[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Clarification needed:

Do I see this Dragonblooded here still? If so, what is he doing? I was assuming he was still threatening, but the way Waterblade is talking, I'm not so sure now.
Though you have no line of sight, you are aware of his presence. He is not far down the alleyway you first saw him at. The other one who threw the Chakram is similarly out of sight, but you know of his whereabouts in a general way, and know he he still on the rooftops.
@ Tik: I wasn't talking about joining the guard. What I meant was winning over the parts of the crowd who would stay and fight. Waterblade's guardsmen are his own.
Kaliket, that makes more sense. We'll assume Waterblade misheard you.

Kalarix, the deadline is dusk on the 4th day of Calibration, today.
If it wasn't apparent by my last comment to waterblade, I was planning on going to mayor's directly at this point as well.
Kalarix said:
Steps for people seeking the mayor's judgement and good graces no doubt; it's a bit too late for that now, we've landed him in the breakers either way, just by coming into port.
Bloody brilliant.

Kaliket said:
You insist on the oddest decision points.
Staring at the threads of Fate itself, minor things can take great import.

Remember that the next time you see a Sidereal kicking a puppy.
Tikor said:
Bloody brilliant.
Thank you! I figured if we're going to do a scene, DO the scene!

You insist on the oddest decision points.
Staring at the threads of Fate itself, minor things can take great import.

Remember that the next time you see a Sidereal kicking a puppy.
I was going to say something to the same effect, but with much less panache, nice lines :-p

EDIT: In general, don't question the storyteller on points of when to tell the story.
I'll be traveling on the 10th, 13th and 20th. Visiting family in Florida and New York for the week.

Get another round of posts in quick ;)
rcuhljr was at DragonCon this weekend. I'll give him a ring and see what he wants to do in this situation tonight.
Can my everyman disguise alter/change/remove the presence of sheathed weapons or items that I'm not actively using?
Tikor said:
As for your swords, the everyman armor is able to disguise your physical look and your dress (the scabbards), but when you draw them they are blazing bright gold orichalcum that scream "Anathema". You won't always look like you have two swords on you, but when you draw them (from seemingly inexplicable positions) they become what they are. When a weapon is part of your disguise you may look as if you are using it but it has no bonus stats - you attack as if unarmed.
And I should clarify

"When a weapon has no reality other than being part of your disguise you may look as if you are using it but it has no bonus stats - you attack as if unarmed" - so that would not apply to weapons that do exist, but are also disguised."

That took a good while to find in this beast of an OOC thread.
I can't, too much time off recently :(

really wasn't complaining much about the post timing (I'm as much of a culprit on that as anyone), just commenting that the situation itself was suspenseful.

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