while wearing the equivalent of a unique Armani suit.
Your appearance +1 clothes that work in the West are as much of an appearance bonus as I'm willing to give via equipment. You could get something more widely applicable, but not more than +1 appearance. Since this is not supernatural it won't take you past 5. Your charm stacks with that and here in my game will allow you to get to 6 Appearance, were you at 5 without it (since the charm is a +1 bonus). I also notice that you are naturally Appearance 3, you could expend exp to up this attribute as well.
Tikor said:
kaliket said:
2) Can my appearance be raised above 5?
Chuck and I are having a friendly discussion on this, me of the yes persuasion and him of the no. The relevant text is in Core page 275 "Solar Exalts can increase Abilites and Attribute [sic] above this maximum with rare artifacts or other supernatural means, but they may never spend experience to do so without first raising the Essence score". I'm willing to call Charms 'other supernatural means'.
In this case, you wouldn't be 'raising your appearance' so much as:

1. Belonging. You look like you belong here, which might not seem mechanical, is.

2. Check out page 365-366 of the core book. Depending on what you and tik worked out, this might count as fine or better equipment. In which case, you get bonuses in some cases.

3. Stunting. This goes along with part 1 above, but I'll give you an example below.

Balthazar and Noisy Cricket stood across from one another, with Petrin Clubfoot moving his head helplessly side to side. Noisy Cricket had just made the argument that they should have served jasmine tea and not the rum they had, he had just finished a diatribe that the tea cleared minds and allowed a more harmonious party.

Balthazar draws himself to his full height, his clothes, the latest fashion in all of Wavecrest, are cut to his figure by the skills of a master Tailor. Not a thread out of place on his outfit, carefully chosen from this year's fashions to show his relative status, not offending his betters, and play on his being a captain of a well-regarded ship. Compared to the almost threadbare Noisy Cricket's traveling outfit, you would wonder as to why this socialite would even deign speak a word to argue his point. Balthazar cuts a figure that does not just say he is a guest of this party, he is the guest at this party.

"Noisy Cricket, while I understand your humble request, I must disagree. For you see, the rum allows for a loosening up of all of those in the party, which would allow them to harmonize with one another far better. In addition to this, the rum is of a wonderful vintage, perhaps the best I have had in decades." He throws a winning smile to Petrin Clubfoot, and raises his glass, of the just mentioned rum, in a toast.
Please keep in mind that all of these are my ideas, not Tikor's, so none of these necessarily apply to this campaign.

The argument we were having was if, by default, artifacts, sorcery, charms, and other magical effects could cause you to have an attribute which is higher than 5 or your Essence (whichever is higher). My argument is based on the Body of War Meditation Charm in Scroll of the Monk and the Deadly Beastman Transformation Knack in the Lunar book both explicitly stating that they can raise attributes higher than the normal maximums. Tikor's is based off of the section he mentioned above.

Both viewpoints have pluses and minuses (they basically nerf or buff certain charms/abilities).
NoisyCricket said:
2. Check out page 365-366 of the core book. Depending on what you and tik worked out, this might count as fine or better equipment. In which case, you get bonuses in some cases.
It is indeed superior equipment (exceptional clothing) that we discussed at chargen.
Tikor said:
NoisyCricket said:
2. Check out page 365-366 of the core book. Depending on what you and tik worked out, this might count as fine or better equipment. In which case, you get bonuses in some cases.
It is indeed superior equipment (exceptional clothing) that we discussed at chargen.
In that case, according to the book, it adds +1 die to all uses of the item.

I would argue you get a bonus (when appropriate) of 1 die to all related actions.

Since the clothes are appropriate for this party, I would say any socialize, performance, or presence rolls. You might also get this on bureaucracy, depending.

Your thoughts Tik?
NoisyCricket said:
Tikor said:
NoisyCricket said:
2. Check out page 365-366 of the core book. Depending on what you and tik worked out, this might count as fine or better equipment. In which case, you get bonuses in some cases.
It is indeed superior equipment (exceptional clothing) that we discussed at chargen.
In that case, according to the book, it adds +1 die to all uses of the item.

I would argue you get a bonus (when appropriate) of 1 die to all related actions.

Since the clothes are appropriate for this party, I would say any socialize, performance, or presence rolls. You might also get this on bureaucracy, depending.

Your thoughts Tik?
The related use is physical appearance and since that isn't rolled so much as a static value that influences other rolls mechanically I'm implementing that to be [+1 Appearance in the West while worn] with all the mechanics and fluff that go along with it. Being mundane it is of course not allowed to give a bonus beyond 5. Whereas a mask similar to a Scorpion's could aid in certain socialize rolls, a fine instrument aiding performance of it's music and a helmet noting one's military service could grant bonuses to presence rolls among allies, these clothes are not tied to an Ability, but an Attribute. Notice only the fine ones must be a specialty of an Ability.

Needless to say, these clothes would aid in any Appearance comparing that goes on with MDV both with Balthazar's attacks as well as being attacked by others, since Appearance influences that value. It would also help in seduction rolls (as long as he's not already naked =D). The clothes do not help in rolls Appearance does not mechanically impact, such as the searching for rumors roll Balthazar made in Act 3.
Sounds like a decent idea...

as for it not going above 5, keep in mind, 5 is the maximum normal human appearance...

If you're above that, in some way, you don't seem human anymore.

Imagine the hottest woman you've ever seen, the one who you compare everyone else against...

...now imagine her hotter, you can't find faults on this person's body. Their hair is always just right, their smile dazzles.

Honestly, of all of the attributes, I can't actually figure out what this one looks like past 5. That doesn't mean you should never go for it, but, much like reacting like a Dex 6 person, you're pretty much screaming that you're supernatural.

And should you ever get beyond 6...well, I would assume it just becomes more blatant.
Appearance 6+ is like having reality itself apply photoshop touches to you so that you're never in bad light, have any blemishes or any little mortal thing intefering with your out-and-out sexyness and/or physically startling attractiveness. You transcend the possible of Appearance.
Preacher, you got a smutty mind. I have no intention of going to a special hell.

I just need to know how condescending I should be. =P
kaliket said:
Act 3 XP please!
I have now given out the exp, but I have not locked the thread. You may still react to Gytherial's summons if you wish to, there, if you have not already.
Updates to my character thread:

1. Updated Background for Tikor's nagging :-P

2. Updated character sheet for Essence 3, and for a clarification on the martial arts intimacy
Yes, quoting the Burning Crusade trailer is appropriate at this time.
I lol'd, I then said "You are not prepared" in a somewhat appropriate context to someone else at work or just looked at me funny as I cracked up.
I still don't have a good read on WB's age? Her personal thread has many references to "little girl" did she Exalt at 10? 15? Help me out here. Balthazar suffers from the "I'm old and I know better" syndrome common to the middle-aged.

EDIT: There will be no help, clueless.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/57a8bfb59ed6c_innuendo3341551354_504b59da22_o.jpg.993863f04c903560f9511054e7cab19b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2009_03/57a8bfb59ed6c_innuendo3341551354_504b59da22_o.jpg.993863f04c903560f9511054e7cab19b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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kaliket said:
I still don't have a good read on WB's age? Her personal thread has many references to "little girl" did she Exalt at 10? 15? Help me out here. Balthazar suffers from the "I'm old and I know better" syndrome common to the middle-aged.
You initial guess is that Winter Breeze is just shy of 20 and that her extremely pale hair, large eyes and innocent features and petite frame just make her appear younger.

Your First Age memories remind you that your Lunar mate looked about 20 all the way up until her 3072nd year when you mercilessly teased her for the wrinkles about her mouth you had to use Charms to perceive. Those made her look about 25, when she wasn't using Appearance charms to cover them up.

So, no, you don't have a good read on WB's age.
In other news, if any of you are in contact with Wyuli (via phone, chat, or a certain MMO that will remain nameless), please bug him to post.
Ugh I completely forget about channeling virtues and willpower to add successes, would have made a lot of sense that my conviction helps me gather information the guy. >.> oh well next time.
rcuhljr said:
Ugh I completely forget about channeling virtues and willpower to add successes, would have made a lot of sense that my conviction helps me gather information the guy. >.> oh well next time.
Correct. And don't forget I've houseruled it so that you regain virtue channels daily.

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