[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Post edited in the current scene.

I will force Tikor to name and stat every one of his random extras he throws at me. >.>

List so far:

Random ship captain


Mortals fighting me
Rillard rolled the following in his 16 dice:

5, 5, 8, 7, 4, 9, 8, 2, 9, 5, 10, 6, 7, 10, 10, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 12 successes.

Roflstomped :shock:
Since the person I'm talking to is not involved in the social combat, am I still in the tick system? Should our conversation switch to my personal thread?
Kalarix said:
Rillard rolled the following in his 16 dice:
5, 5, 8, 7, 4, 9, 8, 2, 9, 5, 10, 6, 7, 10, 10, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 12 successes.

Roflstomped :shock:
Certain parties, despite being compassionate, appreciate this gesture, and hope that it ends a certain issue soon...

...or at least gets me one of the nicer cells.


kaliket said:
Since the person I'm talking to is not involved in the social combat, am I still in the tick system? Should our conversation switch to my personal thread?
Nope. I have plans for you.
[joke] Obviously you both need to call/e-mail Rillard, social engineer his new g/f's e-mail address or phone number out of him, and sell her on Exalted. Then we'll get some playtime out of him ^^ [/joke]

I'm willing to cut the guy a bit of slack what with the no forums at work and interesting personal life going on. I'll continue to cheerlead for the forum via cellphone when he pops over the limit and he's at some game-defining MDV stunt like he is right now. If it's just rolling Perception+Awareness or his turn in a combat he's not central to, I'll throw some dice or guard for him as appropriate.
Tikor said:
[joke] Obviously you both need to call/e-mail Rillard, social engineer his new g/f's e-mail address or phone number out of him, and sell her on Exalted. Then we'll get some playtime out of him ^^ [/joke]
Celestial Monkeys ignore the Joke tag.

Also, considering my list of people I have addicted to RPGs...

...I think I might be able to sell her on Exalted.

Kalarix said:
Thank you all for your patience in this trying time of RL social interaction and actual work at work :-P
[joke]You, sir, are violating the central tenets of geekdom. Keep this up and you will be excommunicated. I bet you're not even coming to gencon.[/joke]
Guys, stuff is happening and I can't really post much till Monday 7/27 at the least. I may post here and there but it will be very slowly. My apologies

- Tikor
Everyone, my apologies for the delay. Neither of the things I put the game on hold to deal with have met with closure, but, damn it, I miss ST'ing for you guys.

One of these things is work, which has become a madhouse. I'm transitioning into a new role but my old one isn't done. Expect my posts to be in the evening.

In other news, that was a pretty weak comeback post. If I was logging on at all I totally would have done that >.>
Did I miss a transition to combat time? How am I acting socially while he's acting physicially? Do I need to roll Join Battle?
Kalarix said:
kaliket said:
Did I miss a transition to combat time? How am I acting socially while he's acting physicially? Do I need to roll Join Battle?
I think:

Tikor said:
To everyone else: I'll get the ticks thing figured out shortly.
What he's concerned about is that he had an unexpected attack (which he saw), go through, then another attack was declared.

Generally, if you're attacked, Join Battle should be rolled. In this case, it looks like he's basically not getting a chance to do so.

Otherwise, it's going to be a bit arbitrary on when people get to act (which is slightly important for Balthazar at the moment).

I'm guessing Tikor just forgot (considering we jumped in combat types).

I believe it was the Stranger's turn (or the hidden person who attacked Balthazar) who should have declared Join Battle from their Social Combat tick.

Then Join Battle happens (or in this case, a surprise attack first), followed by normal battle, until resolved. Then we jump back to Social Combat time or Narrative time, whichever is appropriate.

Tikor or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong though (which I might be, it is 2 AM).
Forums have dropped posts. Can i spend willpower now on the post damage rolls? And do I take a -2 penatly? Is it one stunt for all three?
kaliket said:
Forums have dropped posts. Can i spend willpower now on the post damage rolls? And do I take a -2 penatly? Is it one stunt for all three?
Yes, it seems the forums have indeed eaten my latest post...

Yes, you can spend willpower on any rolls. DV's are difficulties, not rolls, so they don't get the WP coolness. You do not take any penalties for actions on the same tick those actions occured (things are simultaneous crunch-wise, even if they fluff-wise have a sequential order). It is one stunt for all 3, which I made clear in my post, and will have to do again...
NoisyCricket said:
I'm guessing Tikor just forgot (considering we jumped in combat types).
It was deliberate, though I forgot to explain myself.

We're on tick 12. It's rather silly for it to be the 3rd Join Battle/Debate/War roll of the scene.

That said, as always, I'm willing to listen to arguments here in OOC. Perhaps skipping Join Debate is ok (like the first transition) but skipping Join battle (like the second transition, the one we're talking about here) is not. I've got my safari hat out.
Tikor said:
That said, as always, I'm willing to listen to arguments here in OOC. Perhaps skipping Join Debate is ok (like the first transition) but skipping Join battle (like the second transition, the one we're talking about here) is not. I've got my safari hat out.
I've seen transitions being done in some of the example fights they have on the wiki (I think it was the Mass Combat example), and I would tend to follow that as the guide.

Changing tick types should be the trigger for another roll. Since they were already in Long Tick time, no reason to redo Join Debate, if need be, just say he's been observing until that point, and his Join Debate result is meaningless. Balthazar would have already been in the tick system, so keeps his spot.

When it changes to normal ticks, it's time to roll, resolve as needed, then jump back into long ticks if necessary.

If this was the only attack? I would be tempted to ignore join battle, but considering how quickly this could turn into a brawl, I would hesitate to handwave it away.

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